Archive | April 22, 2013

Epic Liberal Smackdown on Islamic Terrorism

This is an outstanding juxtaposition of the liberal view of Islam after the Boston marathon bombings and the conservative view. The host, Michael Coren is a host who isn’t concerned with being perceived as being neutral because the liberal position is fast becoming completely untenable. His two guests are the very liberal Marianne Meed Ward, […]

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Video: Glenn Beck reveals his information on Alharbi

Last Friday, Glenn Beck issued the U.S. Government an ultimatum – tell the American truth about Abdulrahman Al-Harbi, the Saudi national who went from suspect to person of interest to witness to victim all in less than 24 hours after the Boston marathon bombings. While issuing that ultimatum, Beck said Al-Harbi was a ‘bad, bad, […]

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Egypt: “a perverse spirit”

By Walid and Theodore Shoebat In a video unseen to the West until now, a bizarre, demonic, and vuduistic ritual was done in a wedding in the western district of Algharbieh in which a chicken was savagely eaten alive by a demonically frenzied group of men during a wedding party: **WARNING: GRAPHIC** The video is […]

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Is Senator Dianne Feinstein afflicted with Islamophobia?

On Fox News Sunday, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) squared off against Rep. Peter King (R-NY) over the issue of surveillance of the Muslim community in order to identify threats. King supports it. Feinstein does not. That begs the question: Which one of the two is afflicted with Islamophobia? Here are the relevant excerpts, via RCP: […]

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Is this why Boston Mayor is apologist for Jihadists?

Perhaps among the most outlandishly asinine assertions made by apologists running interference for Jihadists, the statement made by Boston’s mayor – Thomas Menino – may just top the list. In fact, it might just make Baghdad Bob blush. Via Washington Post: “All of the information that I have they acted alone, these two individuals, the […]

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Massachusetts Governor’s problems may be bigger than previously thought

This is a bit of a continuation from a post from yesterday. Before continuing, you may want to check this out first. Upon doing so, take note of the relationship between Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick – a Democrat – and the Muslim American Society (MAS). That relationship, when viewed in the context of the video […]

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It’s time to start questioning the Patriotism of our leaders

During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, former counter-terror expert for the CIA and FBI Philip Mudd made the shocking claim that the bombings at the Boston marathon should not be considered terrorism; they should be compared to Columbine and treated as murder. As a ‘counter-terror’ expert, Mudd has officially exposed himself as complicit in […]

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