By BI: Another woman in the audience also got kicked out for saying “Hillary lied.”
Archive | 2016
FRANCE begins closing the Muslim Jungle…thousands of freeloaders forced to flee
By BI: One angry Muslim illegal alien says: “We didn’t come here to stay in France, we demand to go to England and we are free to choose our country where the welfare benefits are better.”
AUSTRALIA: Muslim brothers dress up as Arab terrorists & carry out fake drive-by shootings and suicide bomb hoaxes
By BI: The Jalal brothers, Max, 20, Arman, 18, and Rebeen, 16, were arrested by counter terrorism police after sparking outrage with a suicide bomber hoax video and ‘drive by shooting’ stunt targeting a young girl. UK Daily Mail Law student Max, 20, Arman, 18, and Rebeen Jalal, 16, are currently being questioned by police in custody […]
EGYPTIAN-born man says: “I am a Muslim and I love you, Donald Trump”
By BI: Elhamy Ibrahim, 62, (below) is a Muslim who does not like very many other Muslims these days, but loves Donald Trump. The Egyptian-born businessman who came to the United States in 1981 and became a citizen two decades later. Tribune He strongly backs Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the US until authorities can […]

DEAD ON ARRIVAL? Congress introduces HR-3892 legislation to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization
By BI: As a card-carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Barack Hussein Obama will never allow the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act bill to pass. WAIT FOR DONALD TRUMP!
Leading Muslim cleric totally eviscerates Obama’s claim that Muslims were instrumental in building the fabric of America…or anywhere else for that matter
By BI: Not only did Muslims contribute nothing to the building of America for the first 200 years, they weren’t even in America in any significant numbers until the late 20th Century. RELATED STORY/VIDEO: they-came-they-saw-they-plagiarized-1001-so-called-muslim-inventions-virtually-none-of-which-were-actually-invented-by-muslims
HUH? American doctors offer a “compromise” on how to uphold the Muslim tradition of genitally mutilating their daughters
By BI: The American Pediatric Association considered this “compromise” several years ago, but rejected it in the end. Now two more American non-Muslim gynecologists doctors think Western countries should legally permit Muslim immigrant communities to surgically “nick” young girls’ vaginas as an alternative to full-scale female genital mutilation. UK Daily Mail Such a “compromise” could allow groups to […]
Trump Won The Debate And Will Defeat Cruz And Rubio On Super Tuesday
By Walid Shoebat Watching last night’s debate Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were trying to take a shot at the title but miserably failed and will not even put a tiny dent in Donald Trump who will be the Republican nominee. Trump’s tax issue will not hurt him and neither will the ‘Trump University’ grow into any sort of scandal. These […]
The French Government Orders That An Entire Islamic Refugee Camp Be Destroyed And The Muslims Thrown Out
By Theodore Shoebat The French government has just ordered for an entire refugee camp, filled with Muslims, to be destroyed and the Muslim refugees thrown out of the camp. According to a report: A French court upheld a government plan to partially demolish hundreds of tents and wooden shelters housing migrants and refugees in […]
Muslims Man Realizes That Islam Is Absolutely False, Accepts Jesus Christ And The Holy Trinity, And Builds Fifty Churches
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in in West Bengal realized that Islam is false and accepted Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity, and built fifty churches. According to a report: Living in one of the most unreached places in the world, devout Muslim Sanjay’s whole life changed when he was healed from cancer. Growing […]
Satan Worshipper Takes Ten Year Old Girl, Stabs Thirteen Times, And After She Dies, He Takes His Knife And Licks The Blood Off The Blade
By Theodore Shoebat A Satan worshipper in South Africa stabbed to death a ten year old girl and then licked the blood of the blade. Here is the report: Cape Town – The young man who allegedly strangled and stabbed a 10-year-old girl to death said he knows nothing about the murder. It has now […]
SHOOTING IN KANSAS: Man Slaughters Three People With AK-47. What Was His Religion?
By Theodore Shoebat A shooting in Kansas took place in which a man named Cedric Larry Ford slaughtered three people with an AK-47. What was his religion? I discuss this in my most recent video after doing a full investigation on this evil murderer: According to the report: A gunman who killed three people and […]
Brutal Satanic Ritual Takes Place In Houston, In Which A Satanist Takes A Sixteen Year Old Boy And Stabs Him To Death
By Theodore Shoebat A brutal satanic ritual took place in Houston in which a satanist named Edward O’Neal stabbed a 16 year old teen. According to a report: A Houston teen was recently arrested in connection with the homicide of a 16-year-old boy who was found stabbed to death last January. Edward O’Neal […]
Russia Slaughters Islamic Terrorists, And Obama States: “The fight against ISIL will remain difficult”
By Theodore Shoebat Russia continues to slaughter Islamic terrorists. Russian warplanes are continuing their bombardment against Islamic terrorist strongholds. According to one report: Russian warplanes continued bombing Syrian rebel-held areas in northwestern Syria and government forces also pounded a suburb of the capital on Thursday, ahead of a planned halt to fighting that rebels predicted […]
Pope Francis Tells Major Abortion And Euthanasia Advocate: You Are One Of The Nation’s “Forgotten Greats”
Pope Francis spoke of one of Italy’s most notorious advocates for abortion and euthanasia, Emma Bonino, saying that she is one of the nation’s “forgotten greats”. According to one report: In a February 8 interview with one of Italy’s most prominent dailies, Corriere Della Serra, Pope Francis praised Italy’s leading proponent of abortion – Emma Bonino […]
Mexican Drug Cartel Takes Seventy Eight Year Old Woman, Rips Her Clothes Off, Rapes Her And Then Brutally Butchers Her
By Theodore Shoebat The Mexican drug cartel in Veracruz raped and murdered a seventy eight year old woman. They stripped her naked before raping and killing her. Police present at the murder scene affirm that the murder was of a very violent and brutal nature. The investigation on the murder so far as confirmed that […]