The Huma Abedin sieve may be breaking… Based on the fact that Walid unearthed the Saudi Manifesto that clearly identifies the force behind the work of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), the entity for which Hillary Clinton’s closest advisor – Huma Abedin – worked for twelve years as a subordinate to Abdullah Omar […]
Tag Archives | saudi arabia
A Dead Usama gets more attention than his living Financiers
Walid Shoebat The Navy SEAL whom Fox News reported was Matt Bissonnette, wrote a book entitled No Easy Day, which is due to be released on September 4th. Frankly, I have zero interest in how Mr. Good-Riddance Usama Bin Laden was killed and when I listen or watch American media (be it right or left), […]
Video: Navy SEALs not happy with Obama’s Bow to Saudi King
This video carries added significance for us in light of what Walid discovered about the Saudi Royal family. h/t WZ
Huma Abedin’s fellow Board Member at MSA defended TLC’s All American Muslim
Recently, we wrote about Huma Abedin’s time on the Board of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at George Washington University. A woman she served alongside with on that Board is Souheila Al-Jadda, who is currently a member of the Board of Contributors for USA Today. Al-Jadda has also served as a legislative assistant for Rep. […]
A Video is worth a Thousand Words
By Walid Shoebat Andrew McCarthy has published another must-read about Huma Abedin’s affiliation with the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Earlier this week, we posted about Huma serving on George Washington University’s MSA Executive Board in 1997. As McCarthy rightly points out, none other than Anwar al-Awlaki served on that same board a fews years […]
In light of Al Saud’s support for IMMA, take a look at these two videos again
**BE SURE TO READ THE SAUDI MANIFESTO** Abedin_Affairs_with_Al_Saud_081312 ——————- Based on the Saudi Royal family’s support for the mission of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) and Barack Obama’s open support for Huma Abedin at last week’s Iftar dinner, we thought it might be worth looking at these two videos within the context of […]
Explosive Exclusive: The Abedin “Affairs” with Al Saud
Regular visitors to our site are quite familiar with our discoveries when it comes to the Abedin family’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The one entity left-wing media outlets are twisting themselves into pretzels to avoid explaining is the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA). This is the one organization that is covered with Huma […]
The Man who should have been listened to in the days after 9/11
While doing some research for this post, I came across a document that appeared to have been written less than one month after 9/11; it was written in the form of a journal but did not have an author’s name (I have since learned it and reveal it at the end of this post ). […]
While we Announce, will Huma Denounce?
Walid Shoebat I am ANNOUNCING that in the coming days, we will release a bombshell more explosive than before. This time, it’s the link between the family of Huma Abedin, the closest advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Wahhabist grand plan in Saudi Arabia. It is a plan that represents a grave […]
The Pack of Wolves that want George W. Bush Dead
By Walid Shoebat Dennis Miller, with his typical comic wit, once asked me, “Why can’t Muslim terrorists be just like us, wanting to live and just get laid”? I responded by saying, “Are you kidding me? They die to get laid.” Take Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, the Muslim terrorist who was recently convicted for acquiring materials […]
NBC Reporter crosses Rubicon of Denial; says Saudi Women treated better than American Women
While talking about the equal rights of women in America, NBC Reporter Nancy Snyderman actually praised the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia over the treatment of women in the United States, relative to equal pay for equal work. Snyderman made no mention of how much female cab / bus drivers in Saudi Arabia are […]
Video: Pat Condell calls out Saudi Arabia
Until western leaders and prominent media pundits – on both the left and the right – start speaking like this publicly, Islam will continue to successfully creep in western lands. h/t BNI
Video: Saudi Father auctions off his son as a Suicide bomber in Syria
Here is video of a Saudi man auctioning off his son as a suicide bomber. At the 3:45 mark, attention focuses to the streets of Syria, where bombers like the one auctioned off go to blow themselves up. It’s important to note that such a bomber would be attacking the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Are […]
Duh. Egypt holds less favorable opinion of U.S. now than before Arab Spring
In our ‘you don’t say’ post of the day, the Muslim outreach by the Barack Obama administration seems to be having an effect directly opposite to that championed by its proponents. Via NBC News: The United States has given billions of dollars to Egypt in recent decades, but research published Tuesday by a major think […]
University of Central Arkansas teacher says she Apologized to Saudi students on her own
We received an email from the University of Central Arkansas teacher at the center of this story, which originated from a report from a website called Emirates 24/7. Emirates 24/7 reported that several Saudi students took offense to a photo that the teacher “liked” on facebook and went to her superiors to demand an apology, […]
Report: University of Central Arkansas jumps head-first into the Dhimmi Pool
Creeping Sharia just started moving a little faster in the United States. A teacher at the University of Central Arkansas was forced to apologize to her Saudi students for offending them with a photo that she liked. Via Emirates 24/7 (h/t Weasel Zippers): A female university teacher in the United States had to apologise to […]