A Jewish couple was attacked in New York City by pro-Palestinian thugs who appear to have committed a hate crime. According to sources, the couple may have been targeted because the man was wearing a Yarmulke. Via the New York Post (h/t Pamela Geller): A gang of anti-Semitic thugs roughed up a Jewish man and […]
Archive | 2014
Nazism returns to Europe in a Big Way – One in six French people say they support ISIS
Vox.com It seems far left whackos and Muslims agree with beheading the Kuffars (us infidels). It looks like Nazism (a leftist ideology) is very popular amongst the French. For the Jews who still live in France here is a serious warning from www.Shoebat.com – GET OUT before it is too late. Two polls released this […]
Leader of Muslim Civil Rights Group Disgracefully Exploits Michael Brown Funeral in Ferguson
Why did CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad attend the funeral of Michael Brown, who was shot in Ferguson earlier this month? To say Awad had ulterior motives would be an understatement. Muslim Brotherhood operatives have been exploiting race and the civil rights movement to their advantage for decades. If Awad were truly concerned about healing […]
Egypt and United Arab Emirates “former allies” of the United States secretly bomb Libyan Islamist targets
The U.S. Had No Idea Egypt and U.A.E. Were Going to Bomb Libya by Adam Chandler at Wire.com Egypt and the United Arab Emirates “former allies” of the United States secretly teamed up to launch two airstrikes against Islamist forces in Libya. This development comes as little surprise, after all, both countries are waging their […]
White House Makes STUNNING Admission that Obama NOT Detached; Knows EXACTLY what he’s doing (Crashing by Design)
As the world continues to descend deeper into chaos, the most stinging criticisms of President Barack Obama are that he is detached, disinterested, uninvolved, etc. The logic is that the reason things are getting worse is because the President isn’t leading and that a checked out American President leads to disaster around the world and […]
Muslims in Dearborn Show Less Opposition to ISIS than to Israel
Dearborn, Michigan is a city so densely populated with Muslims that it’s been referred to as “America’s Muslim Capital”. Some estimates put the Muslim population there as high as 40,000. About 40 (.01%) stood in front of City Hall with a sign that read, “MUSLIMS AGAINST ISIS”. Such a low turnout not only rings hollow […]
Egypt Trying to Clean up Obama’s Mess in Libya
The NATO operation responsible for removing Muammar Gadhafi has quite predictably proved to be a disaster. It paved the way for the Benghazi attacks as well as the recent fall of Tripoli to Islamists and total lawlessness in that country. As Islamists were in the process of taking Tripoli, they were having to deal with […]
Time to Hold IRS Commissioner in Contempt of Congress if he Doesn’t Release Lois Lerner’s Emails
The President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton announced publicly that a Justice Department attorney told one of his attorneys that none of Lois Lerner’s emails are lost. This is a stunning admission and if there was any email correspondence involving Lerner and the tax-exempt status of Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), it would […]
Muslim Accused of Beheading James Foley Applauded by UK’s most Notorious Muslim Scholar
Last year, Great Britain’s most recognizable resident Muslim Anjem Choudary expressed solidarity with Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded British soldier Lee Rigby as Shoebat.com reported. It’s now being reported by the Clarion Project that Choudary is likewise expressing support for Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, the man suspected of beheading James Foley: Choudary told the Clarion […]
Kurdish Government Wants To Give Weapons To Iraqi Christians, But Christian Leaders Say No To Christian Militia
By Theodore Shoebat The Kurdish government wants to give weapons to Iraqi Christians so that they can defend themselves, but there are (not surprisingly) Christian leaders who are actually against the giving of arms. The lending of guns to the Christians is desired by President Masud Barzani of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan, who said […]
ISIS Has Drones And Is Using Them In Their Terrorist Attacks
SHOEBAT.COM EXCLUSIVE Theodore Shoebat ISIS has drones and is using them to organize their terrorist attacks. Shoebat.com obtained a video made by ISIS, filmed from a drone in mid air scoping the last military base of Assad in the area of al-Raqqa. After the drone observes the stronghold, ISIS fighters moved into the base with […]
Jimmy Carter giving Keynote Speech at ISNA Convention after Assassination of Anwar Sadat; Like LBJ giving Keynote Speech at KKK Convention after MLK Assassination
The former U.S. President credited with bringing Egypt and Israel together to sign the Camp David Accords will be delivering the keynote speech at this year’s annual ISNA convention. The Muslim Brotherhood, which formed the ISNA was behind the assassination of Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt who signed the treaty. Based on his role […]
ISIS Takes Man, Gouge Out His Eyes, And Cut His Head Off
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims took a Yezidi man, gouged out his eyes, and cut his head off, in a brutal slaughter against non-Muslims. One source recounts the horror: Tens of thousands of Yazidis made the 100-mile trek from Mt. Sinjar all the way to the United Nations refugee camp on the northern border. For […]
Pro-Russian Militiamen Kill Five Evangelicals
By Theodore Shoebat It is horrible thing to hear, Christians killing Christians. It is really quite disturbing. We expect this sort of behavior from Muslims, but not from supposed fellow Christians. Pro-Russian militiamen killed five Evangelical Christians, one of whom was a pastor. They also killed an archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch […]
ISIS are Banning Jeans, Falafel, Pickles, Cigarettes and Pistachios in Mosul and now the Muslims want to ban Bacon in Vermont?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Its getting really tough out here in the U.S., especially for us Middle easterners who left Muslim lands in favor of Christian lands. And after having found some comfort to leave our terroristic lifestyle behind, convert to whatever religion we want, eat whatever we enjoyed; Falafel or Bacon, smoke Hookah […]
Libya in Chaos as Islamists Take Control of its Capital (Prophecy is being Fulfilled)
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) As has been predicted by Shoebat.com for years which these days things are moving with lightening speed, the Islamist seized Libya’s capital, Tripoli including its airport, proclaimed their own government and presented the world with yet another similar crisis to ISIS. All this has major prophetic implications. The umbrella group […]