Earlier this week, we reported on the Jerusalem Post story that charges Saudi Arabia with sending weapons to the Syrian rebels and how the extremely acrimonious relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia can only be exacerbated by such a development. Now it looks like we can add another layer to this as Saudi Arabia appears […]
Tag Archives | syria
Egyptian Cleric issues fatwa to kill Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad
Folks, don’t look now but some very serious lines are being drawn in the Middle East. A fatwa has been issued for the death of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad by an Egyptian cleric. Via Gulf News, h/t Jihad Watch: Egypt’s prominent Muslim cleric Safwat Hejazi has said that the killing of Syrian President Bashar Al […]
Very “Influential” Obama advisor walks back her tweet about Syria’s Assad
Take a look at what some have called the Obama administration’s “most influential figure” when it comes to Middle East policy – Dalia Mogahed – is saying about Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. IPT’s Steve Emerson has exposed Mogahed’s strong support for Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups, to include CAIR and ISNA. It now appears that Mogahed is using […]
ABC News: Russian Troops now in Syria, helping Bashar al-Assad
Syria is very quickly becoming a bright flashpoint in the battle between Shiites and Sunnis. Russia has now put much more skin in the game after long ago choosing its side – the Assad regime. Via ABC News: A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a […]
Report: Saudi Arabia enters the Syrian Fray, sends Weapons to Rebels (Muslim Brotherhood)
If you want to see the front line of the war between Sunni and Shia today, look no further than Syria, which has become a place where it’s getting increasingly difficult to find middle ground. In most cases, you’re either with the Iranian-backed Assad regime or with the Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels. Allegorically, it’s a very […]
Video: John McCain goes on Al-Jazeera, promotes the Muslim Brotherhood’s cause
Last month, we reported that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh praised Al-Jazeera for its efforts in helping the efforts of his group. Now, al-Jazeera is interviewing McCain inside the U.S. Capitol where the most vocal Senator in support of Hamas’ position in Syria was given a platform. McCain can massage his message all he wants; the […]
BBC Report: Hamas Leaders to lay off Israel if war with Iran
For years, Iran has been funding Hamas to join Hezbollah to fight Israel. The situation in Syria has changed everything. Last month, Hamas publicly stated that it would be siding with the Syrian (Muslim Brotherhood) rebels against the Iranian-backed regime of Bashar al-Assad. This stance has all but pitted them against a now scorned Iran. […]
Authorizing Air Cover for Hamas and Al-Qaeda in Syria
According to Department of Defense officials, President Barack Obama has authorized a review of military options in Syria. With few exceptions, any airstrikes intended to either aid the rebels or weaken Bashar al-Assad will only serve strengthen al-Qaeda, Hamas, and by extension the Muslim Brotherhood. Via POLITICO: Pentagon officials said Wednesday that President Obama has […]
House Speaker exhibits hint of Wisdom on Syria
Yesterday, we reported on the desire of some Republican Senators – John McCain and Lindsey Graham – to help overthrow Syria’s Bashar al-Assad with airstrikes. We also explained why this is such a bad idea. According to The Hill, House Speaker John Boehner is demonstrating that he may understand our view a bit better than […]
Obama Administration ramping up plans to arm Syrian Rebels (al-Qaeda and Hamas)
Just last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned against arming the Syrian rebels because they are made up of al-Qaeda and Hamas. So what has changed? For one thing, there are two Republican Senators who have served as blockers for the administration on this issue. Both John McCain and Lindsey Graham support arming the […]
Senator John McCain just refuses to learn the Middle Eastern lesson
Is it me or has John McCain become a human ventriloquist dummy for the Muslim Brotherhood? Last year, he called the Libyan rebels his “heroes.” Earlier this year, he defended the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise to power in Egypt. Now, he seems bound and determined to remove Bashar al-Assad from power and he says merely arming […]
Video: Secretary of State Clinton Warning against arming Syrian Rebels
No doubt, the recent acknowledgment on the part of Hamas that it is abandoning Syria’s Bashar al-Assad assisted in Hillary Clinton’s contention that arming the Syrian rebels would be dangerous. In an interview with CBS, Clinton acknowledged that arming these rebels could place weapons into the hands of al-Qaeda and Hamas. Not only would such […]
Is Bashar al-Assad “Coup Proof”?
Syria is shaping up to be ground zero in major showdown between the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian-backed Shiite government of Bashar al-Assad. Over the last several days, the specter of Assad’s removal has carried an air of inevitability to it. A significant blow was dealt to Assad when Hamas publicly aligned with the […]
Video: United States, Al-Qaeda, and Hamas vs. Iran, Russia, and China
Though this is a couple of weeks old, it’s important now, in the context of Hamas formally ditching Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and, by extension, Iran as an ally. The video was posted at Verum Serum, which is home to a very reputable blog but even they don’t seem to understand what’s going on with the […]
Huma Abedin update: Why is she still Advising Hillary Clinton?
For all intents and purposes, we identified Anthony Weiner’s wife and Hillary Clinton’s closest aid, Huma Abedin as a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood in June of 2011. Surely, she would have been jettisoned from the State Department after we proved that her mother is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and that her familial […]
Welcome to Islam: Hamas turns its Back on Bashar al-Assad
In case you’re wondering, yes, I’m blue in the face. If you’ve ever had a dream in which you’re screaming at people about something important and they ignore you like you’re not even there, that’s what I feel like sometimes. I have been making the argument that the best possible outcome in Syria would be […]