Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a film showing mass executions by Muslims on Iraqi soldiers, and of course this is footage the US administration does not want you to see. This series of killings is part of a series of human sacrifices that have been being conducted by Muslim militants in Iraq and Syria, […]
Tag Archives | jihadism
Muslims Torture Christian Man For 17 Days Straight, And Then Threaten To Kill His Entire Family (But We Saved Him)
By Theodore Shoebat (SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE) Muslims in Pakistan tortured a Christian man for 17 days straight, and then threatened to kill his entire family. Imagine living your life when the wolves of the devil incessantly are behind you; they track your every step, and anticipate your every move. They ceaselessly tear down the strength of […]
Muslims Electrocute Man’s Testicles
Posted by Theodore Shoebat A man named Ahmed Primo explains how he, after being kidnapped by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) terrorists, was tortured with excruciating and sadistic methods. He was blind folded for weeks and the Muslims even went so far as to electrocute his testicles. After enduring such suffering, he […]
New Islamic Song: “We will enter Churches and slaughter Christians”
By Theodore Shoebat (Exclusive) In a new video leaked from the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram, Muslim fighters are found singing a jihadist song, the lyrics of which go as follows: We are working for Allah and must bring Shariah to existence; we are committed to protecting Muslims from being annihilated by infidels. We are […]
Muslims Take 13 Christians And Chop Their Heads Off
By Theodore Shoebat Just two days ago reported on the brutal massacre that took place in the Syrian Armenian village of Kessab in which Muslims, sent by Turkey, butchered eighty Christians. Well, according to Barnabas Fund, it turns out that amidst this slaughter, Muslims took at least thirteen Christians and chopped their heads off […]
Muslims Sentence Christian Man To Death
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan have sentenced a Christian named Sawan Masih to death because of a false accusation of blasphemy law that was slanderously brought upon him. Naeem Shakir, one of Masih’s lawyers, made this straightforward statement: The judge has announced the death sentence for Sawan Masih. We will appeal the […]
Christians Must Bear Arms And Become Militant, Or Else They Will Be Eradicated
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat Palestinian Christians in Tel-Aviv, Israel, have gathered together to openly and boldly support Israel, and its protection of Christians, and to call out on the EU’S indifference toward the massacre of Christians. They also came to reveal the plan to eradicate Christians in the Middle East, and […]
Christians Fight Muslims With Heavy Canons, Guns And Bravery In New Crusade
(SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE) By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Christians in Syria have risen up in a new militia called The Lions of the Canyon , and they fight with heavy canons, guns, and bravery in a new crusade. The cries of man are an endless sea, surrounded by precarious lands upon which stand the hollow […]
Muslims Crucify Man On Public Display
Posted by Theodore Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Watch this video showing a crucified man on public display. Muslims are crucifying people, and you will see this more frequently. This is all in accordance to the Quran: The punishment of anyone who fight against Allah and His apostle and do mischief in the land is to be killed […]
Muslims “are intentionally decimating entire Christian villages.”
By Theodore Shoebat A large body of Christians in Nigeria gathered together today to mourn the recent massacre in which Muslims killed 150 people. This is not the first slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, and it seems as though these major massacres are happening almost at a weekly basis. The pool of Christian blood is […]
Muslims Brutally Execute Two People
Posted by Theodore Shoebat (Exclusive) Muslims in Iraq have executed two election workers. This violence is scourging the Church in Iraq. We are currently working with Sister Hatune to deliver Christians in Iraq. Please donate so we can continue our in saving Christians in Iraq. The horrifying video can be watched here: We have partnered […]
Muslims Blow Up Eight People With Vicious Bomb
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya detonated a bomb in Benghazi, killing at least eight people and wounding more than a dozen. According to one writer: A first bomb exploded at the front gate of the academy as soldiers were leaving a graduation ceremony, security officials said. Several cars parked outside exploded. One or two […]

Muslims Execute Christian Professor In His Car
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian medical school professor named Adison Karkha was found murdered in his car today. According to the agency LANA, he was stopped and executed on his way to work. According to Libyan military officers, jihadists in Libya have intensified their presence, which means that more Christian blood will be being shed. […]
While Obama Helps Jihadists, He Kills Christians
By The Persecuted Christian As we have already pointed out in part 1 that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East is accelerating and nobody is paying attention. The rise in Islamic militancy is a byproduct of the Arab Spring and Christian minorities throughout the Islamic world are facing threats that until now, are […]
Muslims Force Young Christian Girls To Watch Their Mother Get Beheaded
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Somalia seized two Christians, a mother of two daughters and her cousin, and after calling the entire village to gather together, they beheaded them in cold blood. The Muslims were so absent of shame, that they even had the woman’s two daughters, ages 8 and 15, watch their own mother […]
Islamists Plan To Commit Major Genocide Of Christians
EXCLUSIVE By Kamil Toume Islamists are planning on committing a major genocide on Christians. How do we know this? History is a portal into the future. The Muslims committed one of the greatest genocides on Christians in history: The Armenian Genocide. The Armenians, a Christian group, had lived in the rugged mountain region of eastern […]