By Theodore Shoebat There is a terrorist group called Khorasan, that is said to be more threatening and dangerous than ISIS. American officials have said that Khorasan has concrete plans to strike specific locations in the US, as we read from a report: New intelligence has emerged warning Washington that its upcoming confrontation with the […]
Tag Archives | syria
Government Of China Tears Down Two Catholic Churches
By Theodore Shoebat The sick, demonic, and atheist government of China teared down two Catholic Churches. This is so tyrannical and evil, and it saddens me to read this report: Beijing (AsiaNews) – In one single day, the authorities in three different Chinese provinces had two Catholic churches torn down and the cross in a […]
Egyptian Government Will Be Executing Five Muslim Brotherhood Members For Murdering A Police Officer
By Theodore Shoebat The Egyptian government is upholding a death sentence on five Muslim Brotherhood members, as read from a recent report: An Egyptian court upheld death sentences on Saturday against five Islamists convicted of charges including killing a policeman and carrying weapons, judicial sources said. Judge Moataz Khafagi had referred the case to the […]
ISIS Beheads American Hostages but lets Turk Hostages Go
As ISIS continues to incrementally behead American and British hostages on YouTube, it has released 49 Turkish hostages just two days after both houses of the U.S. Congress voted to arm Syria’s rebels. This could be significant because Turkey has formally expressed reticence to join the U.S. in fighting ISIS in Iraq out of concern […]
Russia Saber Rattles with Nuclear Bombers as U.S. Congress votes to Arm Syrian Rebels
For three straight days this past week, Russian nuclear bombers carried out practice runs over Northern Europe and then off the coasts of Alaska and Canada. One report indicates that the flights over Europe occurred on Tuesday and that bombers came very close to the airspace of both the U.S. and Canada on Wednesday and […]
If Catholics Are Idolaters For Having Statues, Then Moses Must Be An Idolater For Making Statues Of Angels
By Theodore Shoebat If Catholics are idolaters for having statues, then Moses must be an idolater for having make statues of angels, or Cherubim. I did a video on this: Many today would agree with the destruction of the Mary statues, justifying it as obliterating idolatry. How can one call the Catholics idolaters for expressing […]
Sorry Kerry, ISIS IS Islam
By Theodore Shoebat John Kerry, like Obama, went out of his way to defend Islam by saying that ISIS does not represent Islam: So I wouldn’t compound the crime by calling them a state whatsoever… They’re the enemy of Islam. That’s what they are, and as the 21 clerics yesterday said in Saudi Arabia, they […]
Senator Ted Cruz right that Nuclear Iran Bigger Threat than ISIS but what about Turkey and Muslim Brotherhood?
To his credit, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of a handful of Senators who voted against an amendment to arm Syria’s rebels. As revealed, at least one Syrian opposition lobbying group has extensive connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. However, Cruz recently asserted in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon that a nuclear […]
Muslims Send This Message To Christians: “The Christians must go.”
By Theodore Shoebat It is now feared that ISIS will invade Lebanon. Pro-ISIS graffiti has been seen on churches in central Lebanon. Muslims in Tripoli spray painted these words on one church: The Christians must go. But some Lebanese people have decided to use comedy as a means to reduce the power of ISIS: But […]
War Strategist Bashar Al-Assad Bombs ‘Moderate’ Rebels instead of ISIS
If you’re Bashar al-Assad, it doesn’t matter if you bomb ISIS or the ‘moderate’ FSA rebels. Both are attempting to overthrow you and to varying degrees, each brand of rebel is aligning with the other to do it, no matter what John McCain says; ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ is a truism […]
When it comes to John McCain’s Syria Trip, Focus on the Names of People whose Identities we DO KNOW
The controversy over who Senator John McCain (R-AZ) posed with in photos during a visit to Syria last year is beginning to go mainstream. The Drudge Report is linking to an article by Matthew Boyle at Breitbart. At issue are the names and allegiances of the Syrians McCain was posing with. McCain’s office is saying […]
John Kerry says U.S. at War with ‘This Enemy of Islam’ ISIS
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) came to prominence and notoriety when he famously shouted, ‘You Lie’ at Barack Obama during the president’s speech to a joint session of Congress. If ever there was a prime opportunity for a reprise, it occurred during an exchange between Wilson and Secretary of State John Kerry. Wilson asked Kerry if […]
Muslim Man Holding ISIS Flag Goes In Front Of Church And Screams, “kill the Christians”, And Says That All Christian Children Should Be Slaughtered
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in Sydney, Australia, drove in front of a Catholic church holding an ISIS flag, screaming, “kill the Christians”, and said that Christian children should be slaughtered. As one Australian report says: A stranger with the Islamic State flag shouted threats of killing “Christians and their children” at churchgoers in […]
Major ISIS Leader Recruits Eleven Muslim Men, And Sodomizes All Of Them In Homosexual Islamic Ritual (VIDEO)
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat In one interrogation by Iraqi officials of an ISIS terrorist who carried out seven beheadings. The terrorist not only confesses the gruesome beheadings he carried out, but also confesses the dark side which is virtually unknown regarding sadistic homosexual group marriages and rituals. In this incredible story, […]
House Vote to Arm Syrian Rebels Reveals Majority of Benghazi Select Committee Members not Qualified to be on Committee
More than four months after the announcement of a House Select Committee on Benghazi, the first hearing has finally taken place. Unfortunately, even after all that time, most members demonstrated through their recent vote on authorizing military aid to the Syrian rebels that they’re not qualified to be on the Select Committee. Fortunately, Chairman Trey […]
ISIS Releases Video of New British Hostage
ISIS has released another video of a British man who appears wearing what looks like an orange jumpsuit. The video is different from ones previously released as it includes a three minute statement from John Cantlie (ironic spelling of last name), a British journalist who was kidnapped by ISIS back in July of 2012 (h/t […]