Archive | August 22, 2019

FBI Files Reveal That Major British Royal Family Member Was A Sodomite Pedophile

In America, there is a fascination with the British Royal family. No family is perfect, but some families have bigger secrets than others. There have been allegations for years that the British Royal family has been deeply involved in many abominable practices. These include but are not limited to dealings with the criminal underworld, black […]

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Massive Fires Are Ravaging The Amazon

Natural disasters of all types are a concern to any society, for while they many times can be mitigated, they often cannot be fully circumvented. Often this varies by geography. The US, particular the western half, is vulnerable to major wildfires. Russia is vulnerable to flooding in many parts as well has arctic wildfires. Now […]

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Mexico Legalizes Recreational Cocaine Use

Drugs and the legalization of drugs is a major issue. In the US, the legalization of marijuana is already happening in many states. But harder ones such as cocaine are not at that point yet. But in a major story out of Mexico, a judge has ruled that cocaine may be used for recreational purposes […]

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Trump Retweets Tweet Declaring That He Is The “King Of Israel” And The “Second Coming Of God”

Last year, I asserted that the Trump movement has become a cult of personality, and a dangerous one as people have been using highly religious language to describe him. Like President Trump or not, no political leader should ever be spoken in terms of the language of “divinity” as it inclines to the human and […]

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