In many countries, food for living is a major expense, consuming up to 25% or even more of a family’s budget. Food insecurity can lead to revolutions throughout history, and so is a major concern of governments. Food production is also something that is dependent on the weather. For example, a major flood, storm, the […]
Archive | March 30, 2019
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Orders Christian Man To Pay Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars To A Male Sodomite For Hurting His Feelings Because He Called Him A Male
Ronan Oger is a biological male who started dressing up as a woman and calling himself “Morgane.” He filed a human rights case against a Christian man, Bill Whatcott, for distributing flyer calling this man a man. The Canadian Human Rights tribunal ruled against Whatcott and has ordered him to pay the sodomite $55,000 for […]

Child-Loving Ladies’ Man Joe Biden Accused By Former Assemblywoman Of “Gross” Kissing Her On The Back Of Her Neck
Joe Biden loves children and women in general, and given the public photos of him and the expressions of people in them and around the is would appear that such love may be a little to much for them to handle or what they desire. In a recent allegation, which Biden says he does not […]
Former Drug-Dealing New Jersey Cop Caught In Uniform Beating Bed-Bound Suicidal Man While In The Hospital
In a video that has shocked the Internet, a former New Jersey police officer was caught on camera assaulting a suicidal man in a hospital bed: A former New Jersey police officer who admitted dealing drugs was caught on camera brutally assaulting a suicidal man — twice. Federal prosecutors sentenced ex-Paterson officer Ruben McAusland to […]