Author Archive | Shoebat

Iranian Pastor Imprisoned

From Stefan J. Bos, reporting for BosNewsLife: TEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)– Iran’s largest Persian speaking Pentecostal church was closed Monday, May 27, after one of its leaders was detained during a worship service and moved to an unknown location, Iranian Christians told BosNewsLife. The closure of the Central Assemblies of God church (AoG) in Tehran and […]

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JIhadists In Syria Use Christian Women “as little more than booty”

Jim Wallace writes in The Australian: THE hardest test of foreign policy is not its intersections at the lofty geopolitical level but where it inevitably affects ordinary people, and nowhere is this test as difficult as in the Middle East. As I visited the area recently to assess the situation of minorities in the Syrian […]

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Obama’s Brother Works With Man Who Attacked US Embassy

By Theodore Shoebat Since the IRS scam has become the most momentous topic of the day, we now know, thanks to my father, that Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, is deeply associated with Omar al-Bashir, the one who was behind the attack on the US embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, which occurred at around the same time […]

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Islamic Ritualistic Cannibalism CAUGHT ON FILM

By Theodore Shoebat When reports came out exposing Islamically sanctioned cannibalism and crucifixions the naysayers refused to believe and began to discredit them. The latest example was when a recent photograph was released showing the grilling of a human head by Syrian FSA on a barbecue, the naysayers immediately put doubt saying that “There is […]

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Syrian Jihadist Eats Human Flesh In The Name Of Allah

By Theodore Shoebat Our predictions of cannibalism on the rise are becoming more and more true. First Al Azhar University decreed that it was permissible to cannibalize enemies of Islam, then human sacrifice was being promoted by Safwat Hegazi, then a Syrian rebel grilled a man’s head, now we have actual footage, recently released, of […]

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Cannibalistic Ritual Done In Syria

By Theodore Shoebat A recent photograph has been released showing a Syrian rebel placing a human head on a barbecue, grilling his head. According to a report, the victim was a Syrian helicopter pilot who was journeying to bring food to army bases and villages around the Marraat Noman city in the Idleb province, until […]

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Muslim Stabs Sister To Death, Gets Only Four Years

Where are all of the feminists? Oh, thats right, they are all too busy making sure babies are murdered. From FrontPage: That’s a year for every 26 stabs. Majed, a 17-year-old Iraqi immigrant, stabbed his sister Maria to death inflicting 107 wounds with two knives and a pair of scissors. The Court also established that […]

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We Were Right — Syrian Rebels Not Syrian Regime Used Chemical Weapons

By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat It wasn’t the Syrian regime, but rather the Syrian rebels who used sarin nerve gas recently as the story reported tonight by Reuters and confirmed by U.N. investigators. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was simply announcing a conjured up false report when he read a letter sent by the White […]

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