Archive | 2015

TERROR THREAT ALERT: UK’s And French Nuclear Plants Are At SERIOUS Risk Of Terrorist Drone Strikes Possibly By ISIS

 By Walid Shoebat  It is no secret that ISIS has manufactured drones and has threatened the U.K, the United States and France. And yesterday, mysterious drones were sighted which is alarming the U.K and France that the activity is planned to cause a meltdown similar to what happened at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. French authorities today were […]

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The massacre of the Assyrian Christians Is On The Way. ISIS Kidnaps 117 Christians In Syria While Christian Fighters Tried To Defend Them Ran Out Of Ammunition Because They Had No Help From Western Powers

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) reported yesterday before it became news, that ISIS attacked the Assyrian villages in the Hasaka province in northeast Syria where ISIS fighters were met by members of Natorehs, a Christian brigade which is also called The Assyrian Guards where Assyrian fighters were killed running low on ammunition and help from anyone in […]

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ISIS Nazis Burn THOUSANDS of Ancient and Priceless Books

“Where books are burned, in the end, people will be burned.” – Heinrich Heine What a shame. #isis has burned and destroyed over 8000 rare books and manuscripts in #Mosul — Newsitis (@Newsitis) February 24, 2015 Perhaps it is no coincidence that as the world hears of the horrors of ISIS burning people alive […]

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LOUISIANA GOVERNOR BLOWS IT: Calls Turkey an ‘Ally’ And Recommends Arming Muslims Who Want a Caliphate

In his interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal started out just fine when talking about the need for the U.S. to identify Islamic fundamentalists as the enemy… and then came the 3:57 mark. At that point, Jindal referred to Turkey as an ‘ally’ the U.S. should rely on to remove […]

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WHAT EVERY AMERICAN MUST KNOW: The Roots of U.S. Domestic Muslim Brotherhood Problem and the Reasons Why the Republican Establishment Avoid It

This is the third article in a series. Part two can be read here. The details about why someone very high up in the George W. Bush administration intentionally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory barely six months after 9/11 are not entirely known. What is known is that someone high up in the […]

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A Rare Light in the Democrat party, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard slams Obama

A two-term Democratic lawmaker from President Obama’s home state of Hawaii appears to be the rare exception to a well-established rule: thou shalt not criticize Barack Obama. It’s a lesson former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani found out the hard way recently, but it’s not being forced on U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. A complicit […]

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We Are Entering Into The Great Tribulation That Jesus Warned Us About: There Is An Entire Movement In America That Wants To Legalize Cannibalism

By Theodore Shoebat For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. — Matthew 24:21 Today we have ISIS, beheading, burning people alive, and doing other unspeakable things. But what everybody is ignoring, is that when Jesus speaks […]

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Eight Year Old Girl Used As Suicide bomber, Kills Five and wounds dozens more.

The Nigerian military regains a key town lost to Boko Haram, but the insurgent group stoops to even bloodier tactics Victory in battle is rarely a straight shot. So it goes in Nigeria, where the fight against the militant Islamist insurgent group, Boko Haram, progresses in fits and starts. Victory one day is eclipsed by […]

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Retired Four Star Admiral Must be reading

Ace Lyons serverd in the U.S. Navy for thirty-six years, including as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and has received post graduate degrees from the U.S. Naval War College […]

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Americans Need To Make A Choice. Is It “In Allah We Trust” Or “In God We Trust”? The Guide On How To Prevent Yourself From Being Deceived By An Antichrist Agenda Promoted By The Media And U.S. Government When It Comes To Middle East Foreign Policy That Supports The Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat What American would have even dreamt years ago that the United States some day will elect a president who will advance an agenda to promote that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding” while at the same time such a president is currently doing some heavy promotion to even […]

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As Obama and Congress Arm and Train Savage Muslims, Christians Willing to Fight ISIS Are Being Ignored

In Northeastern Syria, along the Khabur River, sit dozens of Assyrian Christian villages. Those villages are under increased threat and savage assault from ISIS. Families are being kidnapped or forced to flee their homes. All the while weapons and training are being provided to Syrian Muslim rebels by both Turkey and the Obama administration in […]

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MERS Is Surging Again In The Land Of The Harlot Of Babylon, Saudi Arabia: The Cover-Ups Behind Muslims Drinking Camel Urine

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is rearing its head again in Saudi Arabia but somehow health officials and scientists can do little more than scratch their heads when trying to explain where it comes from. The problem is the most likely cause is almost as easying as adding two plus two and getting four. According […]

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AMAZING GUTS: It takes a 12 year old boy to show courage in standing up to Obama’s hatred for America

C J Pearson a 12 year old boy who is obviously conservative and Christian calls out Obama and supports the sentiments of Rudy Giuliani. This is great, only comment that it is shameful that the pathethic “conservative” politicians do not have the same spine this kid has, most of them stood back from Rudy Giuliani’s […]

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Obama Administration Insisting ISIS Not Islamic in Order to Protect Stealth Muslim Jihadists

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” – Sun Tzu Department of […]

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So What Was In The Tomb Which Turkey Invaded Syria Over? Turkey Claimed It Wanted To Rescue The Remains Of Sulaiman Shah, An Icon Of The Ottomans. But What They Found In The Tomb Will Shock You.

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) All the hoopla about rescuing the remains of Sulaiman Shah, the grand father of the Ottoman Empire from ISIS. For that Turkey launched an overnight raid into neighboring Syria sending military accompanied with tanks, armored vehicles and provisions including air support to rescue the remains (so they claimed) of this icon […]

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Mujahadeen Moments: Understanding Jihad and the confidence we have given them

Many so called experts from the West will give you all sorts of reasons for Jihad and terrorism. The lastest reason from our “expert” State Department say that the lack of jobs is the reason. The best way to understand the Jihadists is from their own mouths. Here is a ten minute video of Al […]

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