The Amazing Story Of How Julius Caesar Stopped The Gauls From Crushing The Romans By Shoebat on February 15, 2023 in Featured, General, Highlight Quite an epic story about Julius Caesar fighting the Gauls: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0
There Is A War Between Turkey And Russia In Libya. NATO Will Let Turkey Do What It Wants By Shoebat on February 15, 2023 in Featured, General, Highlight My thoughts on Turkey in Libya: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0
The Spirit Of Revolution Runs Deep Ancient France By Shoebat on February 15, 2023 in Featured, General, Highlight There was the French revolution, and there was the love of revolution in ancient Gaul, the original France. It appears that the French revolution was the result of a spirit that has always existed in France: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0