Archive | June 2, 2024

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Israeli Nationalists Approach Woman Whose Children Were Slaughtered By Hamas On October 7th And Tell Her: “It’s A Good Thing They Killed Your Children, You Traitor Whore”. They Then Kick Her Husband In The Face And Blood Leaks From His Head

Israeli nationalists in Tel Aviv got into a violent altercation in which they told a woman whose was murdered by Hamas on October 7th: “It’s a good thing they killed your children, you traitor whore,” and they said this before kicking her husband in the face, making his head bleed. A gang of right-wingers beat […]

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Major German Official Demands: ‘Germany Must Recruit 900,000 Soldiers To Defend Against Russia.’

Germany, every year, is becoming more and more militaristic, and this is yet another new example of this. The chair of the German parliament’s defense committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, says Germany is going to need 900,000 soldiers to defend against Russia. As we read in Yahoo! News: The chair of the German parliament’s defense committee, Marie-Agnes […]

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Now Thats Ireland, Spain And Norway Have Recognized A Palestinian State, A New Trend Has Been Established In Western Europe And Now More Western European Countries Want To Recognize Palestine

After Ireland, Spain and Norway recognized a Palestinian state, a new precedent has been set for Western Europe and now more Western European countries want to recognize Palestine, as we read in Haaretz: Several EU member states are seriously looking into recognizing a Palestinian state, like Spain, Norway and Ireland have done, says the EU’s […]

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Biden Tells Israel And Hamas To Stop Fighting, Netanyahu Ignores Biden And Declares That He Will Continue To Bomb Gaza Until Hamas Is Destroyed

After Biden told Israel and Hamas to come to a truce, Netanyahu declared that his country will continue its bombardment of Gaza until Hamas is destroyed, as we read on the New York Times: A day after President Biden called on Israel and Hamas to reach a truce, declaring that it was “time for this […]

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