Author Archive | Shoebat

“It Is High Noon For America”

By Drew Zahn His parents were dissidents in the Soviet Union who braved gulags to voice the cry for freedom in a totalitarian state. When he was five years old, his family fled to the West. Now Jamie Glazov, editor of, is following his parents’ footsteps, speaking out against the biggest issues threatening the […]

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Theodore Shoebat On VCY America

Theodore Shoebat interviews with Jim Schneider of VCY America CLICK HERE TO LISTEN The world was told that the Arab Spring was all about ushering in liberty and democracy. What Theodore Shoebat has found out is that the majority of the Egyptian people want Sharia law and the only entity that can stop its enforcement […]

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Cal Thomas Hits The Nail On The Head With Mursi

From Cal Thomas’ Most Recent Column: The diplomatic hosannas for Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi following his brokering of the recent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel were still being heard even as the former head of the Muslim Brotherhood started behaving like a pharaoh. Morsi “temporarily” seized new powers that, among other things, forbid judicial review […]

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Israel vs. Hamas on The Glazov Gang

Check out this interview with Jamie Glazov on winning the culture war. On this week’s Glazov Gang, our guests were Bill Whittle, Conservative Commentator, Tommi Trudeau, producer of films and music videos, and Leon Weinstein, author of “Capitalism 101.” The Gang Members discussed Israel vs. Hamas. The discussion focused on the pitfalls of the “ceasefire” […]

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By Michael Carl (WND) Christian human-rights analysts warn the expanded powers seized by Egypt’s president means more anti-Christian persecution to come. In a set of legal maneuvers this week, Muslim Brotherhood-anointed President Mohamed Morsi moved to sidestep the courts and make his office immune to judicial oversight. With no constitution to restrain him, Morsi holds […]

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The Coming Sharia State of Egypt

By Theodore Shoebat Egypt has now a modern pharaoh, named Muhammad Mursi, and with him as the sole ruler, the country will ultimately become an official Sharia state. Sharia is already enforced in some degree, but now that the Muslim Brotherhood is expanding its power, it will implement the edicts of its constitution, the Koran, […]

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What Kenya Will Become If The Obamas Succeed

As Walid Shoebat has shown, the Obama family in Kenya wants their country to turn Sharia. Well, this video shows what the Muslims in Somalia are doing to people who convert to Christianity, and Kenya will end up with the same violent society if the Obama family should succeed. This is nothing but human sacrifice, […]

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The Rise of An Islamic State Under Obama

By Theodore Shoebat Last night, hours before the election, Bill O’Reilly made a statement which, in many ways, foreshadowed the results of the election: The demographics are changing. It’s not a traditional America anymore. And there are 50 percent of the voting public who want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give […]

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