Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian A Syrian Christian girl was savagely tortured and mass raped nearly to death by Al Nursa Front. According to a medical source in one of Al Hasaka hospitals, the girl’s family and the town priest brought her to the hospital strongly bleeding due to a mass rape by the Islamists, […]
Tag Archives | obama
Muslims Execute Christian Man After His Family Pays Ransom
Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian Her frantic cries reverberated and were heard for miles asking for her son release as the war of attrition on the nation’s indigenous Christians continues. Kidnapped by the Islamic rebels who demanded a big ransom from his family. The sad circumstance so resonated with other members of man’s family who […]
What’s Really Going On with Obama’s Threats Against Israel?
Exclusive By Walid Shoebat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House and President Barack Obama’s ‘warning’ that his country could face a bleak future -— one of international isolation and demographic disaster -— if he refuses to endorse a U.S.-drafted framework agreement for peace with the Palestinians. Such threats, we believe, will […]
Muslim Gang Seizes Christian Man And Thrusts Crucifix Into His Heart
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim gang in Syria seized a young Christian man, and as soon as they spotted his Crucifix, they violently seized him, decapitated him, and then took his Crucifix and thrusted it into his heart. Here is the heart wrenching video of the victim’s mother, recalling the deplorable and sadistic murder of […]
Muslims Saw A Man’s Hand Completely Off
By Theodore Shoebat Watch this disturbing video of Muslims in Syria sawing off a man’s hand completely off, and then crying out to their demonic and false god: PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA, YOU ARE THE ONLY HOPE THEY HAVE
What Is Really Going On In Ukraine
Exclusive By Walid Shoebat The world is deeply concerned by reports of military movements taken by the Russian Federation inside Ukraine. So what is this all about and what does it mean to our projection in the region. The nations of Belarus and Ukraine, home to large Russian populations, have entered into negotiations with the […]
Homosexuals Want To Recruit Your Children, And Suppress Christians
Exclusive By Theodore Shoebat An enemy army cannot invade without traitors from the nation it desires to conquer. So the same is true with the great infiltration that we see: the sodomites cannot accomplish their evil mission without traitors who call themselves Christian. I rarely get attacked by sodomites, but rather mostly by Christians who […]
Muslims Attack College Students And Slaughter Them “like sheep”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked a college and mercilessly slaughtered dozens of students. They burned them alive, shot them dead, and when some tried to escape through the windows, they seized them and slit their throats. It has been estimated that 40 students were murdered in the attack on the Federal Government College […]
Muslims Kidnap Several Christians, And Shoot Each One In The Head
By Theodore Shoebat The bodies of seven Christians were discovered on a Libyan beach near Benghazi, each one with bullets in their heads. One police officer said: They were killed by headshots in execution style …We don’t know who killed them. It is pretty obvious as to what happened: Muslims murdered them. This is going […]
Muslims Kill 115 People, Burn 1500 Buildings And Destroy 400 Vehicles
By Theodore Shoebat In just one attack on Wednesday, Muslims in Nigeria have slaughtered 115 people, put 1500 buildings to flames, and destroyed 400 vehicles, according to Al Jazeera . The Muslim jihadists who organized the slaughter, Abubakar Shekau, released a video message in which he said: The reason I will kill you is that […]
Syrian Christian Family Slaughtered, But Not By Muslims
By the Syrian Christian A Syrian Christian family in Egypt was brutally slaughtered in Alexandria, Egypt. Several blogs, such as Raymond Ibrahim, posted the story from Arabic sources, that alluded that they were murdered for their political views. We instantly pulled out our story after discovering that this had nothing to do with Christian persecution. […]
Obama Appoints Pro-Muslim Agent To Infiltrate US Government
By Walid Shoebat “Mr. (Robert) Malley is coming back to the White House, administration officials said on Tuesday. This time, he will manage the fraying ties between the United States and its allies in the Persian Gulf, a job that says a lot about how America’s role in the Middle East has changed… (Malley’s 2008 […]

Why We Must Watch Japan In Our Study Of End Times
By Theodore Shoebat While the world is focusing on China and North Korea, there is one nation that has escaped the eye of the universal radar: Japan. Many evangelical writers have continuously affirmed that the armies of the Antichrist will comprise of armies from the Middle East, China, and Russia. While they are fixated on […]
The Most Savage Killing Of Christians Is Already Happening
By Theodore Shoebat (Exclusive) We live in the midst of death, in the presence of tyrants covered in the blood of the guiltless, protected by the shields of sycophants and callous cantonments of men who have given their hearts to idols as lofty as the darkest cloud, who have kept the soil of their souls […]
American Government Plan Will Lead To The Annihilation Of Christians
By Theodore Shoebat It has been pointed out many times by the superficial media, that the Syrian Islamic uprising began with “pro democracy” movements. Well, through detailed documentation, it will be found that the Islamic invasion of Syria was actually planned years ago, in great part, by the American government. This unraveling also reveals that […]
Obama’s Brother Works With Muslim Who Murdered Christian Man
By Theodore Shoebat It has been proven, on the Shoebat website, many a time that Obama’s Brother, Malik Obama, works with Omar al-Bashir, the Muslim dictator of North Sudan. Well today it was reported that Omar al-Bashir bombed a Christian area in the South Kordofan state, in which they dropped three bombs on Damardago village; […]