So much for debate. Via MEMRI:
Tag Archives | syria
Video: Saudi Father auctions off his son as a Suicide bomber in Syria
Here is video of a Saudi man auctioning off his son as a suicide bomber. At the 3:45 mark, attention focuses to the streets of Syria, where bombers like the one auctioned off go to blow themselves up. It’s important to note that such a bomber would be attacking the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Are […]
Report: Jihadists take over Syrian Christian village; residents expelled
Yesterday, it was reported that Republican George W. Bush suggested that the Arab Spring should be embraced. Meanwhile, Christians all over the Middle East are being sacrificed because of that mentality. Via AINA: Armed jihadist seized control of Qastal al-Burg village on Thursday, May 10, and ordered its 10 Christian families to leave, according to […]
Syrian Christians fear the fall of Bashar al-Assad
Let’s see, Republican Senator John McCain not only seems more interested in arming the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria than he is in helping Christians outside of Syria but Christians in Syria believe they stand to suffer as a direct result of McCain getting his wish. Apparently, Christians in Syria would rather Bashar al-Assad stay in […]
Paging John McCain… (again)… Muslim Brotherhood now most powerful Syrian opposition group
This is a bit of a continuation from yesterday’s post, where Republican Senator and self-identified “maverick,” John McCain, insisted that the U.S. arm the Syrian rebels because they’re a “repudiation of Al-Qaeda.” Reuters is now reporting that the Muslim Brotherhood – the umbrella under which al-Qaeda resides – is the most dominant group among the […]
John McCain demands U.S. Arm Al-Qaeda; says doing so is a “repudiation of Al-Qaeda”
Christians are facing persecution all across the Middle East as a direct result of the “Arab Spring” and Senator John McCain is demonstrating no concern for them while simultaneously demanding that the United States arm the Syrian rebels Al-Qaeda, who have incidentally been persecuting Christians themselves. Via the Boston Globe: Republican Senator John McCain of […]
Stratfor tackles the issue of Turkey’s Strategy
We often talk about the Biblical import of Turkey and have been warning about its rise for quite some time. George Friedman has an excellent piece that examines the geopolitics in the region generally, as well as Turkey’s strategy specifically. Via Stratfor: Turkey is re-emerging as a significant regional power. In some sense, it is […]
Syria’s Assad forces reportedly fired on Refugee camp in Turkey
It’s being reported with greater frequency that the fighting in Syria has spilled over into both Turkey and Lebanon. The tensions between Turkey and Syria – and by extension, Iran – are expected to continue escalating as long as Assad is in power. Via Haaretz: Shots were fired Wednesday morning by Syrian forces toward a […]
Senator John McCain doubles down on being wrong; wants to arm Syrian Rebels
For some reason, John McCain continues to double down on a strategy that would put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Syria by calling for the arming of Syrian rebels. Via The Hill: Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) visited a Syrian refugee camp on the Turkey-Syria border Tuesday, as they accused the […]
Turkey’s Prime Minister accuses United Nations of backing Bashar Al-Assad
The divide between Turkey and Syria’s Assad government continues to widen. Turkey is supporting the rebels in Syria and the longer this drags on, the more likely it will be for this Turkey / Syria divide to continue. Via Reuters: Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday of indirectly supporting […]
Iraq’s Sunni Vice President flees to Qatar; Shiite Prime Minister Al-Maliki demands he be returned
Syria is not the only place where the Sunni / Shiite divide is heating up. It’s also manifesting itself at the highest levels of government in Shiite-controlled Iraq. Last December, it was learned that an arrest warrant had been issued for Iraq’s Sunni Vice President – Tariq al-Hashemi – who fled to northern Iraq to […]
About Hillary Clinton’s meeting with Saudi King…
The Obama administration seems bound and determined to see a Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) victory in Syria. Make no mistake. If Bashar Al-Assad is overthrown, that’s what will happen. This greatly serves the interests of Turkey, which borders Syria to the north. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Saudi King Abduallah this week, ostensibly, to […]
Iran, Hezbollah step up support of Syria’s Assad (why that is a good thing)
Folks, please do not be fooled into thinking that because Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah are aggressively coming to Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad’s aid means that the United States should support the Syrian rebels. Some of our most senior Senators – McCain, Lieberman, and Graham – have already fallen into that trap. As […]
Yusuf al-Qaradawi denouncing… Hezbollah?
So, the Shiite / Sunni divide DOES exist. These guys are so predictable. If ever there was an ideology that has “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” as a central component, that ideology is Islam, which also adds another component; drop your “friend” in the grease as soon as you don’t need him […]
Paging John McCain… Syrian Rebels reportedly targeting Christians
While the Syrian rebels seem to be garnering international sympathy for their plight at the hands of Bashar al-Assad, Christians are reportedly being ethnically cleansed from the country by those same rebels. Via Catholic World News: Islamic extremists are engaged in “ethnic cleansing” of Christians in the Syrian city of Homs, local sources tell the […]
More reasons not to assist Syrian Rebels?
While prominent U.S. Senators like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Joe Lieberman all seem to think that providing assistance to the Syrian rebels in the form of weapons or bombing campaigns is a good idea, more reasons such a strategy would be foolhardy can be found to America’s south. Remember, by siding with Syria’s rebels, […]