By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** When will the right ever get it all right? While Allen West may be right about Benghazi being about weapons trafficking, he doesn’t have an answer as to the motives of the attackers. Would the terrorists who attacked the compound have done so because Benghazi was about […]
Tag Archives | turkey
Antichrist Nation of Turkey is Advancing its Military Power
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Turkey will this year launch a “national” factory to produce its own warheads, airplane bombs and plastic explosives and soon, the fifth-generation F-35 engine for the most advanced fighter in production anywhere in the world will have the label “made in Turkey”. An while Turkey makes the engines it will […]
Liberal Reporter Beaten to Near Death by his Muslim ‘Friend’
While in Syria, a liberal journalist suffered a tremendous beating and was shot by a jihadist he believed was his friend. The good news is that while in Syria, this liberal journalist was given the opportunity for a ‘Road to Damascus’ experience when it comes to Islam; he survived. It remains to be seen if […]
U.S. Senator compares Benghazi Investigators to Benghazi Terrorists
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) clearly doesn’t want the truth about Benghazi made public. During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Feinstein compared the House Select Committee – not the actual attackers – to a ‘lynch mob’. As the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Feinstein would have been one of eight members of […]
Obama using Alinsky to Trap himself
On Today’s show… We’ve been told that Barack Obama is a master at the Saul Alinsky strategy. Alinsky’s son David said, “Obama learned his lesson well” during the Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign. All that may be true but as someone who dedicated his seminal work to Lucier, the strategy necessarily must have inherent flaws. We’re […]
Antichrist Nation of Turkey says Israel must accept Islam
At a meeting in Ankara this week, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu sounded a bit like a diplomatic hostage taker issuing the ‘do what we say and nobody gets hurt’ line when talking about the capita of Israel. In much the same way that Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf egregiously stated that acts […]
Leader of Antichrist Turkey has a Short Fuse (Caught on Video)
After a mining disaster in Soma, Turkey in which almost 300 people are confirmed dead, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the spot and was greeted by both mourners and protesters as rescue crews were attempting to find and save unaccounted for miners. According to reports, Turkey has a bit of a history with […]

The Muslim Antichrist Is Coming To Destroy Christianity, And Christendom Will Arise To Destroy Him
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim Antichrist is coming soon, to destroy Christianity, and Christendom will arise to destroy him. This Antichrist will come from Turkey, not Iran or the New World Order. Stop focusing On Iran as though it will be the nation of Antichrist. We must focus on Turkey as the main […]
Obama Administration’s Plans to give Complete Power to Muslim Brotherhood
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A relationship between the former chairman of a mosque in the U.S. notorious for breeding terrorists may help to further illustrate the connection between the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian opposition, Turkey, and unfortunately, the U.S. Government. At, we have demonstrated that Bassam Estwani, who chaired the […]
Cenk Uygur Tells Americans who want Resolution to Benghazi, ‘F***’ You
By Ben Barrack If you thought Bob Beckel’s Benghazi meltdown was bad, it had nothing on the F-bomb laden tirade of Cenk Uygur on his internet show. The reason may have something to do with support for his home country – Turkey. Uygur holds dual U.S. / Turkish citizenship. There are very credible reports that […]
Muslim Mob Takes Christian Man, Hangs Him By His Feet And Severely Tortures Him
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A mob of 150 Muslims attacked a Christian man’s home in Pakistan, seized him and then severely tortured him by hanging him by his feat and savagely beating him with sticks. The Christian man’s name is Amanat Masih, and the attackers charged at him after he was falsely accused of […]
Hellbent on Blaming Assad for Chemical Attacks
Although State Department spokesman Jen Psaki is clearly hedging her bets when it comes to blaming Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime for the recent chemical attack in Syria, it’s rather obvious where the Obama administration wants to go. At yesterday’s press briefing, Psaki was asked if she’d seen reports of the attack. She acknowledged she had […]
Rebuilding the Empire of Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) If you think that rebuilding Babel was a crazy project, you need to contemplate on the “Kanal İstanbul”, a Turkish project, which is proposed to be built by the Republic of Turkey on the European side of Turkey, connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. And it is […]
House Intel Chairman Expresses Concern over al-Qaeda in Syria; Fails to mention Turkey’s Role
During a radio interview, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers was asked about the recent chemical attack in Syria. The interviewer seemed convinced the attack came from Bashar al-Assad, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, much of it chronicled by As part of his response, Rogers rightfully brought up the “huge and growing […]
Shocking Leaked Videos: Turkey Conspiring to Spread Destruction
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Antichrist system in Turkey is hard at work right now and two videos reveal a common interest being aggressively pursued in both Syria and Egypt; that common interest is the Muslim Brotherhood’s success. In the first video, terrorists loyal to the Brotherhood’s efforts in Syria can be seen carrying weapons and walking […]
The People of Egypt explain just how bad Muslim Brotherhood Rule was
The Cairo Monitor has released a short documentary entitled, The Real Egypt. It details how the brutal Muslim Brotherhood regime under Mohammed Mursi ruled over the country for an entire year. Upon viewing, one is left wondering how so many western nations – including the U.S., Great Britain, France, and the rest of NATO member […]