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Israel Does Not Want Peace, Why I Don’t Like Christian Zionists And Turkey’s Rise Against Israel

In every aspect of society, the most necessary thing is human life, and yet it is the thing that is least cared about. We will speak of the sacredness of human life, but in a whim, we will slaughter droves of human beings in the name of some geopolitical benefit. There was suppose to be […]

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No matter what happens in this insane asylum we call the Middle East, there will be blood

In every aspect of society, the most necessary thing is human life, and yet it is the thing that is least cared about. We will speak of the sacredness of human life, but in a whim, we will slaughter droves of human beings in the name of some geopolitical benefit. There was suppose to be […]

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Just Another Day In Syria: Mass Executions And Beatings

Just another say in Syria. Islamists in Syria took two men, executed both of them:   This butchery is happening in Turkish controlled Syria. It was Turkey’s Ottoman Empire that did the Armenian Genocide in Syria, and today it is this reviving Ottoman empire that is controlling Syria where its proxies are butchering Alawites. These […]

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South Sudan Is On The Verge Of Another Civil War

South Sudan is on the verge of another civil war. There are frequent clashes between two factions, with one side fighting for the president, Salva Kiir, and the other — calling itself the “White Army” — following the vice-president Riek Machar. As we read in the New York Times: The main parties involved in the […]

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The Rift Within Israeli Society Is Only Getting Deeper

Months prior to the October 7th massacre, Israel was in the throes of immense political division. There were massive demonstrations occurring in Israel, calling for Netanyahu to step down because of his aspiration to overhaul the Israeli supreme court which, if successful, would effectively render the judicial branch powerless by preventing it from overriding the […]

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German Militarism Is Reviving

The major German military industry company, Rheinmetall (which is Europe’s largest producer of munitions) declared that it was going to be profiting big due to Germany’s desire to boost up military spending to make itself more independent of the American security umbrella. While many other types of companies (like Volkswagen) are seeing decline, this has […]

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The Kurdish Deal With Syria Might Lead To Trump Doing A Military Withdrawal Out Of Syria, Which Will Only Empower Turkey

Syria’s new rebel government has made a deal with the YPG (now known as the SDF). The Kurdish force has agreed to relinquish its control over its territory in Syria’s northeast and to integrate themselves with the Syrian military. As we read in AP News: Syria’s interim government signed a deal Monday with the Kurdish-led […]

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The Curse Of Christ: The Insanity Of Israel And How A False Jesus Leads You To Madness

By Theodore & Walid Shoebat For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, and in connection with that tribe Moses said nothing about priests. This becomes even more evident when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek, who has become a priest, not on the basis of a legal requirement concerning bodily descent, […]

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Islamic Soldiers Of The New Syrian Government Take Christians And Butcher Them

Christians have been butchered in Syria, even women and children, by Syria’s new government forces (backed by NATO of course), as we read in Le Monde: “Today, we stand as guarantors for all the Syrian people and all faiths, and we protect everyone in the same way ,” assured the head of Syrian diplomacy, Assad […]

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