Danny Danon, a member of the Israeli Knesset said last Sunday’s phone conversation between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama involved the U.S. President ‘yelling’ at the Israeli Prime Minister and that the treatment of Israel by Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry is ‘an insult’. The claims by Danon add more credibility to reports […]
Tag Archives | turkey
Obama State Department Turning U.S. into State Sponsor of Terrorism
By supporting Hamas, Turkey and Qatar are State Sponsors of Terrorism. Yet, Secretary of State John Kerry – as a representative of Barack Obama – wanted to commission those countries to negotiate a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. In so doing, Kerry was treating Israel like the terrorist state while treating terror states as allies. […]
‘Conservative’ MSNBC Personality Praises Lying, Pro-Hamas, Ex-Al Jazeera Reporter while Ripping Israel
Supposed ‘conservative’ MSNBC personality Joe Scarborough turned his back on Israel during his Morning Joe broadcast right after praising Ayman Mohyeldin for “incredible reporting” from Gaza. Mohyeldin previously worked at the Muslim Brotherhood’s propaganda arm Al-Jazeera and Muslim Brotherhood friendly CNN. As Shoebat.com demonstrated earlier this month, the only thing ‘incredible’ about Mohyheldin’s reporting is […]
ISIS Fighter Gives Thanks to Antichrist Turkey’s Hamas-Supporting Government
An ISIS fighter has revealed that the country of Turkey is largely responsible for the savage terror group’s success. These are the same jihadists who are responsible for the human slaughterhouses in Syria that Shoebat.com reported on earlier this year. Just this week, Shoebat.com brought you video of the systematic execution of other Muslims by […]
Obama’s Phone Call with Netanyahu WAS anti-Israel and Pro-Hamas
The reporter for Israel’s Channel 1 who reported on an excerpt of an alleged transcript of a phone conversation between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu is standing by that report despite vehement denials from both sides. In response to near immediate denials from Netanyahu’s people and the Obama administration, Oren Nahari – the reporter – […]
Saudi King Labels Muslims the ‘Enemies of Islam’
Saudi King Abdullah represents a country that has been exporting Islam all over the globe for decades. In fact, it has funded its arch-enemy – the Muslim Brotherhood – with untold amounts of money to help spread Islam. Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia has done what the U.S. has not; it has labeled the Muslim […]

Republican Benghazi Select Committee should Depose is Distancing himself from ‘Deteriorating’ Situation in Libya
A man who should be a major focus of the House Select Committee on Benghazi is Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. As Shoebat.com reported recently, one way for the Committee to demonstrate it’s not partisan would be to depose Rogers and ask him some very tough questions. Last week, Rogers […]
Egypt Standing with Israel against Hamas and Turkey
As the international community at large attempts to end the fighting between Israel and Hamas based on moral equivalency, Egypt and Turkey are both taking sides. Egypt, under General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, is joining Israel in attempting to destroy the terrorist tunnel systems under Gaza’s borders with the two countries. Turkey is hinting at launching […]
Spokesman for Nazi-Inspired Hamas accuses Netanyahu of being like Hitler
Perhaps one of the most bizarre narratives in the history of mankind is taking root. Osama Hamdan, a spokesman for Hamas, which is an extension of the same Muslim Brotherhood once led by close Hitler ally Hajj Amin al-Husseini, is comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Hitler. Of course, the intent is transparently clear […]
Turkey Holding Thousands of Jews as Political Captives
If there is one world leader who despises Israel and what’s currently going on in Gaza, it’s Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. That is clearly 4000 Israeli citizens are stranded there. An FAA travel ban to Ben Gurion airport was recently lifted. However, Turkey is extending its ban for several more days. Israelis yelled […]
Prime Minister of Antichrist Turkey no longer talking to Obama because of Syria and Gaza
Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is frustrated with Barack Obama. The two men used to talk directly and frequently but such discussions apparently stopped this past February. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has stopped talking to US President Barack Obama on the phone, amid growing strains between Ankara and Washington over […]
Muslims Force The Last Living Christian In Mosul To Leave, ENDING 2000 YEARS OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE AREA
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims, all members of ISIS, forced the last living Christian in Mosul to leave, ending 2000 years of Christianity in the city. It was St. Peter who gives us the oldest reference to the church in Iraq, when he wrote: The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; […]
Nazi-Loving Prime Minister of Antichrist Turkey Compares Israel to Hitler
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is officially a schizophrenic projectionist. In objecting to Israel’s eradication of Hamas rats, Erdogan suggested that Israel is worse than Hitler. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel on Saturday of having “surpassed Hitler in barbarism” through its attacks on Gaza, but warned Turks against taking out their anger […]
Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas Seeks Help from Antichrist Turkey
Hamas isn’t just finding an unsympathetic ear from Egypt in its fight with Israel. Egypt is telling the Muslim Brotherhood front group to go pound sand. This is not sitting well with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As Israel is stepping up its ground offensive in Gaza, Hamas is increasingly finding itself lacking the […]
At Last, a Jewish Politician with Balls
From Israel National News Yisrael Katz Israeli Minister of Transport Hits Back at Erdogan: What About the Armenian Genocide? Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) hit back at Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday, after the latter accused Israel of attempting a “systematic genocide” of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza, in his strongest attack yet […]
Retired General and Fox News Guest uses Shoebat Research and then Dismisses it
General Tom McInerney (Ret.) appeared on a Fox News segment with Megyn Kelly and made a shocking claim after initially seeming to agree with something Shoebat.com has been saying for years, that the Islamic Caliphate known as the Ottoman Empire will be re-established in Turkey. After predicting that the Caliphate declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi […]