Tag Archives | turkey

Gul, Gulen, Gulenists and Turkey’s Political Civil War

A Turkish imam named Fethullah Gulen has been living in the U.S. for over a decade. Many consider him to be western civilizatin’s most dangerous imam. That may be but right now, Turkey’s Prime Minister appears to be fighting off Gulen’s supporters, known as Gulenists. A corruption scandal that appears to have set PM Recep […]

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Fists Fly in Turkish Parliament

At the core of a fist fight – that even included a flying iPad – among Turkey’s parliamentarians is a corruption scandal that may be ensnaring the political party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He’s definitely not happy with the investigation and has responded by firing police officers and other individuals it suspects of […]

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Muslims Force People Into Furnaces, Throw Children from Windows

By Theodore Shoebat A horrific massacre of unfathomable cruelty and grisly violence has just taken place by fundamentalist Muslims in the Syrian village of Adra in which innocent people were butchered and children thrown down windows. One survivor recounted: What is happening in Adra is unthinkable … Children are being slaughtered and thrown out of […]

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Leader of John McCain’s ‘Freedom Fighters’ flees Syria

Exodus of Salim Idris from Syria causes Western Leaders to Double Down on Absurdity By Ben Barrack If you remember the photos taken of Senator John McCain posing with terrorists when he visited Syria earlier this year, you might remember the name Salim Idris. He was one of the men McCain posed with. Idris is […]

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Greece Refuses To Open Mosques, And Tells Off Antichrist Nation Of Turkey

By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues on… Greece is standing its ground against the Muslim heretics. The Greek capital of Athens has refused to open any official mosque, in the desire of the Orthodox Christian population. While Athens has about 200,000 Muslims, thankfully it has not provided the haters of Christ the liberty to have […]

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Russia Outlaws The Building of Mosques, Will Get Tougher On Islam

By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues, and will only grow… The city of Moscow has now decreed that there will be no new mosques built, and has now put a ban on the construction of any one of those houses of heresy, and this of course demands our emulation. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, […]

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Turkey’s True Colors being Revealed

Citing a report from Youm7, Haaretz is reporting that the reason Huseyin Avni Botsali – Turkey’s Ambassador to Egypt – was expelled on November 23rd had to do with an active relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood. The source of Botsali’s funding should also raise eyebrows. Via Haaretz: Turkish ambassador in Cairo reportedly aided the Muslim […]

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Turkish Ambassador kicked out of Egypt for…

By Ben Barrack It is noteworthy when one country pulls its ambassador out of another country for safety reasons. It’s far more significant when a host country boots another country’s ambassador out for meddling in the affairs of said host country. In this particular case, Egypt has kicked Turkish Ambassador Huseyin Avni Botsali back to […]

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Turkey Border Patrol letting Al-Qaeda flow into Syria?

When it comes to the U.S. border with Mexico, the Obama administration and the Democrats have essentially instructed the Border Patrol to look the other way as illegals stream in. In Turkey, the Border Patrol there appears to be doing the same thing as al-Qaeda is allowed to stream into Syria. The rendezvous point for […]

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Turks put Dutch Journalist on Blacklist

Last month, we posted a video courtesy of Dutch journalist Bram Vermeulen. The video purported to show Turkish soldiers near the Syrian border, loading weapons and army supplies onto trucks that were allegedly destined for Syria’s rebel (Muslim Brotherhood) forces. Making the story a bit more telling was that Turkish soldiers insisted they not be […]

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Giving Erdogan something to Cry about

After an ‘Arab Spring’ that began with so much promise for the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan), the Islamic group has hit a run of bad luck. Its biggest defeat began on July 3rd, when Mohammed Mursi was removed from power. The military didn’t just remove Mursi; it’s essentially banned the group and has been rounding up […]

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Malik Obama, the OIC and the US-IWF

By Ben Barrack Westerners are led to believe that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is a mainstream outfit, one that brings together the moderate forces of Islam to help create a better Islamic world, right? Its charter talks about – among other things – preserving “lofty Islamic values of peace, compassion, tolerance, equality, justice […]

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Obama’s Two Masters and the Smell of Desperation

By Keith Davies As the manufactured Syrian crisis continues, it appears the President of the United States – based upon his actions that contradict everything he supposedly stands for according to two election campaigns – now appears to be a slave to a different master; maybe even Allah. It appears obvious that the president’s loyalty […]

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Video: Turkey providing Al-Qaeda supplies at Border?

Note: if anyone knows how to speak Dutch and is willing to transcribe the audio in this video report by Bram Vermeulen, please send us a note. There doesn’t appear to be a corresponding news article so translation of the video is needed. A short description of the video in text form we were able […]

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Turkey to fight for Mursi at White House with Obama?

As Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns rubs elbows with jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader, Khairat al-Shater, in an attempt to help the Brotherhood jockey for political position, a report has surfaced that Barack Obama has agreed to welcome a Muslim Brotherhood delegation to the White House. Also expected to be present is a Turkish delegation. […]

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Turkey’s Erdogan outs himself as Racist (horse already knew)

If you’re a conservative, liberals think you’re a racist. If you turn on any mainstream media outlet, you will inevitably hear opinions or opinions disguised as news that Christians and conservatives are racist. The seething hatred the left has for Christianity is so blind that its champions refuse to become outraged at the actual sources […]

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