Tag Archives | Great Britain

Muslim Calls Reporter ‘Islamophobic and Racist’ For Asking Him How He Feels About Beheadings; Reporter Snaps Back, ‘Nonsense! Get Over Yourself’

In a very instructive exchange with a Sky News reporter, a British Muslim and representative from the group CAGE was appalled by a question about whether he was ‘appalled’ by beheadings carried out by ‘Jihadi John’, identified as Mohammed Emwazi as Shoebat.com has reported. Instead of answering the question, Cerie Bullivant said the reporter was […]

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Notorious ISIS Beheader Revealed as Wealthy College Grad with Plenty of Job Opportunities But Went to Syria To Behead People

The ISIS beheader most commonly known as ‘Jihadi John’ was not driven to Islamic terrorism by poverty or a lack of job opportunities. It’s been revealed that his name is Mohammed Emwazi. According to a Washington Post report, Emwazi comes from a wealthy family in the UK and has a college degree in computer programming. […]

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Louisiana Governor Insists ‘No-Go Zones’ Exist in the UK and is Quickly Attacked by CNN Even Though CNN Did a Report on ‘No-Go Zones’ in the UK Two Years Ago

The exposing of Muslim ‘no-go zones’ has suddenly become a hot-button issue with Muslims. Whenever something like that happens, Islam’s left-wing media lapdogs go on the attack on behalf of the Muslim communities. The latest victim of this attack is Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. While in London, Jindal charged that Muslim ‘no-go zones’ are a […]

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British Man Arrested for Burning Qur’an

There is perhaps no European country experiencing more mass Islamic immigration than Great Britain. The arrest of a man for burning a Qur’an and putting it on video is another in a long line of signals that freedom of expression is under grave threat. According to a report at the Yorkshire Standard: A 19-year-old from […]

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Jihad Against Westerners has Begun and Is on the Rise as Enraged Muslim Terrorists Murdering Cops and Mowing Down Civilians

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** It has now become obvious that the Jihadi enticement against cops and civilians is on the rise as Shoebat.com urged citizens three months ago to get ready for these attacks in the ISIS Manifesto. The phenomenon as we warned will focus on the U.S., France, Canada and the U.K. The […]

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Terror State to Build Palatial Monument of Conquest in London

If there is a state sponsor of terrorism not officially designated as such, the nation of Qatar would certainly be in the top two. Nonetheless, Great Britain is set to be home to a Mega-Palace after the Qatari Royal Family purchased three very large homes and plans to consolidate them into one large mansion. According […]

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Politician Explains What His Country Would Look Like Without Islam

Machiel de Graaf is a Member of Parliament in the Netherlands. He is also a member of Geert Wilders’ PVV / anti-Islam Party. During a speech to Parliament, de Graaf enumerated the number of ways the Netherlands would be different if there was no Islam in the country. It’s a long list… It wasn’t so […]

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Some Politicians Harnessing Citizen Anger over Islamic Invasion

Dutch politician Geert Wilders recently spoke in Lyon, France about the need to deal with the Islamization of Europe. It is worth noting how far Europe has come in this regard over the last 10 years. Wilders was introduced by French politician Marine Le Pen, whose National Front Party has been making significant gains in […]

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British Bishop Wants Prince Charles to Surrender to Islam

There are plenty of Muslims in Great Britain who are pushing for the inclusion of Islam into British society. They don’t need any help from British political and religious authorities but they sure are getting it. The latest example comes from the Daily Mail, which quotes a top bishop who says the Qur’an should be […]

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Muslim who Joined ISIS Admits To Hating Woman Who Gave Birth to Him

He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; Daniel 11:37-38 A convert to Islam tied to notorious British Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary has joined ISIS and […]

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British Legal Experts Reject Sharia-Inspired Wills

In what can only be seen as at least a partial victory for Sharia law opponents in non-Muslim lands, legal experts in UK are abandoning the practice when it comes to drafting wills. As is usually the case, the action was brought about because enough people got mad. The Telegraph reported: The Law Society has […]

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Muslims Patrolling London Streets To ENFORCE Sharia as British Government Considers Ban on CRITICISM of Sharia

As the British government seriously considers policies that could lead to the banning of criticism of Sharia, proponents of Sharia are patrolling London streets to enforce Sharia. Clarissa Ward, a reporter for liberal CBS News interviewed British Islamist Anjem Choudary and a figure from his inner circle. The two men make no bones about demanding […]

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Mindless Politicians Think Banning Criticism of Sharia Will Lead to Peace with Muslims

For years, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has been pushing hard to criminalize any and all criticism of Islam in non-Muslim countries; it’s what the Innocence of Muslims video and Danish cartoons were used to help accomplish. There are now politicians in Great Britain who are actually attempting to move closer to that very […]

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British Prime Minister David ‘The Dhimmi’ Cameron Brings Muslims to 10 Downing Street and Insists ISIS not Islamic

If you’re able to watch this all the way through, you should get an award. British Prime Minister David Cameron couldn’t have embarrassed himself more if he’d have given this speech wearing nothing more than shoes and socks. The occasion was an Eid reception at 10 Downing Street and Cameron referenced the atrocities committed by […]

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The Islamic Terrorist Money Trail Leads to Traitors

As the old saying goes… If you want to get the truth, follow the money. Great Britain is starting to figure out that one huge money trail of Islamic terrorism leads directly to a small country off the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia – Qatar. Few outsiders have noticed, but radical Islamists now control Libya’s […]

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British Politician Calls David Cameron a ‘Coward’ and ‘Traitor’ in Public Square

Paul Weston is a British politician who is no stranger to controversy. Last year, he openly admitted that he was a racist and an Islamophobe in order to prove a point. Earlier this year, he was arrested in the public square for quoting Great Britain’s most revered Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. Now Weston has taken […]

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