By Walid Shoebat A physics professor in Turkey wants to build death camps for Jews in his country. One month after making his wishes known, his research was awarded government funding. Ali Ihsan Goker is yet another symptom in a very real and growing problem in Turkey. That Goker is able to call for the […]
Archive | 2014
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Calls President of Antichrist Turkey to Apologize for Telling the Truth about Turkey helping ISIS
The world is upside down when telling the truth is considered a gaffe. Vice President Joe Biden is known for gaffes but when he spoke at Harvard University recently, what he said shouldn’t have been considered one; but it was. As a result, Biden apologized to Turkey’s lying President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for actually telling […]
Geert Wilders calls out Obama as one of ‘Gullible Souls’ and ‘False Guides’ on ISIS
It’s been some time since we hear from Dutch politician Geert Wilders but he’s back. In the video below, he was speaking to Dutch Parliament and referred to anyone who maintains that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam as ‘gullible souls’ in a clear reference to Barack Obama, whom he later named as a […]
“Blind Sheikh” Prosecutor Not Seeing 9/11 Muslim Terrorist Connection in Criticizing Obama for Blaming the ‘Khorasan Group’
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack While an understandably frustrated Andrew McCarthy has been focused on the political word games of the Obama administration when it comes to the so-called ‘Khorasan Group’, he might do better to play along. McCarthy, who successfully prosecuted the “Blind Sheikh” for the latter’s role in the first World Trade […]
Judaizing Is The Source Of All Heresies, It Is The Most Dangerous Heresy To Have Ever Existed. Muhammad Was A Judaizer
By Theodore Shoebat I have always wondered why the Apostles spent so much of their time fighting the Judaizers, and why the they all gathered together at the Council of Jerusalem just to condemn those who said you needed to be circumcised in order to have attain salvation. Through modern eyes, these heretics would be […]
Head of Huma Abedin Defender Ben Affleck Nearly Explodes when Liberal Comedian Confronts him with Truth about Islam
The firewall behind the forehead of liberal actor and Huma Abedin defender Ben Affleck was breached by Bill Maher and his guest. It was definitely red alert / all hands on deck inside Affleck’s cranium. Liberals are quite comfortable in the echo chamber of group think where all liberals are in lockstep but in this […]
Oklahoma Senator Critical of Islam BEFORE Beheading Largely Silent AFTER Beheading **UPDATE: Bennett NOT Backing Down**
The silence of Oklahoma State Senator John Bennett about Islam is conspicuous. Just days prior to the beheading of an Oklahoma woman by a man who attended a Muslim Brotherhood-connected mosque, Bennett had been making some strong comments against Islam. Since the beheading, he’s been practically silent. Bennett’s decision to go dark may be politically […]
Bachmann Shows more Guts than Most Men as ISIS Features her in Latest Video
Last week, as reported, Rep. Michele Bachmann gave a speech at the Values Voters Summit that included language most – if not all – men wouldn’t use. She referred to the fight America is engaged in today as “spiritual warfare” and identified Islam specifically when describing it. As a result, Bachmann made the cut […]
Turkey’s LYING President wants U.S. Vice President to Apologize for Telling the Truth
It’s not very often that U.S. Vice President Joe Biden gets something right but he did during a speech at Harvard University this week. While explaining how ISIS grew out of Al-Nusra and al-Qaeda in Iraq after finding open space in eastern Syria, Biden did something few American politicians do; he dropped Turkey in the […]
99.9% of Mosques are “Radical” or the TRUE Islam
Megan Kelly is one of the few in the media who gets the issue of Islam and tries the hardest on Fox News to give you the truth despite I am sure getting some heat from time to time from above. The very pretty face along with great intelligence and her charm could be the […]
Next American to be Beheaded is a Convert to Islam but that doesn’t seem to help
At the end of the video featuring ISIS beheading victim Alan Henning, the next victim is presented. His name is Peter Kassig and he is an American Army vet who converted to Islam while in captivity; that doesn’t seem to be enough. Like the others, Kassig appears to be a leftist who is sympathetic to […]
Pope Francis Backs Military Attacks Against ISIS
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis conveyed a meeting with other Catholic bishops to discuss the current persecution of Christians, and in the end an agreement was made that military attacks against ISIS was justified. As we read from a report: The Vatican is demanding that Christians and other religious minorities have the right to return […]
Muslim Jihadists Are Now Closing In On Ancient Christian City, But Hundreds Of Christian Fighters Have Taken Up Their Guns And Are Now Killing Them
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadists fighting for the Al-Nusra Front terrorist group (or ANF), has been for months attacking and trying to invade the Christian city of Mhardeh. It is amongst the last Christian strongholds in Syria, and now the Muslim heretics are closing in on the city. As one native Christian named George Rahhal […]
ISIS Is Is Making Horrific Fields Of Blood, And Takes Men And Small Boys And Slaughters All Of Them In Cold Blood
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is making blood soaked killing fields, slaughtering hundreds of people, taking men and young boys and killing them without remorse. As one report says: The Islamic State is carrying out despicable crimes and has transformed rural areas of northern Iraq into blood-soaked killing fields in its brutal campaign to obliterate all […]
41st Anniversary of Yom Kippur War, Watch a Hero and the Miracle of Yahweh
Avigdor Kahalani was a battalion commander during the Yom Kippur War. He and 7 of his remaining tanks of the 77th Brigade stopped the Syrian advance on the Golan Heights in 1973. We solute Avigdor Khalani who is now a retired General and his brave tank commanders for their courage and tenacity in saving Israel […]
U.S. Mosque Already Tax-Exempt now getting DHS / FEMA Taxpayer Grants for Security
It appears that Muslim Brotherhood-linked institutions in the U.S. have found yet another way to benefit from taxpayers, in addition to being tax-exempt. The latest example comes courtesy of the Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB), which is receiving tens of thousands of dollars in grant (taxpayer) money courtesy of a program administered by the Federal […]