By Theodore Shoebat EXCLUSIVE Japan right now is playing the role of a peacemaker merely worried about the swelling power of China. For example, just today Japan agreed to transfer 700 pounds of plutonium to the United States, and this is considered by Fox News to be “a victory” for Obama’s plan to secure nuclear […]
Tag Archives | japan
Why We Must Focus On Buddhism As A Threat To America
By Theodore Shoebat (EXLCUSIVE) I once had a conversation with an American who converted to Buddhism. He continued to repeat the typical mantra, that Buddhism is a religion of peace. After hearing his case long enough, I told him, “The men who bombed Pearl Harbour, which religion did they belong to?” He stood silent for […]
Malaysia Airlines Plane Crash Could Be Due To Islamic Terrorism
EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat While a Malaysia Airlines airplane is still missing, the culprits have yet to be announced. The airplane went completely off the radar without any emergency call or mayday signal, and there was no sign of dangerous weather, which leads one to suspect terrorism. Another indication to this suspicion is the fact […]
China Says It Will Use “Forceful” Action Against Japan If Provoked
By Theodore Shoebat Chinese major general and former former head of the foreign affairs office of the Ministry of National Defense, Qian Lihua, confirmed that China will use forceful action against Japan, and any other country that treads upon its disputed territory. He said: We don’t expect any kind of war to break out and […]
Antisemitism On The Rise In Japan
Theodore Shoebat At least 265 copies of Anne Frank’s Diary, and other books on Anne Frank, have been found ripped apart and destroyed in 31 libraries across Tokyo, in Japan. The deplorable vandalism is no isolated incident, the amount of books damaged and the number of libraries in which it was done attests to this. […]

Why We Must Watch Japan In Our Study Of End Times
By Theodore Shoebat While the world is focusing on China and North Korea, there is one nation that has escaped the eye of the universal radar: Japan. Many evangelical writers have continuously affirmed that the armies of the Antichrist will comprise of armies from the Middle East, China, and Russia. While they are fixated on […]
Muslims Promote Antichrist One-World Religion In Brutal Plan To Kill Christians
By Theodore Shoebat There are two kingdoms, one of pure light and the other of pure darkness, and as all of humanity bears witness, the glimmering brilliance of the dawn’s awakening foretells which one shall gain the victory, with the borders of Heaven meeting and giving comfort to the miserable earth. Amongst the ranks of […]
Just Say No: Japan takes Nancy Reagan slogan to heart when dealing with Muslims
Political correctness has been slowly strangling western civilization for decades now, particularly with respect to Islam. In Japan, not so much. Via the Jewish Press: There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples […]
Christian Persecution: A choice between Shame and War
Friends Keith Davies Executive Director of The Walid Shoebat Foundation and F.F.M.U. – latest piece published on blog a few minutes ago. Supportive comments on the Big peace web site would be appreciated. Link is below. As world events are reported, another tragedy that rarely makes the headlines is happening and has been […]