By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man named Sunny was shot in the head on April 16th by a Muslim security guard named Umer Farooq. The two were both employees at a bank, with the Muslim being a security guard and the Christian a sweeper. Umer kept pushing Sunny to convert Islam, by telling him that […]
Tag Archives | islam christianity
Muslim Stabs Innocent Man To Death In Broad Daylight (CAUGHT ON VIDEO)
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat The video you are about to see is not a gangster killing another gang, but a grocery story owner from the Swedi District in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who was upset with his employee, a poor foreign worker from India. So he decided to make an example of […]
Muslims Want To Commit Final Solution On Christians (Get Ready For Another Holocaust)
By Theodore Shoebat In a speech held last night at a Vigil for Syria held at Farm Street Jesuit Church, Lord Alton of Liverpool, a British politician, gave warning to the world of a Final Solution on Christians. Of course, this coming Final Solution will be done by Muslims. Lord Alton stated: We in the […]
Muslims Take 13 Christians And Chop Their Heads Off
By Theodore Shoebat Just two days ago reported on the brutal massacre that took place in the Syrian Armenian village of Kessab in which Muslims, sent by Turkey, butchered eighty Christians. Well, according to Barnabas Fund, it turns out that amidst this slaughter, Muslims took at least thirteen Christians and chopped their heads off […]

Muslims Slaughter 400 People In Killing Fields And Impregnate 3000 Women
By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Muslims in Syria have butchered 400 people in mass killing fields, and have also impregnated 3000 women through sex jihad. We have learned this information through our Middle East contact Sister Hatune Dogan, who we partnered with in order to rescue Christians in Syria and Iraq, Turkey and […]
Muslims Force Young Christian Girls To Watch Their Mother Get Beheaded
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Somalia seized two Christians, a mother of two daughters and her cousin, and after calling the entire village to gather together, they beheaded them in cold blood. The Muslims were so absent of shame, that they even had the woman’s two daughters, ages 8 and 15, watch their own mother […]
Muslims Kill 115 People, Burn 1500 Buildings And Destroy 400 Vehicles
By Theodore Shoebat In just one attack on Wednesday, Muslims in Nigeria have slaughtered 115 people, put 1500 buildings to flames, and destroyed 400 vehicles, according to Al Jazeera . The Muslim jihadists who organized the slaughter, Abubakar Shekau, released a video message in which he said: The reason I will kill you is that […]
Muslims Murder 93 Christians In A Very Short Amount Of Time
By Theodore Shoebat The savage killing of Christians by Muslims is already happening. Just this Sunday, Muslims stormed the Christian village of Izge in Nigeria, making their cries of “Allahu Akbar!”, killing everyone in sight, and indulging in plunder. According to one resident, the Muslim barbarians butchered 93 Christians in cold blood. One witness survivor […]
The Most Savage Killing Of Christians Is Already Happening
By Theodore Shoebat (Exclusive) We live in the midst of death, in the presence of tyrants covered in the blood of the guiltless, protected by the shields of sycophants and callous cantonments of men who have given their hearts to idols as lofty as the darkest cloud, who have kept the soil of their souls […]
Muslims Beat Christian Man Within An Inch Of His Life
By Theodore Shoebat This man had a gun put on his head, by Muslim jihadists, and he was told that if he did not convert to Islam that his children would be kidnapped. He was beaten so badly by the Muslims that he was a hair away from death, and from losing his life. Thanks […]
End Times Today, Episode #6