How to use the Texas State Guard to help Secure the Border

On Today’s Ben Barrack Show…

Texas Governor Rick Perry has announced that he is putting 1000 Texas National Guard (TXNG) troops down a the state’s border with Mexico but Barack Obama could throw a monkey wrench into those plans as both the TXNG and the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG) answer to the President of the U.S. as well as the Governor.

However, there is one branch of the Texas Military Forces (TXMF) that answers exclusively to Governor Perry – the Texas State Guard (TXSG). According to the TXMF, the State Guard is slightly more than 2000 strong. Not much, to be sure, but Texas is rife with citizens eager to help out in the state’s current Obama administration-caused border crisis.

What Perry can do:
Call a special legislative session in which he charges the leaders of both houses (Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and House Speaker Joe Straus) to come up with viable solutions that can be arrived at with strictly state resources.

Open recruiting stations for TXSG volunteers for the sole purpose of providing support at the border. A program can be set up for Texans to volunteer to serve in the TXSG until the flow of illegal aliens can be abated. The legislature can also appropriate funding for such a program.

Muslim Brotherhood infiltration’s role in Benghazi attacks
Beginning at the 37:00 mark – analysis of how Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. State Department contributed to the Benghazi attacks of 9/11/12. In addition to having an al-Qaeda affiliated brigade providing security, a house adjacent to the compound was home to Ansar al-Sharia militants, the same militants who attacked the compound.

Until there is an honest admission of this reality, the truth about what happened in Benghazi is certain to prove illusive. Unfortunately, Republicans are as reluctant to address this problem as are Democrats.


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