Tag Archives | turkey

Congress Raises Concerns about Terrorists But Ignores Terrorist at the Top

Members of Congress sent a letter to the U.S. Treasury Department that expresses concerns over Hamas leaders being given safe harbor in Qatar and Turkey. That’s great but the guy at the top of the totem pole who has been receiving safe haven in Qatar for years isn’t mentioned once in the letter. The issue […]

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ISIS and Other Islamists Meeting In Turkey Because It’s Safer

Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) is essentially synonymous with ISIS. It’s regarded as a precursor to ISIS by the hair-splitters but it’s the same thing for all intents and purposes. Some may argue that alliances between such groups have fallen apart but that’s only because rebels fighting Assad cannot be seen as being allied with ISIS […]

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Obama Fights Against ISIS While Also Fighting Against Syria Which Wants To Partner With Obama Who Partners With Turkey Which Helps ISIS

Obama Fights Against ISIS While Also Fighting Against Syria Which Wants To Partner With Obama Who Partners With Turkey Which Helps ISIS. Sounds confusing of what? But this is the state of affairs we are in. Barack Obama has been working to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power for several years now while ISIS […]

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Cathedral on U.S. Soil At Risk of Suffering Same Fate as Hagia Sophia

Those familiar with our work are aware of our writings on the Hagia Sophia. We wanted to pass along this thought-provoking column by Monica Morrill published at American Thinker. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Allahu Akbar By Monica Morrill The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul is immovable, guarded by four Islamic […]

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ISIS Launches Attack from Turkey

Do you remember all those Turkish tanks that sat idly along the border with Syria as ISIS laid siege to the border town of Kobani? Well, now ISIS is launching attacks against Kobani from Turkey. According to a report from the AP: The Islamic State group launched an attack Saturday on the Syrian border town […]

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Muslim Scholar Who Called For Murdering Jews Shows No Concern for Mass Slaughter but Saddened by Muslim Deaths

The views expressed by Syrian scholar Rateb Al Nabulsi in the video from the Muslim Brotherhood’s propaganda network Al-Jazeera posted below, should give pause to any U.S. politician who still thinks Syria’s rebels should be armed. Nabulsi bemoans the deaths of Syrians and dismisses the mass slaughter and enslavement of the Yazidis at the hands […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Now a COVER-UP by both Democrats and Republicans

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The 36-page House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) report on Benghazi has finally been released and it smacks of cover-up. There are several highly questionable assertions in the report but also one very critical omission. In November of 2013, Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) was interviewed […]

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While In Turkey U.S. Vice President Met By Same Muslim Protesters Who Assaulted U.S. Sailors

During Vice President Joe Biden’s trip to Turkey to meet with that country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, protesters from the same group that assaulted U.S. sailors in Istanbul earlier this month assembled to denounce Biden’s visit. According to the AP: …about 300 people protested Biden’s visit to Turkey, chanting: “Biden get out. This country is […]

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BARRACK-AST: Ex-CIA Operative SHOCKED that ISIS taking over in Libya

On today’s BARRACK-AST: ISIS is taking over Libya and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which supported the NATO mission to overthrow Gadhafi, is suddenly concerned. Europe is also suddenly very concerned about Libya being taken over by ISIS. As was the case with the UNSC, NATO signed off on the plan to take out […]

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U.S. State Department BUSTED Pushing FAKE Propaganda

Last week a video purporting to show a young Syrian boy braving bullets being fired at him by the Assad regime, in order to rescue a girl younger than him. It went viral. On one hand, here was a young Syrian boy displaying tremendous courage. On the other hand, the Assad regime was seen as […]

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As Thanksgiving Approaches, President of ‘Turkey’ Says Muslims Discovered America

Ah, the irony of the President of Turkey making the claim – on the eve of Thanksgiving – that it was Muslims who discovered America, not Columbus, doesn’t get more palpable… or juicy. Turkey’s Muslim fundamentalist and Hitler-loving President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is making that very claim. According to the AFP: Turkish President Recep Tayyip […]

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ISIS Begins Invasion of Saudi Arabia

ISIS has already begun its invasion of Egypt and Libya as Shoebat.com has reported. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is now calling for an invasion of Saudi Arabia. Yet, Turkey continues to do very little in the fight against ISIS. The BBC reports: In a 17-minute audio message, purportedly from its elusive leader Abu Bakr […]

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Turkish Soccer Player Assaulted For Criticizing ISIS

A member of a Turkish soccer team is quitting after he was assaulted in the street in an attack that was said to have been in response to his using twitter to criticize ISIS. Added motivation for the attack may also involve an issue of racism. The man recently held up a sign in a […]

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State Dept Spokesman FLAILS When Asked About ISIS Strategy

State Department spokesman Jen Psaki is insisting that the solution to the situation in Syria is “political” and not “military”. She also struggled to explain why the administration is not doing a formal review of its current strategy in that country (h/t WFB): When it comes to Syria, the U.S. has few options. The worst […]

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Trafficking ISIS Fighters Disguised as Refugees INTO Western Countries

A western reporter in Istanbul has reported that he spoke with a man who claims to have been in the business of smuggling ISIS fighters – disguised as refugees – out of Turkey for three years. Their destination? Western countries: Extremist fighters have been brought into mainland Europe, hidden amid boatloads of Syrian refugees, according […]

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Turkey’s Partner ISIS Already Invading Egypt and Libya

The prediction that Turkey will invade Egypt has been put forth at Shoebat.com for quite some time now. With news that ISIS is taking root in Egypt, that invasion may have already begun. It’s fascinating to watch the pseudo-intellectual western media outlets, those paragons of smart, suddenly discover what has been obvious to many laypersons […]

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