Archive | 2014

Eight Members of Congress Closer to Giving up the Ghost on Benghazi Coverup

By Ben Barrack A legal watchdog group has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Departments of State and Defense. Essentially, the suit demands information about the U.S. operation in Benghazi before the attacks. In particular, the information will reveal much of what eight members of Congress knew and when they knew […]

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State Dept Spokesman: Terrorism NOT on the Rise

There was a time when no one thought the “Baghdad Bob” schtick would get old. Well, thanks to the Obama administration, it’s as worn out as Light My Fire by the Doors. The latest incarnation comes from State Department spokesman Jen Psaki who, in response to a question about putting what’s going on in Iraq […]

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The Future War Between Christians And Muslims Is Coming

The future war between Christians and Muslims is coming. It is being foreshadowed by the many battles that have occurred between Christians and Muslims in Central Africa and Nigeria, and the tensions between Russian Orthodox Christians and Muslim Turks. All of these are signs that the tensions and numerous instances of violence will result in […]

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We Are Living In Sodom And Gomorrah

By Theodore Shoebat We are living in Sodom and Gomorrah. We have tyrannical judges shutting down the votes of the American people who voted against homosexual marriage. This is all because of tolerance, and it is leading to the advancement of the sodomite agenda. Here is a video I made illustrating how the homosexual mafia […]

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Iraq Has Become A Lawless Land, With Muslims Making Truck Loads Of Bodies

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. — Matthew 24:12 This verse is being illustrated in Iraq as we speak. Countless lives are being butchered. has obtained a video from Arabic sources, showing a massacre committed by ISIS in a marketplace in Iraq: The […]

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Benghazi’s Most Important Whistleblower Just Came Forward

On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… Benghazi’s biggest whistleblower just came forward. Her name is Cindy Lee Garcia and she has revealed that the producer of the video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks admitted to her that he is a Muslim. This is a game changer. It means that the narrative we’ve been […]

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Obama Brothers Meet Two Days before Malik visits with Cult Leader who wants to Build Jerusalem’s Third Temple

By Ben Barrack Malik Obama is either schizophrenic or brazenly deceptive. In 2010, he visited Yemen and donned a Hamas stoll that said – in Arabic – “Jerusalem is Ours. We are Coming!” and identified Palestine as being “From the River to the Sea”. At the same time, he was partnered with a cult leader […]

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‘Lost’ Emails between Lois Lerner and White House may be about Obama’s Brother

By Ben Barrack Was there any email correspondence between the White House and former IRS Tax Exempt Director Lois Lerner relative to Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF)? If so, when would it have taken place? Could it have been any time between January 2009 – April of 2011? The reason that should be […]

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Jesus Christ Did Not Believe In Tolerance And Peace, But The Punishment Of Evil Doers And Evil People

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Jesus Christ did not believe in tolerance and peace, but the punishment of evil doers and evil people. I never accepted the modern perception of Christianity, as a sort of peace loving religion. Christ Himself said: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not […]

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Pope Francis Stands Up against False Historians Who Slander The Catholic Church, And Shows The Truth As To How The Catholic Church Saved Jews

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis stood up against false historians who continuously slander Pope Pius XII, and showed how Pius XII saved Jews from Nazi persecution. Francis is concerned about “everything which has been thrown at poor Pius XII,” and said I sometimes get an existential rash when I see everybody taking it out against […]

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Muslims Take Christian Man, And Slaughter Him Right In Front Of His Son

By Theodore Shoebat With the takeover of Mosul in Iraq by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Christians are being butchered at random. In just one incident, they took a Christian man and murdered him right in front of his son. They then kidnapped his son and did not release him until […]

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George Clooney Can’t Handle the Truth about Obama and Sudan

By Ben Barrack Earlier this week, Theodore wrote an article in response to actor George Clooney’s article with John Predergast about the mass genocide of Christians and Muslims in Sudan at the hands of Omar al-Bashir. It’s good that Clooney is concerned about al-Bashir’s atrocities but he doesn’t seem to understand that by supporting Obama, […]

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Muslim Man Demands Second Wife, His First Wife Objects, Muslim Man Murders Her, Hangs Her Body From The Ceiling Fan, And Then Shoots His Two Children To Death

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in Pakistan demanded a second wife, and when his first wife objected, he murdered her, hung her body from the ceiling fan, and then shot his six year old daughter, and his 9 year old daughter. According to one Pakistani report: Rubina, 30, was found hanging from a ceiling […]

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Prophecy is Being Fulfilled, The Antichrist is Arising as Iran Moves into Iraq

When Iraq faded from the collective consciousness and few were paying attention to it we wrote: “Iraq will weaken as a result of America’s exit to simply be devoured by Iran.” (Article by Walid Shoebat written in 2012 for Jewish Voice Ministries) And now that Iraq is under the radar again as Mosul, Iraq’s SECOND […]

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Bush DID Lie about Iraq and 9/11

By Ben Barrack In 2003, I believed President George W. Bush and was not at all equipped to come to an educated conclusion myself about going into Iraq. I chose to believe the Republican narrative and was in full support of ‘Shock and Awe’, a name given to the operation that sought the removal of […]

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KaBOOM! Obama Caught in Failed Agitprop Operation over Benghazi Video

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In previous reports, has provided readers with more than enough evidence to establish probable cause that the Obama administration was involved in the production of the anti-Muhammad video it attempted to blame for the Benghazi attacks. The filmmaker has confessed to being a Muslim and was […]

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