By Theodore Shoebat Rick Warren has been recently working with a Hindu teacher, named Daniel Amen, a teacher of the Hindu practice of “kirya kirtan” meditation. Here is a video I did exposing how Rick Warren is working with this man, in which I show an interview between the two where Amen brings up the […]
Archive | 2014
Muslims Burn Boxes Of Cigarettes By The Droves, And Declare That Whoever Is Caught Smoking Will Be Punished
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadists (members of the ISIS), who now rule the areas of Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, have made it law that cigarette smoking will be punished, and they have also burned boxes of cigarettes by the droves. They made this edict into a document as we find in one report: Promising […]
The Genocide Of The Canaanites Was Justified
SHOEBAT EXLCUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The genocide of the Canaanites was justified. The objection against the Hebrews’ killing of them is a common one, and here is a way you can refute it. Here is a video I made illustrating and explaining as to why the Canaanites needed to be destroyed: A frequent objection against […]
Satanist Invades Hobby Lobby, And Infests The Store With Baby Dolls Attached With Coat Hangers With Signs That Say, “Aborted Baby Jesus”
By Theodore Shoebat A low life (whose actions merit us calling him a satanist) invaded a Hobby Lobby and infested it with baby dolls attached with signs that say “Aborted Baby Jesus”. One report says: A Hobby Lobby store in Poughkeepsie, New York was recently the target of an act of pro-abortion vandalism. An abortion […]
George Clooney Stands Up Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians
By Theodore Shoebat George Clooney is standing up against the current Islamic genocide of Christians by Omar al-Bashir, the Muslim ruler of North Sudan. In a newly written article, George Clooney and John Prendergast both reveal how Bashir is killing Christians and even other Muslims: If you care about religious persecution, Sudan is attacking Muslims […]
Many Fear to Tread where Benghazi Facts Lead
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Trey Gowdy, insisted in an interview that his committee will “go wherever the facts take us” and that if the committee does not do that, it “will be punished” by the American people. It is critical that Gowdy understands the true […]
The Theory Of Evolution Is An Evil Lie From Satan And Needs To Be Abolished From Society
By Theodore Shoebat The Theory of Evolution has no place in civilized society. It is a tyrannical ideology, never composed for the sake of scientific discovery (as it was with Newton), but for the conquest of the world, the ascending of government over the Laws of God, the extermination of the helpless, the degeneration of […]
The Islamic Antichrist System is Forming as Iran and Turkey Are Already Uniting
The so-called “Iran experts” and “Turkey experts”, including all the U.S. government officials, both right and left, with their propaganda machine pitting Sunnis against Shiites, and also saying that Iran is growing increasingly unstable and that Erdogan was on his way out, were all wrong and we who study our Bibles are RIGHT. This observation […]
Muslims Take Christian Girls, Cut And Lacerate Their Bodies, Rape Them, Mutilate Their Vaginas, And Tell Them To Convert To Islam
By Theodore Shoebat It is very common in Pakistan for Muslims to take Christian girls, cut and lacerate their bodies, rape them, mutilate their vaginas, and forcefully tell them to convert to Islam. According to one report, between 100 to 700 Christian girls are kidnapped every year in Pakistan and put through this type of […]
Chuck Hagel Getting the Janet “Waco” Reno Treatment in Bergdahl Swap
By Ben Barrack If you want evidence that Barack Obama knows he has a big disaster on his hands with the Bowe Bergdahl swap, just look at who’s getting the same treatment Janet Reno got after the Waco disaster. In 1993, when the Waco compound of David Koresh went up in flames at the hands […]
EXPLOSIVE: Filmmaker ‘Behind The Benghazi Attack’ Found To Be A CONFIRMED MUSLIM Agent Who Worked With US Government
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **EXPLOSIVE SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In a EXCLUSIVE, a woman who starred in the controversial video that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton blamed for the attacks in Benghazi, has come to us with a STUNNING revelation that the man who produced the video recently confessed to her that he is […]
Comedian Jon Stewart is a Dangerous Fool
By Keith Davies Political Commentator Jon Stewart the left wing comedian who thinks he understands the “Religion of Peace” is but a fool who sadly has influence over hundreds of thousands of other fools. If only Jon Stewart knew the terror intentions of Bowe Bergdahl’s father, as we have reported on the “funny” sketch […]
Muslims Take Seven Hostages And Cook Them Alive Until Their Bodies Become Charred
By Theodore Shoebat Seven people in Sunday’s Karachi airport attack done by Muslims were found cooked to death, and their bodies charred. They were hiding in a cold storage facility, held hostage by the Muslim attack. They phoned their families for the last time, and then suddenly were engulfed by flames as a result of […]
Genesis 16:12, Wild Asses of Men
He shall be a wild ass of a man, his hand against every man and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen.” Imam Beats Up 77-year-old man! A 27 year old Imam brutally beats up 77 year old, breaking hs nose and knocking out teeth because according to […]
Hillary is Horrified by Benghazi
By Ben Barrack If there is one thing all politicians must do to protect their hides in the face of scandal and controversy, putting on a happy face, even when everything around them is crumbling, is at the top of the list. Perception is everything. If the reality is terrifying, public perception has to be […]
Fascist Muslims Will Try and Take over, UK schools in “Trojan Horse” scandal.
For anyone who has studied the history of Islam and how it took over the Middle East, North Africa and Southern Asia; it was by war and “Dawa” which is the taking over the education institutions, infiltrate the government and impose Sharia. This story from the UK exposes clearly the Islamic agenda to spread Sharia […]