Upon release of the Accountability Review Board’s (ARB) report on what happened in Benghazi, it was learned that the group singled out no individuals for discipline – the bureaucracy itself was identified as the party most responsible. There were, however, four State Department employees who reportedly resigned in the wake of the report. Aside from […]
Tag Archives | state department
Benghazi’s ‘Accountability’ Pee-yew Board (APB) growing increasingly pungent
When it comes to Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues to exercise her right to remain silent; the ‘Accountability’ Review Board (ARB) she established to determine who should be held accountable for the lack of security that led to the attack on a U.S. Consulate “Special Mission”, found that no one should be held […]
Accountability Review Board’s findings on Benghazi: No one Accountable
The ‘Independent’ Accountability Review Board (ARB) – established by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to investigate the attack in Benghazi on 9/11/12 – has reached at least one bizarre conclusion in its unclassified report. That conclusion appears to run counter to what Clinton herself said approximately two months earlier when asked about the State Department’s role […]
Date Set: Hillary Clinton to Testify before Senate Foreign Relations Committee about Benghazi on December 20th **UPDATE**
**UPDATE** We no sooner posted that the date for Hillary to testify was confirmed when it was learned via Foreign Policy that the State Department says it is not a done deal that she will. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Chaired by none other than […]
Another Benghazi / Fast and Furious parallel? State Department employees not allowed to talk
The parallels between Operation Fast and Furious and the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi continue to mount. The latest example comes courtesy of Kerry Picket. She is reporting that Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who serves on the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, says the State Department is not allowing him to talk to any of the survivors […]
Syrian Rebels now outwardly Pledging Allegiance to Al-Qaeda in droves
As the Obama State Department was forced to acknowledge that Al-Qaeda in Iraq is part of the rebel fighting force in Syria, more than two dozen other rebel groups are now officially in support of Al-Qaeda there. The main Syrian opposition group – the Free Syrian Army (FSA) – appears to be among them. Via […]
State Department: Assad responsible for rise of Al-Qaeda in Syria
What does the State Department do when forced to acknowledge the reality that rebel forces in Syria are made up of Al-Qaeda? It blames Bashar Al-Assad for creating an environment that could be exploited. Gee, isn’t that what the DOJ did with Fast and Furious and the gun control agenda? The video below is truly […]
Video: Hillary says Israel must ‘demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people’
Yes, Hillary Clinton said that Israel needs to show more ‘generosity’ and ’empathy’ toward the Palestinians and that it needs to ‘demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people’. Uh, the Jews must demonstrate that they understand the pain of an oppressed people?! Does the holocaust ring any bells, Hillary? Oh, and […]
Video: State Department spokesman has trouble answering question about U.S. embassy’s authority to kill Anwar Al-Awlaki
It’s quite safe to say that State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland would much rather prefer giving a press conference at which AP reporter Matthew Lee’s chair was empty. Such a scenario was not to be on November 28th and the looks Nuland gives while dealing with Lee’s questions practically portray physical discomfort. At issue… About […]
Republican Senator raises great question about Susan Rice’s role at State during Kenya / Tanzania bombings
One of the common refrains we hear from people who are rightfully outraged by what happened in Benghazi is that we must find out what happened so that it doesn’t happen again. That leads to a question about U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s time as a State Department employee in charge of the African region during […]
Time to revisit Hillary Clinton’s September 13th Speech?
While the talking points recited by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on September 16th continues to be a point of interest, confusion, and conflicting accounts, looking at the words uttered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton three days earlier might shed some light on how those talking points got altered. The conflicting stories between former CIA […]
Turkey’s Erdogan calls Israel a ‘terrorist state’; State Department spokesman refuses to condemn
Hours after Turkish Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan referred to Israel as a ‘terrorist state’, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland was confronted by fiery AP reporter Matt Lee, who has had more than a few run-ins with Nuland over matters relative to State’s policies toward Israel. First, what Erdogan said via Reuters: “Those who associate […]
State Department playing No Card Monte with Senators on Benghazi?
Three card monte at least affords the subject to actually choose a card after being deceived. In this game played by the State Department, the cards are shuffled and removed before the subjects have the opportunity to even flip them over. Before continuing, see if you can find the metaphor for what you’re about to […]

Libyan Leaks: More Secret Documents Reveal Obama’s failure in Libya
Exclusive Walid Shoebat Bombshell Barack Obama’s claim to election fame – that Al-Qaeda has been destroyed – needs a reality check, according to a group of anti-Al Qaeda Libyans in exile. “We beg to differ,” they exclaimed. “Obama gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to Al-Qaeda, and we can prove it.” The group stated they have […]
Issa and Chaffetz demanding answers from Hillary about Benghazi
In a letter addressed to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa and member Jason Chaffetz point to documents recovered by Foreign Policy as evidence that Libyan security forces had been infiltrated prior to the 9/11/12 attack that killed four Americans. The letters – one addressed to Mohamed Obeidi, head of Libyan […]
Contents of Classified State Department cable illustrate why Huma Abedin should not be Hillary’s Deputy Chief of Staff
Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge has obtained a classified cable sent by Ambassador Christopher Stevens directly to “the office” of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on August 16th, just a few weeks prior to the attack in Benghazi. In this interview with Greta Van Susteren, Herridge pulls no punches and says flatly that “the State […]