Archive | 2018

Western World Makes Big Deal About “Nuclear Bunkers” In Kaliningrad, Ignores The Fact That The US Is Building A Major Military Base Three Hours Away From Russia

CNN has reported that Russia may have “upgraded” her nuclear bunkers in Kaliningrad, Russia: Russia may have significantly modernized a nuclear weapons storage bunker in Kaliningrad, a sensitive exclave of Russian territory sandwiched between Poland and the Baltics, as tensions between Russia and the West continue to rise, according to a new report. On Monday, […]

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Why Did Ezra Levant Register A Year Before Tommy Robinson’s Arrest?

Ezra Levant announced a massive “Save Tommy” campaign in support of Steven Yaxley-Lennon, known as “Tommy Robinson” because he is being “persecuted” by the UK government for speaking against Islam. It has also come to my attention that the website “Save Tommy” was registered on May 10, 2017- ONE YEAR before Tommy Robinson’s arrest. How […]

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Nigeria Switches From Dollar To Yuan To Pay For Oil, Expect To See A Lot More Terrorist Attacks In Nigeria

  Nigeria, one of the world’s largest oil producers, has just switched from the Dollar to the Yuan to pay for oil: Abuja will use the Chinese currency for all economic transactions. After Angola and the “petroyuan”, even the biggest African economy chooses China as its main commercial partner. It is estimated that 22% of […]

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Mexican Drug Cartels Murder Huge LGBT Leader In Mexico, Nobody Cares Because It Doesn’t Advance Militarism

When news of homosexuals being THROWN OFF OF ROOF TOPS in other parts of the world makes news, most major news has quickly passed over the murder of Ruben Estrada, a major homosexual leader in Mexico who was murdered by drug cartels: Ruben Estrada, leader of the Gay community in Taxco, was found dead on […]

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Suburban Housewife In France Caught Running One Of The Biggest Illegal Arms Trades On The Internet

By Theodore Shoebat A suburban house wife and mother of two in France was arrested for running one of the biggest illegal platforms on the dark web used for selling arms and drugs. As we read from one report from RT: French police made an unexpected arrest while investigating the ‘Black Hand’ dark web forum […]

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The US Senate Votes To Not Give American F-35s To Turkey

By Theodore Shoebat The US Senate has just voted to not give American F-35s to Turkey, as we read in a report from RT: US Senators have voted to block the sale of F-35s to Turkey, slamming their NATO ally for plans to buy Russian S-400 missile batteries. Ankara warned of “an alternative” should the […]

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Mexican Drug Cartel Saws Off Feet And Arms Of Man In His Underwear On Video And They Laugh At Him While He Screams In Pain

A video has emerged of the Zetas drug cartel sawing a man’s feet and then arms off while he is still alive and mocking him: Blogdelnarco presents a video where they cut off his two feet, and when they cut his arm they make fun of him while they force him to say “Bye Bye […]

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The Italian Government Refuses To Accept A Ship With Hundreds Of Refugees. The Catholic Dioceses Of Valencia In Spain Accepts The Refugees Instead

By Theodore Shoebat As the Italian government intensifies in its nationalism, it recently refused to accept a ship holding hundreds of refugees. The Catholic diocese of Valencia in Spain has decided to accept the migrants. As we read in one report from Crux: A rescue ship in the Mediterranean carrying 630 African migrants is on […]

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Pope Francis Urges Italy And France To Help Refugees

By Theodore Shoebat A ship with six hundred refugees tried to enter Italy, but was rejected by the Italian government. For this, the Italian government has received rebuke from Pope Francis who said that Italy and France must work together to help refugees. As we read in a report from Reuters: Italy and France tried […]

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Former Mexican Drug Cartel Executioner Says In Interview That After The Cartels Initiate New Members By Murdering People And Having The Recruits Cannibalize The Remains

In a shocking interview on Mexican television, a former hit man who was involved in torturing and executing people for his cartel, Los Rojos, says that the cartels would feast on the remains of the dead bodies as a part of “initiating” new recruits: He started as a hawk when he was 16 years old, […]

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Major Victory For The LGBT As Polish Court Rules Against Printer Who Refused To Print A Banner For The Sodomites

In a ruling that is being compared to the “gay cakes” rulings in the USA, the Polish supreme court has ruled against a printer for refusing to print a banner because he did not want to promote the sodomite agenda: Poland’s Supreme Court ruled against a print shop employee who refused to print banners for […]

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Infamous Pedophile Who Made Videos Of Himself Raping And Torturing Small Children And Babies Sentenced To Life In Prison

Peter Scully was an Australian pedophile who moved to the Philippines. While living there, he earned money by raping small children and babies, torturing them sometimes to death, filming the gruesome scene, and selling the videos for money on the Internet. His videos have even been on Facebook. He was arrested, tried, and recently sentenced […]

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