Let’s agree on a few things, shall we? Anti-Semitism = Racism The Democratic Party is supposedly the Party that rejects Racism Hamas is a Racist group Hillary wants to negotiate with Hamas if they behave Hillary is willing to support a Racist group To demonstrate how ludicrous this is, ask yourself if it would be […]
Tag Archives | hillary clinton
Must-See Video: Rand PAC Ad goes after administration for sending F-16’s to Egypt
Rand Paul confronted Hillary Clinton better than any other Senator this past week. None of the others could even be seen in his rearview mirror. Is it good enough just to be informed? Consider being a partner in saving the lives of Christians in Muslim countries, click here for details. Great ad / great music […]
Video: Rand Paul explains why he asked Hillary about CIA Annex in Benghazi being involved in gun trafficking
After Senator Rand Paul out-performed every other Senator or Congressman who questioned Hillary Clinton about Benghazi, he appeared on Hannity to discuss a central focus of his exchange with Hillary. That central focus, which was shockingly not picked up on by subsequent questioners, was the role of the CIA Annex. Another very telling aspect to […]
Time to call David Petraeus back to Testify about Hillary not knowing if CIA Annex involved in Gun Running?
Yesterday, when Senator Rand Paul asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if the CIA Annex in Benghazi was being used as a hub for gun trafficking to Turkey and other countries (Syria), Clinton initially directed Paul to the CIA to have his question answered. She ultimately said “I do not know” after being pressed. Even […]
Audio: House Speaker John Boehner knows something about CIA Annex (and he’s not telling)
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) appeared on Laura Ingraham’s radio show and discussed the testimony of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton relative to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11. At the end of this clip via the Daily Caller (h/t Diana West), Boehner addresses the question asked of Clinton by Rand Paul, which involved whether or not […]

Did Hillary commit Perjury… twice in one day?
In two otherwise pathetic performances by Republican congressmen – save for a few exceptions – who laid down like subjects in front of Queen Hillary, there were two exchanges – one during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing and the other during the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing – where the Secretary of State may […]
Video: Hillary grilled by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Benghazi
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee was one of the few Senators on the committee who actually challenged Clinton. Here is the exchange.
Gen. Boykin: Wants to know if Benghazi was about Gun Running
Retired General Jerry Boykin was interviewed by Terrence Jeffrey recently and believes that the CIA Annex / Consulate in Benghazi, Libya may have been about gun running and supplying Syrian rebels with weaponry. Click Here and scroll down to watch the interview. “Unsung Davids”, a new and powerful book tells the story of ten modern-day […]
IMMA Founder Abdullah Omar Naseef tied to Rupert Murdoch?
Regular readers to this site probably remember the name Abdullah Omar Naseef. He is the founder of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), the organization at which Huma Abedin served as an assistant editor for approximately twelve years. During the controversy that involved Abedin and letters sent by Michele Bachmann to various Inspectors General […]
Hillary on 9/11/12: ‘Some’ have blamed the anti-Muhammad video
Susan Rice has got to have steam shooting out of her ears… We now know that Hillary Clinton issued a statement ON 9/11/12 that pointed to the anti-Muhammad video as being involved in the Benghazi attack: “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet.” – […]
Do State Department Cables rule out incompetence in case of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin?
Perhaps the findings of the now infamous Accountability Review Board (ARB), established by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi is a microcosm of a much larger problem at the State Department. In the case of the Benghazi investigation, no one was found to be accountable; the […]

George Bush’s Dubai Ports World deal vs. Al Gore’s Al Jazeera deal
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a mere 236 miles east of Doha, Qatar, where the headquarters of Al Jazeera is located. After the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to the Arabic news network, Al Jazeera America is expected to broadcast from New York. Via World Atlas: In 2006, the Dubai Ports World (DPW) […]
Hillary’s blood clot quite rare
When news broke that Hillary Clinton had been hospitalized with a blood clot in an unspecified location and was being treated with blood thinners, it was widely reported that such treatment indicated the blood clot was likely in one of her legs, that blood thinners are rarely used to treat a clot in the brain […]
Hillary NOT Healed!! reportedly in New York hospital with blood clot
This is a story with multiple developments. Keep in mind that all of his is transpiring with a Benghazi backdrop, which is what makes it especially relevant to our work. Yesterday, based on a December 29th report from Dominican Today via Gateway Pundit, we posted that Hillary Clinton and her husband were celebrating New Years […]
Hillary Healed!!… Just in time to Celebrate New Year’s Eve in the Dominican Republic
Click here for an update to the post below. —— The credibility of John Bolton’s comment that Hillary Clinton’s decision not to testify in front of Congress about Benghazi on December 20th was the result of a ‘Diplomatic Illness’ just got another shot in the arm. As the world has been kept in the dark […]
Question for Senator Marco Rubio: How much of what Hillary knows about Benghazi does Huma know?
…(the Muslim Brotherhood’s) work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. – Muslim Brotherhood document, 5/19/91 […]