Archive | 2019

Jeff Bezos Admits Darwinistic Views, Says That The Future Of The Human Race Is In Space And “Population Control” Is Necessary

In July 2018, exposed an exclusive story about deep connections between artificial intelligence, the new darwinism, and science fiction, where major billionaires, scientists, and government were preparing for the “next phase” of human evolution where mankind would “evolve” through the use of genetic technologies into, in the words of Peter Diamandis, an “interplanetary species.” […]

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American Corporations And Professors Sell Genetic Technologies To Help China Round Up And Put Muslims In Concentration Camps

Many people will criticize “Germany,” “the Nazis,” or “Hitler” for what happened in World War II. However, what is almost never criticized in the public mind is the role of corporations- many of them in the US -who directly helped both the national socialists and the allies.Ted has pointed out that perhaps the most infamous […]

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Evil Mexican Mother And Her Sodomite Lover Beat Her Seven-Year-Old Son, Burn Him With Cigars, Cut Him With Knives And Starve Him Until He Dies For Refusing To Dress Like A Girl

In a story out of Mexico, a sodomite mother and her lover worked together to murder beat her eight-year-old son to death because he refused to dress like a girl at his mother’s order: A child no older than eight years old died on Wednesday morning at the Community Hospital of Juventino Rosas, after being […]

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Irish Government Tells Catholic Hospitals To Stop Being Catholic And Get Rid Of Religious Symbols, May Demand They Perform Abortions As Well

Since Ireland legalized abortion, she has moved with full force against the Catholic Church and by extension, Christianity as a whole. According to a recent declaration from the Irish government, they have told Catholic hospitals to stop being Catholic and get rid of religious symbols, and are considering forcing these hospitals to perform abortions or […]

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Hindu Nationalists Unite With Indian Maoists To Persecute And Behead Convert To Christianity

There is much discussion in the west today about the struggle between “communism” or “socialism” versus “nationalism.” However, all are of the same ultimate philosophical strain, which is socialism through the way of darwinism. It is no different from the previous century with Hitler’s National Socialism or Lenin’s International Socialism/Communism, because both put people into […]

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Texas Senators And Representatives Declare That Trump’s “National Emergency” Declaration Has No Basis

By Theodore Shoebat Texas senators and representatives have declared that Trump’s “national emergency” declaration has no basis. As we read in a report from the Texas Tribune: Texas’ U.S. senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, have not been as enthusiastic. Cornyn has expressed deep reservations, and Cruz has asserted there are ways for the Trump administration to do […]

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Iran And India Both Threaten Action Against Pakistan For Terrorism

By Walid Shoebat Iran and India recently threatened action against Pakistan on charges of terrorism. There is a report on that came from Global News: Pakistan is facing accusations of harbouring terrorists from western neighbour Iran as well as eastern foe India after dozens of soldiers were killed in separate suicide attacks in the two countries. […]

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The Strategy Of Mass Murder: Create Want And Dictate Opinion

By Theodore Shoebat Some of my observations on the strategy of create want and dictate opinion, which goes back to the 18th century, and how you can see it in the major political shifts taking place today: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going   CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW OUR NEW SHOEBAT FACEBOOK PAGE

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Is India’s Expulsion Of One Million Tribal Peoples Under Environmental Pretexts A Preparation For The Mass Murder Of Christians?

India is a curious nation to many, where cows are worshiped as sacred while the poorest of the poor, known as dalits in the Hindu religion, are forced to live in conditions worse than animals because it is believed that this is their divinely ordained position in life because of actions from their previous “life.” […]

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Catholic Bishop Excommunicates “Catholic” Senator And Infanticide Support Dick Durbin, Tells Him To Repent Of His Sin

While there has been much bad news coming out about priests and bishops in the Church, much of this is directly traceable to the infiltration and infestation of sodomites in the clerical ranks. The fact remains that there are many good priests who actually believe what the Faith teaches and will stand in support of […]

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Japan Creates Robot “Reincarnation” Of The Buddha To Preach In Buddhist Temple

The merger of artificial intelligence and religion is a trend that will have to be carefully watched for the future as it can be a means to bring about the worship of technology and robots as divine beings. While it may sound strange, there is already a man named Anthony Levandowski who has started a […]

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State Of California Puts Forward Bill To Attempt To Force Priests To Commit Apostasy Under Penalty Of Jail Time

Jesus said that a man must confess his sins if he wants to be forgiven. Without going into the theology of the priesthood, which you can read more about here, Catholics confess their sins to their priests in private and the priest, acting in persona Christi, grants absolution and penance for the penitent. Because confessing […]

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Known LGBT Activist Who Claimed Her House Was Burned In A Hate Crime Arrested For Arson And Making A False Report

False flag type events are not only committed by governments, but also activists of malicious intentions who seek to use them to advance their own causes without any consideration for truth. Such was the case of Nikki Joly, a well-known LGBT activists in Michigan, who claimed that her house was burned in a hate crime […]

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Ireland Passes Law Banning Most Pro-Life Speech

Ireland is a nation in Europe with deep Christian roots. She has been through centuries of persecution under the English nationalists, and it was the Catholic Faith which kept her together. Yet in recent times, Ireland has veritably returned to paganism, with even a snake washing up on the shore of Ireland the day after […]

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President Netanyahu Declares Support For Israeli Political Party That Wants To Mass Murder Anybody Who Disagrees With Israel Or Judaism, Says That Anybody Who Disagrees With Him Is A Traitor Who Hates Israel

“The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong.” This quote, which directly parallels the words of Adolph Hitler, was uttered by Benjamin Netanyahu […]

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