After the recent midterm elections in which the Obama agenda was roundly rejected, the President’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough made a shocking claim when he said about what American voters will see as a result:
“They’re going to see Washington working better if this President has his way and that’s what he’s going to do… we’re going to do it any number of ways.”
So just what is the President’s “way”? Considering how McDonough has been promoted after meeting and schmoozing with Muslim Brotherhood figures, that “way” very well may include facilitating Turkey’s Caliphate.
Before his promotion to Chief of Staff from Deputy National Security Advisor, McDonough attended the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF) in Doha, Qatar in 2012, an annual event co-sponsored by the Brookings Institute and the nation of Qatar. As reported, while there, he embraced a man by the name of Abdallah bin Bayyah, the deputy to Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Al-Qaradawi has made no bones about wanting to re-establish the Islamic Caliphate in Turkey; he called for it earlier this year during a trip there.
In 2011, bin Bayyah was in Washington, DC at that year’s US-IWF, the first time it had been held outside Qatar.

Sheik Abdullah Bin Bayyah at 2011 US-IWF. ISNA President Mohamed Magid seated next to him (far left).
Bin Bayyah actually visited the White House in 2013, one year after McDonough and he shook hands in Qatar. Seated two seats away from Bin Bayyah was Rashad Hussain, Barack Obama’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is vigorously pushing the agenda of Turkey generally and the suppression of free speech specifically.
To further show that McDonough does Obama’s bidding when he meets with bin Bayyah, consider Obama’s speech in front of the United Nations earlier this year, when he said:
The ideology of ISIL or al Qaeda or Boko Haram will wilt and die if it is consistently exposed and confronted and refuted in the light of day. Look at the new Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies — Sheikh bin Bayyah described its purpose: “We must declare war on war, so the outcome will be peace upon peace.”
Elevating bin Bayyah elevates his boss, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who wants to see the ISIS Caliphate fall only so that the Brotherhood / Turkey Caliphate can rise:
In fact, just one month prior to Obama uttering those terrorist-supporting words, bin Bayyah’s boss was in Turkey calling for a much larger Caliphate to be established there:
h/t WFB