Earlier this week, we posted BBC footage that showed Pallywood on full display. A man in Gaza, allegedly injured, was carried away by several other men, only to be seen walking around moments later as if nothing happened. Whomever was responsible for running video footage during this Anderson Cooper news segment should be out of […]
Archive | November 17, 2012
Video: Israel’s Iron Dome intercepts two Rockets headed for Tel Aviv from Gaza
Via the Jerusalem Post:
Michael Savage Gets It On Syria
Another person, amongst a few, telling the truth on the evil of the Syrian Revolution: posted by Theodore Shoebat

Can we start talking about what really happened on September 11th now?
As supposedly responsible people continue to point fingers over who knew what (and when) relative to what caused the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi, we thought it timely to revisit Walid’s discovery on September 13th; it puts so many ‘experts’ to shame. In the closed-door testimony of former CIA Director David Petraeus on November 16th, he […]