By Theodore Shoebat There is something eerie about the current praise for Sweden…
Tag Archives | sweden
Flag of Afghanistan Adopted AFTER U.S. Invasion Includes Islamic Conversion Prayer and the Words ‘Islamic State’
Reza Mohebbii used to be a Muslim living in Afghanistan. He is now an atheist living in Sweden. In the YouTube video below, Reza holds up a flag of his former country and points out that it includes the Islamic Shahada or the Creed. It is also known as the conversion prayer that so many […]
Politician Explains What His Country Would Look Like Without Islam
Machiel de Graaf is a Member of Parliament in the Netherlands. He is also a member of Geert Wilders’ PVV / anti-Islam Party. During a speech to Parliament, de Graaf enumerated the number of ways the Netherlands would be different if there was no Islam in the country. It’s a long list… It wasn’t so […]
Muslim Invasion Becoming Dominant Issue In Europe that Leftists are Beginning to Lose
It’s sometimes difficult to understand foreign political systems but in Sweden, resistance to the Islamic invasion that leftists like to refer to as immigration, is causing a bit of a political earthquake. While very different than the American political system, the Sweden Democrats could be compared to the Republicans and the Tea Party or conservatives […]
Politician Rips Government For Allowing Muslim Invasion
In Sweden, you have the Democrats and the Social Democrats, which is the pro-multicultural party that doesn’t seem to have a problem putting a happy face on the Islamic invasion of the country by calling it immigration. In the speech below before Swedish Parliament, MP Kent Ekeroth with the Democrats, calls out the Parliament for […]
Police To Fight Muslim Gangs By Focusing on ‘Gender Issues’
As police in Sweden are increasingly threatened by Muslim gangs who have created 55 ‘no-go’ zones, the police have a new plan. Part of it involves training the officers in things like cultural sensitivity and “gender issues”. Not only was the police commander unwilling to live by the ‘leave no man behind’ credo in Stockholm […]

Stockholm Syndrome Jihad taking Country to Third World Status
The term ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ was coined in 1973 after a bank robbery / hostage situation caused hostages to bond with their captors and help them fight off those who were there to rescue the hostages. Ironically, there is a new brand of the syndrome smack dab in the country where it originated – Sweden. Only, […]
Video: Swedish Cartoonist Attacked by Angry Muslims
Remember Lars Vilks, the Swedish cartoonist who drew a picture of the head of Islam’s prophet Muhammad on the body of a dog? That was five years ago. Nonetheless, while speaking to a crowd about free expression, Muslims in the audience shouted “Allahu Akhbar” and pelted Vilks with eggs. Ah, the religion of tolerance. h/t […]
Jews Fleeing Sweden Newsreport from TV4 about the Jews fleeing from Muslim immigrants in Sweden. 1930s over again but now we have Israel to allow escape this time.