By Theodore Shoebat Germany now has its first sex doll brothel, where people have “sex” with dolls. As we read in a report from DW: A brothel in Dortmund offers a dozen sex dolls that users can rent for any service. DW takes a look inside. Down a dead-end street in a quiet neighborhood south […]
Archive | April, 2018
Islamic Terrorists Murder Two Catholic Priests And Slaughter Seventeen Other People
By Theodore Shoebat Islamic terrorists in Nigeria murdered two Catholic priests and slaughtered seventeen others in Nigeria. According to a report from Christian Post: The Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Nigeria, the highest church authority in the country, is calling for President Muhammadu Buhari to resign following a mass wave of slaughter of Christians at the hands of […]
Man In Tennessee Goes To Christian Girl And Shoots Her To Death. Before Being Murdered, She Sings “Jesus Loves Me”
By Theodore Shoebat A man in Tennessee murdered a Christian girl after she sang “Jesus loves me”. As we read in a report from the Christian Post: DeEbony Groves, the 21-year-old Christian Belmont University student who was shot dead along with three others in a mass shooting at a Waffle House in Antioch, Tennessee, sang […]
Major Poll Confirms Warning That Millennials Hate The Boomers And Are Blaming Them For The Problems Of Society Today
At the end of December 2017 I did a special about the situation of Millennials and Baby Boomers called Baby Boomers Need To Exercise Compassion Towards Millenials And Generation Z Because Their Own Children And Grandchildren Are Going To Laugh At Their Screams As They Throw Them Into The Ovens And Gas Chambers. Emphasizing that […]
Major Court Ruling Now Allows Lawyers To Search For ‘LGBT Bias’ In A Jury- This Will Result In The Promotion Of Homosexuality
In a major court ruling that will have long-term implications, attorneys are now able to question potential jurors for a trial about biases they may have against the LGBT: A Florida judge’s decision not to allow attorneys to question jurors about potential biases against LGBT individuals, in the midst of a trial between Raymond Berthiaume, […]

Another Christian Soldier In Egypt Found Murdered, When Asked The Government Says ‘He Shot Himself Accidentally While Cleaning His Gun’
There has been a rash of Christian soldiers serving in the Egyptian army who have died under mysterious circumstances. Another case was added to that of Mikhail Saad, who was found dead and when his family asked about the cause, they were told he accidentally shot himself while cleaning his gun: Another Christian soldier in […]
Kuwait Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Philippines After President Duterte Refuses To Send More Migrant Workers And Says ‘Please Treat My Citizens Like Human Beings’
The government of Kuwait pulled their ambassador from the Philippines and expelled the Philippine ambassador over the treatment of Filipino workers in Kuwait. Between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, there are nearly 2 million filipinos who serve a variety of low-paying occupations, and they are often severely abused by their employers up to the point of […]
The Jewish Question Must Be Addressed
By Theodore Shoebat That is right, I said it… Christianity Is At War, This Is Why We Must Prepare Our Souls For The Great World War That Is To Come. Click Here To Get Our New Book And Educate Your Mind And Ready Your Soul For The Coming World War
Now More Than 25% Of States In India Have Passed Laws Punishing Conversion From Hinduism To Christianity
Christian persecution is rising in India drastically. With now the eighth state in India formally punishing conversion to Christianity, it is now over 25% of states that have such a law and the number is expected to rise: The North Indian state of Uttarakhand is now the eighth state in the country to pass legislation […]
Pro-Homosexual Judge In Britain Orders That A Two Year Old Child Be Killed. A Vatican Hospital Says That They Will Take In The Child. The Judge Rejects The Vatican And The Child’s Life Is Ended
By Theodore Shoebat A pro-homosexual judge in Britain, Justice Hayden, ordered a 2 year old baby, Alvie Evans, to be killed by having his life support unplugged in the hospital, even after the Vatican offered refuge for the baby: We Are About To Enter A New World War, A Blood Bath Is About To Commence […]
As Long As You Are In Debt, You Are A Slave To The Financial Elites. The Only Way To Free Ourselves Is To Live Within Our Means And Live A Simple Life
By Theodore Shoebat As long as you are in debt, you are a slave. The only way to liberation is a simple life, and a life within your means: Christianity Is At War, This Is Why We Must Prepare Our Souls For The Great World War That Is To Come. Click Here To Get Our New Book […]
Republican-Dominated Congress Set To Appoint Trump-Approved And Obama-Backed Jewish Sodomite And LGBT Activist As Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner
But how could TRUMP support this? How could the Republicans do this? Let this be a reminder that not only the “Democrats” promote such people- the Republicans are no different in their essence than the Democrats: Lesbian activist and controversial Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner Chai Feldblum––a holdover from the Obama Administration––is poised to be approved […]
Teen Goes Undercover, Busts Homosexual Priest Who Tried To Get Him To Take Drugs And Then Rape Him
Years ago, Ted initiated “operation whip,” which was that if you have information about a priest involved or suspected of homosexual activity, to report it so it could be exposed. While this story is not tied to the operation, it is of a Michigan teenager who did a similar act by going undercover with the […]
Mexican Drug Cartel Kidnaps Three Innocent Students, Tortures Them And Then Dissolves Them In Acid Just Because They Could
The war against the infamous narcocarteles continues, with more innocent people murdered. In one horrible case, three students were kidnapped, tortured, and then dissolved in acid by a cartel for absolutely no reason: Last month, three Mexican university students were filming a school project when they disappeared. The last time they were seen alive, they […]
American Tranny In Jail Sues Prison, Complains They Are Preventing Him From Doing Witchcraft
While the world stands on the edge of war amidst major technological, social, and moral upheavals, a tranny in jail is suing the North Carolina prison system, complaining the system is preventing him from doing witchcraft in his cell: A transgender inmate is suing a North Carolina prison, saying it’s blocking her from practicing witchcraft. […]
Now That We Saw The Arab Spring, Make Way For The Europe Spring
We are currently beholding the rise of a Europe Spring. Just as a few years ago we saw the commencement of an Arab Spring, so now we are seeing the start of a precipitous European nationalism. Just this month, hundreds of thousands of people in Barcelona rallied together to push for the release of Carles […]