Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

Trump Press Secretary Declares That God Appointed Trump To Be President

There are many people who believe that Trump was appointed by God to become President. However, such statements seem to have gone to the President himself, whose Press Secretary has recently declared that Trump’s Presidency was because of appointment by God: White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said she believes God wanted Donald Trump to […]

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First Catholic Church Being Built In Cuba Since The Communist Revolution

All religion but especially the Catholic Faith was heavily persecuted in Cuba. However, as the nation is slowly opening up so has the first Church in 60 years been built and two more are under construction according to a report: The first new Catholic church to be built in Cuba in over 60 years opened […]

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Advanced A.I. Face Modification Creation Of “Jennifer Buscemi” Is An Omen Of The Future The Technology Holds

Almost exactly one year ago in January 2018, I said that artificial intelligence facial manipulation technology was going to be a major trend to watch for in the future. I said this because I noted that the technology, which in the public sense existed at the time only in small artistic and computer programming circles, […]

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Mexican Drug Cartels Threaten Mayor Of American Party Town Of Cancun With Message And A Dismembered Body Left In Front Of It

While Americans continue to visit the party town of Cancun, the violence of the drug cartels is increasingly moving into the area, with drug cartels recently threatening the mayor, leaving a message and a dismembered corpse in front of the message A brutal narcomensaje directed for some officials and the mayor of Cancun, was left […]

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Mother Allows Father To Punch Their One-Year-Old Son In The Head Until He Dies

A Georgia couple was arrested after the mother allowed the father to repeatedly punch their one-year-old son in the head until he died according to a report: The parents of a one-year-old boy who allegedly was struck and killed by his father have been arrested and charged with felony murder. Police say 20-year-old Jaimie Howard […]

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Pope Francis Says That Catholic Media Outlets Lack Compassion For Denouncing Heresy

The job of the Pope throughout history has been to stand as the guard of the deposit of Faith given by Christ to His Church. Using the example of a bank account, the guarantor of the account is God and the deposit is the Faith. The Pope is simply a trustee- he can neither add […]

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Did Milo Yiannopoulos Just Reveal A Dark Secret About The Source Of His Fame And “Power?”

On January 17, 2019, Michael Voris did an infamous interview with Milo Yiannopoulos in which Voris clearly expressed that the age of sexual consent should be lowered to 16. Ted did an entire video and article responding to this: The issue of discussing the age of consent is not an issue into itself, except that […]

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American Couple Beats Fourteen-Month-Old Baby, Takes A Pair Of Scissors And Splits His Tongue Down The Middle

An American couples from the state of Indiana has been arrested after the horrible abuse of a fourteen-month-old baby. According to police the child was beaten over his body and his tongue was split in half with a pair of scissors: A Terre Haute couple is facing charges after police say a toddler’s tongue was […]

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Trump Administration Declares It Will Begin To Produce New Generations Of Nuclear Weapons In Preparation For War With Russia

The promotion of nationalism, while historically a sign that war between nations is approaching, has been pushed intentionally in modern times so to precipitate a war between the US and her geopolitical rival in Russia. For decades the US has been seeking to exacerbate the naturally existing problems in Russian society while stirring up discontent […]

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Elderly Dutch Woman’s Family Holds Her Down And Allows Doctor To Forcibly Euthanize Her As She Begs To Live

The European nation of Holland has some of the highest standards of living in Europe and the world. It is also one where euthanasia is legal and many people go to her to die. Euthanasia, which was presented as “compassion” for the sick and dying, is nothing less than legalized murder to justify further forms […]

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Atheist Starts ‘Satanic Prayer Line’ As A Joke To Mock Christian Missionaries, Shocked When He Gets Calls For Real Prayers

Atheists for years have criticized, parodied, or attempted to “expose” Christians and make them look foolish. While on occasion some of the criticism has been warranted (such as with the infamous exposure of the fraudulent televangelist Peter Popoff by James Randi), almost all of the criticism is not good and meant to be anti-Christian and […]

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Witness Declares At Trial That Mexican Drug Cartel Butcher El Chapo Personally Tortured People For Hours, Would Break All Their Bones With A Stick, Executed Some With Guns, And Buried Alive Another

The Mexican drug cartel kingpin and butcher El Chapo has been on trial for his crimes that have destroyed Mexico and terrorized the nation, including the US. According to one witness, El Chapo would personally torture some people, including breaking all of a man’s bones in his body with a stick, shooting others to death […]

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Father Declares That Jewish-Only Town’s Schools Are Keeping Students Illiterate And Uneducated As Town Digs In Against The State Of New York

For years, one hears constant legal claims or social accusations made against people of a majority religion seeking to guide a town in accordance with their religious beliefs in the US. Such examples include Ave Maria, Florida for Catholics and Dearborn, Michigan for Muslims. In both cases, a host of “civil rights” organizations seem to […]

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Man Gets Mad At His Friend In An Argument, Murders Him, Chops His Body Into Pieces And Flushes The Pieces Down The Toilet

A man in India had an argument with a friend and in the course of the argument he murdered him. To hide the crime, he cut up his friend’s body and flushed it down the toilet piece-by-piece. The only reason he was caught was because the chunks of his corpse clogged the sewer, and police […]

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Christian Pastor Imprisons Teenager In His House And Sodomizes Him For Seven Days, Tells Police That He Does This Regularly And Threatens To Murder His Victims

Dennis ‘fifteen-not-nine’ Prager and Michael ‘sixteen-is-OK’ Voris both have expressed and alluded to lowering the age of consent. However, the context in which they are expressing said desires suggest hidden and even malicious reasons for doing so. Prager outright says he believes that sodomy between a man and “fifteen year olds, not eight year olds” […]

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Discovery Of Centuries Worth Of Seven Rare Earth Elements On Disputed Island Chain Portends Conflict Between Japan And Russia

  It is often times said that it is never the big things in life that pose a threat to man, an endeavor, or a thing, but the little things. For example, when hiking in the woods, many people worry about being attacked by a bear or a wolf, or getting lost and dying for […]

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