Tag Archives | killing

Greece Refuses To Open Mosques, And Tells Off Antichrist Nation Of Turkey

By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues on… Greece is standing its ground against the Muslim heretics. The Greek capital of Athens has refused to open any official mosque, in the desire of the Orthodox Christian population. While Athens has about 200,000 Muslims, thankfully it has not provided the haters of Christ the liberty to have […]

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Russia Outlaws The Building of Mosques, Will Get Tougher On Islam

By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues, and will only grow… The city of Moscow has now decreed that there will be no new mosques built, and has now put a ban on the construction of any one of those houses of heresy, and this of course demands our emulation. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, […]

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Muslim Rapes Daughter For 12 Years, Impregnates Her, And Wants Child Dead

Watch this video that shows the misery a young girl has endured under the Islamic fundamentalist sadism of her father, who raped her, impregnated her, and then even threatened to murder her son. After watching, DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES. After watching this horror, understand that it these very barbarians who are slaughtering Christians […]

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15 Muslims Gang Rape Young Girl Until She Turns Insane, And Then Murder Her

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria kidnapped a young Christian girl named Mariam, she was then given to a jihadist, a commander of the battalion “Jabhat al-Nusra” in Qusair, and he raped her. Another Muslim raped her, and she was then raped every day for 15 days, each time by a different one of these […]

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Muslims Kidnap People, Butcher Them and Take Photos

By Theodore Shoebat Newly released photos exposes the true diabolical nature of Islam and Muslims. After looking at these photos, it further substantiates that Allah is Satan. This violence is what the Christians are suffering, so after seeing this horror, DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES. According to reports, these murders took place on the […]

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Muslims Use Women To Lead Men On, Then Brutally Murder Them

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria kidnapped a Christian girl named Hajja, and used her to lead their desired victims, only to ambush and slaughter them. She was used to bait five men, who were in turn ambushed and butchered. This is what she witnessed: They took them back to a cave and tied them […]

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Christians In Pakistan Killed By Muslims, Fired Upon By Police

True Islam in its purest form. They demand jizya because the false prophet Muhammad commanded that all Christians and Jews be stripped of their God-given right to private property. The police will open fire on protesting Christians because they are a sharia state, regardless what Hillary Clinton thinks. From Pakistan Christian Post: London: September 29, […]

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Video: Islamists Attack Christians In Syria

By Theodore Shoebat The Jihadist motives of the Syrian revolution are revealing themselves more and more every day. Just yesterday it was reported that the Christian village of Rablah has been taken hostage; the perpetuators involved are Lebanese Islamists from a terrorist group called Ahmad Ammoun. As I said yesterday, these thugs will be found […]

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FOX News Gives Some Truth on Islam

SUN TV’s Michael Coren was just on FOX News with Megan Kelly, frankly discussing the topics of religious slaughter and honor killings within Islam. This segment is, in my opinion, unprecedented. Never before has this subject matter been discussed so boldly, so forthrightly, so fully, so accurately and so honestly on cable or broadcast news. […]

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Women, Disseminating Islamic Propaganda

There are verses in the Koran that compliment women in general but there are many verses that discriminate and advocate control and violence against women in the Koran, Hadith (the words and deeds of the prophet Mohammed) and Sharia Law. In video A you will get the perfume scented propaganda from the deceivers as well […]

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Islam Not Mentioned in Honor Killing Report

Gruesome murder of stepdaughter by Muslim fundamentalist, issues of Islam or “honor killing” not even mentioned in Fox affiliate report. No report at all from other main Stream Media. Politicians and Media from both parties complicit in downfall of America. We the people are all that are left to fight the Islamo fascists. Original Report

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