Why is the Middle East Problem so intractable? Dennis Prager, nationally syndicated talk show host and best-selling author, answers that question in this thought-provoking video course. Click Here To View Clip
Tag Archives | middle
Congressman Elect Col. Alan West, Bravo
Congressman Elect Col. Alan West, Bravo The first member of congress that I have ever heard tell it right down the line publicly, progress at last! Click Here To View Link
SHARIAH WATCH: Jew Hatred- Jihadists Take Cues from Nazis?
The year 1945 was the end of Nazi Germany and the so-called ‘Final Solution,’ the Nazi program to exterminate the Jews… or was it? Click Here To View Clip
UK Christian Congregation Evicted by Village Council for support of Israel
Yesterday was the last service the Christian Congregation “Fathers House” held at Gwernymynydd Village Centre, North Wales as a consequence of being evicted after 11 years because the management Committee disagreed with their beliefs concerning Israel. “Fathers House” stands firm in their support of Israel and belief that the land of Israel was given to […]
Killeen Chamber of Commerce Playing Politics in the memory of Ft Hood dead and wounded
Killeen Chamber of Commerce Playing Politics in the memory of Ft Hood dead and wounded Nov. 21st, ICTOA and a private organization have scheduled a competing memorial service to honor the dead and wounded of Ft Hood, followed by five speakers who will expose what our nation’s leaders are afraid to share with the American […]
Baptist Church in Bethlehem stands with Israel…
… .. . …and gets the usual Muslim treatement. Christians are leaving the Holy Land in record numbers, and a new report suggests persecution against Palestinian believers is getting worse. Because of the aggressive spread of extremist Islamic ideas, thousands of Palestinian Christians have fled Palestinian-controlled areas like Bethlehem CBN News October 14, 2009
Opportunity to Support Our Troops on Nov 21st
Support our Troops, honor our Fallen and participate in a historic event in Killeen Texas right next to the base of Ft Hood on Nov 21st 2010 We can arrange your air tickets, hotel accommodation for two nights at four star hotel right next to the Conference center where the event is happening and two […]
Dear Promoter of the Truth
Dear Friend and Supporter Be a promoter of the truth Be a proactive campaigner to expose the agenda of Islam and its messages of hate and domination. It is not politically incorrect to speak against Nazism, the KKK or other White supremacists; then it should not be politically incorrect to speak against and expose the […]
Peace Talks
Peace Talks The Israeli Palestinian peace talks that have been revived by the US government are getting underway, hallelujah! I have some very unconventional proposals on how the Israeli government should open up its negotiating position to get the talks going for their ultimate success. First, they need to declare that Israel will never recognize […]
More mosque revelations
CLICK HERE TO VIEW ORIGINAL ARTICLE More mosque revelations Last Updated: 8:29 AM, September 3, 2010 Posted: 11:59 PM, September 2, 2010 So now it transpires that a key money- man behind the proposed Ground Zero mosque is a one-time supporter of a group shut down by the feds because it was a front for […]
VITAL HISTORY LESSONS: Palestine Nationlaism?
http://shoebat.org/documents/pstineNationalism.pps http://shoebat.org/videos/pstineNationalism.php Vital History Lessons in the Middle East Conflict Palestine Nationalism? “Why on the 4th of June 1967 I was a Jordanian and on June 5th I became a Palestinian?” The answer is here! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PRESENTATION CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO CLIP
Michael Medved Show 9/3/2010 Interviews Walid Shoebat
http://shoebat.org/audio/medved090310.php Michael Medved Show 9/3/2010 Interviews Walid Shoebat Click Here To Hear The Full Hour Interview
Shariah Watch: Fox News Report – Is Minnesota Under Attack From Shariah Law ?
http://shoebat.org/videos/minnesotaSharia.php This news report was released in mid-August from Fox News regarding a number of issues concerning citizens of Minnesota…. Click Here To Watch The Video Clip Click Here To View YouTube Version Click Here To View Other Videos From Our “SHARIAH WATCH” Archives
Click Here To View Original Letter OPEN LETTER FROM FORMER MUSLIM TERRORIST TO 9/11 GROUND ZERO MOSQUE IMAM Dear Feisal Abdul Rauf, The bottom line is that America wants to know if you are a Jihadist or a moderate Muslim? America is a nation that believes everyone deserves a chance, including you […]
The Truth about the IDF
http://shoebat.org/videos/idfStory.php If posed with the question, “Chose between risking killing children and take out a Terrorist, or do not take that risk and risk your children being hit by missiles?” How would you choose? Click Here To View The Clip
New Media and Website Update at Shoebat.com
We have added two new categories to our media section: 1) Sharia Watch. In this section we will try to add regular updates illustrating the DIRECT growing threat to America… 2) Vital History Clips. In this section we will be posting vital clips illustrating exactly historical precedence for Israel and our present political attitude… You […]