As has been previously reported, the signature of IRS Official Lois Lerner, Director of Exempt Organizations, is found at the bottom of a letter addressed to the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), headed by Malik Obama – President Obama’s half-brother. It’s now known that BHOF received tax-exempt status in under one month, far more quickly […]
Tag Archives | scandal
PRWeb Censors Shoebat, Rejects Press Release implicating IRS’ Lois Lerner in aiding Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire
When the Daily Caller’s Charles Johnson wrote about the expedited service the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) received by IRS official Lois Lerner, we began digging into the background of the man who heads the BHOF – Malik Obama. Malik, President Obama’s half-brother has been accused of polygamy, statutory rape, wife-beating. Walid discovered that he […]
We Shouldn’t Let these Crises go to Waste
By Keith Davies The devil has hopefully had his day and We the People have suffered all the crises that the ultra liberal Democrats have used to implement their agendas, from the financial reforms of Sarbanes Oxley, Obamacare, attempted gun control, the ultra political correctness of shielding Islam from their terror agenda, the phony war […]
Video: Former Attorney General says American people ‘deliberately misled’ on Benghazi
Former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey is now on record as saying that the Obama administration is using arms of government for political purposes and that there is no question it misled the American people on Benghazi. Lying about murder tends to be a big deal. Via GWP:
Obama makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa
By Keith Davies Is the dam on President Obama’s “most transparent administration in history” beginning to break? Now the brain-dead, low-information voters – to include Gregory Hicks, the Benghazi whistle-blower, who was also the #2 diplomat in Libya – are regretting their vote. Hicks himself voted for Clinton in the 2008 primary and twice for […]
Andrew Bostom: Time to take a Second Look at Libya’s President
On May 5th, during an interview with House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer played a clip of Libyan president Muhammad al-Muqarayaf’s appearance on the same program from September 16, 2012. Muqarayaf, who said the 9/11 attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi was a terrorist attack has […]
Lance Armstrong: a case study in the smearing of truth-tellers
A tremendous lesson can be learned from the Lance Armstrong scandal… The term ‘smear merchant’ is used to describe someone who libels or slanders another person who has either exposed an uncomfortable truth about the would-be smear merchant or his agenda. The degree to which the smear merchant is successful is directly proportional to the […]
Hillary’s fortuitous fall from her Benghazi Stonewall
**UPDATE to the post below** It was first reported that Hillary Clinton suffered a concussion on Saturday, December 15th. CNN is now reporting that the fall / concussion happened “earlier in the week”. ————- The alleged fainting spell and subsequent concussion of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears a bit fortuitous, if not downright suspicious […]
Recommended viewing for David Petraeus on the eve of his testimony
Before former CIA Director David Petraeus lays his head down to sleep on the eve of his closed-door testimony in front of members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, perhaps he should watch the climactic scene (below) from the 1992 film Scent of a Woman, starring Al Pacino and Chris O’Donnell. **SPOILER ALERT** (But […]
Was David Petraeus Blackmailed by the White House?
The definition of “blackmail” is as follows: any payment extorted by intimidation, as by threats of injurious revelations or accusations. If then CIA Director David Petraeus was instructed to give false testimony to Congress in the days after the 9/11/12 Benghazi attack in exchange for his extramarital affair to remain under wraps, that would be […]
Video: Former CIA Officer Adamant the White House lying about Petraeus Investigation
Former CIA Officer Gary Bernsten leaves no room for doubt about where he stands relative to what the White House knew / knows about the investigation of CIA Director David Petraeus. “They are lying.” Via Breitbart:
Petraeus case shows why relationships matter
A common theme emerging from the sex scandal involving CIA Director David Petraeus is that relationships matter when you’re talking about someone with a top secret security clearance. The alleged extra-marital affair Petraeus was engaged in may not have been illegal but, as we’re learning, it quite possibly posed a problem for national security because […]
How Obama could lose the Media on Benghazi-gate in his second term
In Lyndon Johnson’s second term, it was his failures in Vietnam; Watergate broke in Richard Nixon’s first term but took him down after reelection; Iran-Contra dogged Ronald Reagan; Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice late in his second term; and George W. Bush’s second term was marred by failures in Iraq, […]
Election over but Benghazi-gate not going anywhere; Hillary invited to testify at House Committee hearing
Beleaguered Attorney General Eric Holder is reportedly giving serious consideration to not returning for a another stint in the Obama administration’s second term. Operation Fast and Furious – probably more than anything else – is likely responsible for Holder openly wondering if he has ‘gas left in the tank’. Ever since the death of Border […]
UNRWA: Starring “The United Nations” as LORDS OF MISERY UNRWA: Starring “The United Nations” as LORDS OF MISERY What role does the United Nations fill in Gaza? CLICK HERE TO VIEW