By Theodore Shoebat Turkey is now bombing Iraq, and Turkey does want to revive the Ottoman Empire, which means it wants to control the Middle East:
Archive | 2018
Christianity Is So Hated That Satanists Are Openly Attacking Clergy In Their Churches In The UK
Christianity has experienced a precipitous decline in the UK. Some people have celebrated this and the ensuing rise of “secularism” and “reason.” Nature abhors a vacuum, and where Christ, who is the true light, is no more, then as the light has been extinguished, darkness must enter in. Secularism and agnosticism are not the only […]
Man Cuts His Penis Off, Calls Himself A Woman, Then Beats A Woman In The Face So Badly Her Eye Socket Breaks
Former US Navy soldier turned MMA fighter Boyd Burton chopped off his penis, had an artificial hole installed between his legs and in combination with taking hormones and changing his name to Fallon Fox has become the UFC’s first “transgender” fighter. However, controversy has erupted after in a recent fight is savagely defeated his opponent, […]
Let The Persecution Begin Against Us For With Christ We Shall Triumph Over All Our Enemies
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) God gave us victory over our enemies. In the beginning of May, Keith Davies solicited the board of directors of the Christian charity (FFMU). He gained momentum when board members agreed to shut down and terminate us from the board. Excited, Keith prematurely declared victory to his attorney […]
The Cucking Of Romania: The Tyranny Of The EU And The Rise Of Sodom
By Theodore Shoebat The top court of the EU, the Court of Justice of the European Union, is now trying to force Romania into recognizing sodomite marriage. This is the subject of my most recent video:
The Top Court Of The European Union Declares To European Countries That Do Not Recognize Homosexual Marriage: ‘You Must Accept Gay Marriage!’
By Theodore Shoebat The sodomite elites in the EU’s top court are now trying to force European countries that do not recognize ‘same-sex marriage’ to accept sodomite marriage. According to one report from CNN: The European Union’s top court ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to the same residency rights as other married couples, even […]
Chancellor Merkel Declares That Germany Cannot “Fully Rely On Others” And Must Do “Reforms” To ‘Lead Europe’ Again
German Chancellor Merkel made an aggressive speech, saying that the US can no longer be relied upon to maintain the post-World War II order, and the Germany would have to take a more aggressive, “European” role in world affairs to deal with crises, citing especially the “migration crisis”: Chancellor Angela Merkel made a forceful pitch […]
Sweden Mobilizes Its Entire Home Guard In Unprecidented Move, Prepares For War With Russia
Sweden, known to some as “Swedistan” or just “the nation of limp-wristed homosexuals,” has mobilized its entire Home Guard in an unprecidented move that has talk of preparing for war against Russia: For the first time since the height of Cold War, Sweden has called its entire Home Guard force – 22,000 reservists – for […]
Anthony Bourdain, Champion of The LGBT, Commits Suicide
By Theodore Shoebat Anthony Bourdain, who committed suicide recently, was a champion of Sodom:
Chinese Mother Gives Birth To Baby Girl, Throws Her Over A Six-Foot Wall Into A Trash Pile With The Umbilical Cord Still Attached And Leaves Her To Die
The girl suffered some injuries but survived and is going to be OK. However, video of the horrible incident: A newborn baby girl, still with her umbilical cord attached, was found in a trash-filled courtyard last week in Fuzhou City, China, seemingly thrown over a six-foot tall wall. While the heavily injured girl survived, human […]
Chinese Government Hunts Down Christians And Destroys Churches, Called ‘The Worst Persecution in Decades’
The Chinese government is known for its brutality towards religion, especially Christianity. In the most recent crackdown on religion, international groups are calling it the worst since the Cultural Revolution: Watchdog groups say the persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in China is at its most intense since the Cultural Revolution, as churches are […]
Retired Admiral Mike Mullen Warns: If Trump’s Talk With North Korea Fails, Conflict In East Asia Could Break Out
By Theodore Shoebat Retired Admiral Mike Mullen has recently made the warning that if Trump’s talk with North Korea fails, the likelihood of an outbreak of war in the Far East will increase. As we read in a report from the Washington Free Beacon: Retired Adm. Michael Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of […]
Islamic Terrorists Burn Dozens Of Homes And Hack Seven People To Death In Mozambique With Machetes
Armed with machetes and torches, Islamic terrorists burned dozens of homes and hacked seven people to death in Mozambique: Attackers hacked seven people to death with machetes and torched dozens of homes on Tuesday in northern Mozambique, a region that has suffered a spate of similar attacks in recent weeks. Cabo Delgado province, which is […]
Russians Announce That Central Asian Nations Will Rebuild Syria With Them To Help Undermine Erdogan’s Ottoman Dream
In a recent decision by the Russian government, they announced they are going to have the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) which include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldava Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan participate with Russia in rebuilding Syria: Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has told his colleagues from the Commonwealth of Independent […]
Pedophile Who Openly Admits To Fantasizing About Raping His Own Daughter Seeks To Run For Congress In Virginia
In the latest political nonsense, a man who admits he is a pedophile and has fantasies about raping his own daughter is seeking to run for office in Virginia: Nathan Larson, a confessed pedophile and prospective congressional candidate in Virginia who once spent 16 months in prison for threatening to kill former President Barack Obama, […]
The Supreme Court Decision To Defend Christian Bakers Is A Victory Against Homosexual Tyranny
By Theodore Shoebat The Supreme Court decision to defend Christian bakers is a victory against homo-tyranny: