By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on Zachariah’s verse on Jerusalem being like a trembling cup of wine to the nations:
Archive | June, 2018
Turkey Praises Kazakhstan As She Renames An Entire Region Of Her Nation After The Ancient Turks And Moves The Regional Capitol To Major Center Of Sufi Islam- This Is A Sign That Pan-Turkism Is Growing
One of Turkish President Erdogan’s top advisors, Yalcin Topcu, praised Kazakh President Nursultan Nurbayev for renaming the entire southern region of Kazakhstan to “Turkestan”: A top adviser to Turkish president said Thursday “the cradle of our civilization will be Turkestan”, hailing Kazakhstan’s decision to change the name of its southern region to Turkestan. Speaking to […]
The Government Of Israel Bows Down To Turkey And Refuses To Recognize The Armenian Genocide
By Theodore Shoebat The government of Israel has bowed down to Turkey, with its refusal (to the disappointment of some members of the Knesset) to recognize the Armenian Genocide in which the Ottoman Empire slaughtered over a million Armenian Christians. As we read in one report from Yahoo! News: An Israeli parliamentary vote scheduled for […]
Pedophilia Supporter Milo Yiannopoulos Wants Death Squads To Murder Journalists He Doesn’t Like
By Theodore Shoebat Milo Yiannopoulos has supported pedophilia and eugenics (stating that homosexuals inherit ‘high IQs’ through their ‘gay genes). Now he is taking the inevitable step of every citizen of Sodom: a desire for tyranny, stating that he wants death squads to round up journalists and execute them:
Chinese Declare They Will Increase Military Presence In Africa, Invite African Generals To China
China has been moving into Africa for about two decades, but recently declared they will make a major push into the continent, going so far as to say they will place military troops there as well as have invited African generals to China: China’s economic influence as an investor and trade partner continues to grow […]
China’s President To James Mattis: “We Cannot Lose Even One Inch Of The Territory Left Behind By Our Ancestors”.
By Theodore Shoebat China’s president, Xi Jingping, declared in a meeting to James Mattis: “We cannot lose even one inch of the territory left behind by our ancestors”. According to one report from Asia News: The US defence secretary went to Beijing two days ago to meet with the Chinese president. The dispute over the South […]
Islamic Terrorists Butcher Two Hundred Christians In Horrific Killing Spree
By Theodore Shoebat It is reported that Islamic terrorists in Nigeria slaughtered two hundred Christians, as we read in one report from the Christian Post: Over 200 people, most of them believed to be Christians, were massacred over three days in Nigeria this past weekend, officials and church sources are saying, as the relentless bloodshed […]
Will Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Finally End Abortion?
By Theodore Shoebat With Justice Anthony Kennedy resigning, Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court justice who will replace him could be the biggest threat to Roe V. Wade (i.e., the allowing of abortion or infanticide) ever. Pro-abortion agents are already preparing to lobby against whatever actions Trump’s pick could make against Roe. As we read […]
Demon Possessed Man In Oregon Beheads His Own Mother, He Then Walks Into A Grocery Store Holding His Mom’s Decapitated Head
By Theodore Shoebat A man in Oregon beheaded his own mother. They say that he is “schizophrenic” but we all know that that is a cover for demonic possession. The possessed then proceeded to go into a grocery store with his mother’s head. As we read in a report from the Washington Post: A man […]
The Israel Lobby And The Destruction Of The Middle East
By Theodore Shoebat The Israel Lobby had a role to play in the destruction of the Middle East that we are seeing today. This is the subject of my latest video:
Men Are Doing Plenty To Try And Get Married, It Is That Women Would Rather Choose A Child Molester Over A Decent Human Being
“Nice guys” don’t just finish last, but women today often times hate them in spite of their attempts at romance. Instead, if a man wants to win the hearts and minds of women, he should improve himself, starting with the sexual abuse of children. At least, that is the conclusion of many women in two […]
We Are Now At The Point Where Pedophilia Is Being Normalized. Don’t Be Surprised To See Pedophilia Being Pushed Just As Homosexuality Has Been Advanced
By Theodore Shoebat When homosexuality started getting pushed on society, the general population did not expect to see that one day, such an agenda would take over media outlets and speaking platforms as it has done today (to the point that now supposed ‘conservatives’) are pushing Sodom. Now they are pushing pedophilia. Do not be […]

Islamic Terrorists Capture Seven Innocent People And Slit Their Throats Just Because They Could
Islamic terrorists in Nigeria attacked a group of people foraging for firewood. Seven of the men had their throats slit according to a report: At least seven people were slaughtered while dozens sustained injures when they encountered Boko Haram terrorists at a village in Damboa, Borno State, on Tuesday, local vigilante said. The incident occurred […]
Islamic Terrorists Attack Shepherd Grazing His Sheep, Bash His Head In With Rocks, Take A Blade And Slice Off His Nose While He Is Still Alive
A Tunisian shepherd died after he was attacked by Islamic terrorists who bashed his head in with rocks and cut off his nose while he was still alive. He later died from his injuries: A Tunisian shepherd has died from wounds sustained when he was attacked over the weekend by jihadists in the country’s mountainous […]
Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Publication Of Largest Yet Publication On Sex Abuse In The Catholic Church
2002 was a major year for the Catholic Church. It was the year the sexual abuse crisis exploded, following a series of articles published in the Boston Globe and Hartford Courant detailing the systematic sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests and bishops who then conspired to hide their crimes. The crisis has never fully […]
Major Media Organization Declares That A Desire To Sodomize Boys Is Completely Natural
By Theodore Shoebat People have been saying for years that to argue that the LGBT movement is going to lead to pedophilia is a “slippery slope fallacy.” Well, its not a fallacy. Toleration for Sodom is already leading to the promotion of pedophilia, with TED Talks — one of the biggest media organizations in the […]