President Donald Trump has just announced his second pick to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh: President Donald Trump has picked Brett Kavanaugh, a federal appeals court judge with extensive legal credentials and a lengthy political record, to succeed Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on the Supreme Court. “Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials,” Trump said, shortly after […]
Archive | July 9, 2018

Muslim Terrorists Slaughter 230 Christians In Nigeria With Guns And Machetes
Nigeria is in the middle of a civil war with Islamic terrorists. According to recent numbers, 230 Christians have been butchered with guns and machetes: ICC has confirmed that the death toll in recent attacks on villages near Jos, Nigeria has risen to more than 230 Christians. The attacks are believed to have been conducted […]
Flaxen-Haired Defender Of American Conservative Values Demands The Blood Of The Unborn To Win The Next Election
Tomi Lahren, the blonde talk show host loved by the American conservative movement, said recently that if “conservatives” want to win the majority of America, they need to keep the murder of unborn children- abortion- legal: Conservative Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren has again spoken out against efforts to overturn the legalization of abortion in […]
Hindu Politician Gives Speech Inferring That Christians Are Traitors And Do Not Belong In India
The Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP of India, has been using nationalism to stir up anti-Christian hatred. In a recent speech from one of their MPs, Gopal Shetty, he said that Christians have no part in India because they are ‘foreigners’: Mumbai Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Gopal Shetty has stoked up a controversy by […]
Christian Doctor Fired For Refusing To Accept Voluntarily Chosen Mental Illness As Healthy
A Christian doctor in the UK was fired from his job after he refused to call a “transgender” patient by this person’s preferred choice of pronoun: A Christian doctor has been told by the British government that he will no longer be employed by the National Health Service, where he worked for 26 years, because […]