Posted by Theodore Shoebat This man was killed in a horrendous way, without mercy by a mob of blasphemous Muslims devils who are absent of any affection or moral reason: After watching this, PLEASE DONATE NOW AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Tag Archives | kill
Muslims Murder One Year Old Boy, Including 90 Year Old Grandmother
Watch Theodore Shoebat on The Dove , talking about the horrific massacres taking place in the Muslim world against Christians. DONATE NOW AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Greece Refuses To Open Mosques, And Tells Off Antichrist Nation Of Turkey
By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues on… Greece is standing its ground against the Muslim heretics. The Greek capital of Athens has refused to open any official mosque, in the desire of the Orthodox Christian population. While Athens has about 200,000 Muslims, thankfully it has not provided the haters of Christ the liberty to have […]
Muslims Tie Girl To A Tree, Burn Her With Cigarettes And Gang Rape Her
Watch this video of the account of this Christian girl, who Rescue Christians saved, of the unendurable pains she suffered under the Muslims. I posted this video before, but it did not get the views it deserved. AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
EURABIA: Islamohobia, the Rage of the Islamic “Street” & Civil Society
What Hamas Is Doing To Southern Israel Will Inflame Jews It is unpredictable how Jews in the United States will react to these rocket attacks and non-Jews should be on guard against angry rioting Jews. Can you imagine such a thing? Or the pope announces that non-Christians should beware because Christians are upset about something […]
What Would Happen If A Palestinian State Was Created?
What Would Happen If A Palestinian State Was Created? Click here or on the image to view the media clip:
The Plight of Assyrian Christians (Part 2)
The Plight of Assyrian Christians (Part 2) Click here for media:
Palestine Will be the Future Capital of the Caliphate
Palestine Will be the Future Capital of the Caliphate Click here for the video clip:
Turkish Genocide
Turkish Genocide Short video exposing the Muslim Genocide of Kurds and Armenians… ALSO, please take a moment to visit our new Shopping Cart to rate and write a review for any products you have bought for us (or any product that is related to our Organization that we offer on our websites). Thanks […]
Persecution of Ex-Muslim Converts to Christianity in Egypt
This is small segment of “Persecution of Christians in Egypt” documentary broadcasted by UK’s channel 4 approximately 3 years ago. Click here to view the video clip:
What to Expect: The Effect Of Muslim Population Growth on a Society
by Michael Haltman, Homeland Security Examiner June 23, 2010 …original article… …click here for a related video from our media library… In the book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, written by Dr. Peter Hammond, he explores the topic of the impact that an increasing Muslim population has on that society. […]
Home Grown Jihadists – Terror Camps In USA, Right Underneath Our Noses

Sisterhood List and It’s Defined Goals
THE SISTERHOOD LIST AND DEFINED GOALS In Al-Liwa Al-Arabi, it defines the roll of Muslim Women in the Muslim Brotherhood: “The sources acquired by The Arab Brigade for information and documents regarding the most serious international body of the prohibited Brotherhood organization—The Muslim Sisterhood. This [branch] comes directly after the secret service of the Muslim […]
The Arab Hitler in The Knesset If the “Kach” or “Kahane Chai” parties are considered by the state of Israel to be “far right,” “terrorist,” “a danger to the state,” and are barred from the Knesset, then why is the extremist Ibrahim Sarsur of the “Ra’am-Ta’al” party allowed to keep his seat? Ibrahim Sarsur is an Israeli Arab politician and […]
Indonesia – A Hotbed of Islamic Barbarism
Rabbi Frees Slaves – Guess Who The Slave Masters Were?
Also, please click here to visit our new site launching our efforts to save Christians in Pakistan. Here is the video clip link: