By Theodore Shoebat A video found on American Military News , shows Iraqi officers beating up ISIS terrorists, and one of them begging for his mother: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Tag Archives | syria
JUST DISCOVERED: Video Of British Aid Worker David Haines Getting Beheaded
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat just found the video done by ISIS showing the beheading of British aid worker, David Haines. The reason why we are showing this video is not for shock, but to teach a lesson: never trust Muslims, and never go to the Middle East without heavy security and you know […]
Courageous Christian Men Realize That Another Genocide Of Christians Is Coming, Pick Up Their Guns To Fight Muslims And Say, “We are not afraid of any enemy”
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A recent development to the Christian militias in Syria has come to my attention. They call themselves “Sutoro” and they are a very organized Christian militia consisting of mostly Syriac Christians. One of their mottos is “Our struggle is lightened by our martyrs,” and as one of the militants explained: […]
FLASH! U.S. Chamber of Commerce IN BED with Islamic Terrorists
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The lobbying powerhouse that is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce signed a pact with a terror state in 2010 when its Executive Vice-President and COO David Chavern traveled to Qatar and officially commissioned the American Chamber of Commerce there (AmCham Qatar). Two years later, the U.S. Chamber would become the […]
Christians Get Prepared For Final Stand Against ISIS, Pick Up Guns And Are Ready To Fight
By Theodore Shoebat Christians in Lebanon are preparing for a final stand against ISIS who wants to invade their country through the border. As we read from one report: Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanese believers have watched as Christians in Syria and Iraq were forced to flee their homes and villages as ISIS takes more territory. […]
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrator of DHS who Called for Caliphate Leaves DHS One Day after Sotloff Beheaded by ISIS Caliphate
A man who has been identified as a Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator of the U.S. Government and who was identified as a person of interest in a 2012 five-member Congressional inquiry has stepped down from his position with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It is not yet known the reason(s) behind Mohamed Elibiary’s departure but […]
Walid Explains How to Destroy ISIS
Walid Shoebat appeared on One American News On Monday 9/8/14. Powerful interview with information you will not hear on the other ill-informed or misinformed media networks. Walid explains how to attack and destroy ISIS.
‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Blamed for handing BOTH American Journalists over to ISIS for Beheading
As was apparently the case with beheaded journalist James Foley, Steven Sotloff was also handed over to ISIS by rebels. Such a reality would again destroy the much ballyhooed narrative of western leaders that there are moderate rebels who can defeat ISIS. A spokesman for the Sotloff family even calls those politicians. Via POLITICO: A […]
Belgium Jewish Museum Shooter was ‘ISIS Torturer’ in Syria
Israel National News ISIS Torturer linked to Belgium Jewish Museum Murder attack. A freed French hostage has said the terrorist behind the deadly shooting at the Jewish Museum in Brussels in May was among his Islamic extremist captors in Syria, and was part of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terror group. Writing on the […]
TIME Magazine gives Leader of Muslim Brotherhood Front Group a Platform to Profess ‘Islamic State’ is ‘Anti-Islamic’
The leader of perhaps the most prominent stealth jihadist organization in the U.S., which is connected to Hamas, Nihad Awad has been given a platform by TIME Magazine to prevent people from connecting his group to ISIS. Unfortunately for Awad, he may have been better off remaining silent. Right out of the gate, he asserts […]
Fox News ‘Experts’ in Denial about Syria
In response to a video clip of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in which Paul said ISIS has grown stronger in Syria as a result of the Obama administration’s “degrading” of Bashar al-Assad, resident Fox News expert Charles Krauthammer said the notion was “preposterous”. Beginning at the 4:13 mark of the video excerpt from Special Report […]
Islamophobia Breaks Out In ISIS controlled Syrian Town
AFB If you protest against Islam in ISIS controlled Syria or Iraq you get crucified or beheaded, in America if you point out the same problem you are called a Bigot, an Islamophobe or a Racist. Either way it is “illegal” or politically incorrect to protest against Islamic tyranny. When they start to kill or […]
Lying State Department Ventriloquist Dummies Declare War on Bill O’Reilly Instead of on ISIS
This is truly an amazing piece of video. State Department spokesman ventriloquist dummy Marie Harf took exception yesterday to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly saying that her fellow ventriloquist dummy Jen Psaki was “way out of her depth” when it came to answering questions about ISIS. Harf decided to divine motive and claim that O’Reilly […]
ISIS Financier who Sought to Force Young Girls to Wear Hijabs Headed School that Taught Muslims in UK
Up until last year, Nabil al-Awadi, a top financier of ISIS was teaching Muslims in the UK at a school known as Al-Birr in Birmingham. A wahhabist fundamentalist who reportedly seeks to mandate that young girls wear hijabs very well may have played a role in motivating British Muslims to travel to Syria to fight […]
John McCain Admits he wanted to Support ISIS in Syria
During an appearance on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren, Senator John McCain said that he wanted to support ISIS last year. Whether it was a freudian slip or not is almost academic; McCain did want to support ISIS last year while outwardly operating from the premise that he was supporting the FSA. With the […]
ISIS Declares War on Putin
ISIS has a new enemy – Russia. Based on that country’s alliance with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, ISIS is threatening to ‘liberate Chechnya’ from Vladimir Putin’s Russia. One of the consequences of this is that Russia and the U.S. now have common cause in defeating a common enemy. One year ago, the Obama administration and the […]