Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.


Oklahoma Church standing up to CAIR

When the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a press release calling on Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma to cancel its scheduled speaker, Avi Lipkin, the church fired back with a simple, reasoned response that should make CAIR go somewhere else. Here as a portion of the response from the Church’s pastor, via […]

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TLC Cancels All American Muslim

Last December, The Learning Channel (TLC) was at the center of controversy when its program, All American Muslim, saw the loss of one of its sponsors – Lowe’s – due to its Islamic content. We reported on the radical background of one of the Imams featured in the program, Husham Al-Hussainy. The show has now […]

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Chicago Police Chief, who is also a 9/11 Survivor, tells CAIR he won’t be like NYPD

It appears that the Chicago Police chief, Garry McCarthy, has decided to align with the Muslim community against his New York City brethren when it comes to the issue of legal surveillance. While speaking at CAIR Chicago’s annual banquet, McCarthy essentially demonized the NYPD by assuring CAIR that he would never do what his colleagues […]

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Report: FBI targeting NYPD over Surveillance of Muslims

My how things have changed since September 11, 2001. NYPD and FDNY were held up as America’s most revered heroes for the way they responded to the attacks. As people rushed out of the towers, NYPD and FDNY rushed in. Just more than ten years later, the FBI is going after the NYPD for conducting […]

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Authorizing Air Cover for Hamas and Al-Qaeda in Syria

According to Department of Defense officials, President Barack Obama has authorized a review of military options in Syria. With few exceptions, any airstrikes intended to either aid the rebels or weaken Bashar al-Assad will only serve strengthen al-Qaeda, Hamas, and by extension the Muslim Brotherhood. Via POLITICO: Pentagon officials said Wednesday that President Obama has […]

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House Speaker exhibits hint of Wisdom on Syria

Yesterday, we reported on the desire of some Republican Senators – John McCain and Lindsey Graham – to help overthrow Syria’s Bashar al-Assad with airstrikes. We also explained why this is such a bad idea. According to The Hill, House Speaker John Boehner is demonstrating that he may understand our view a bit better than […]

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Obama Administration ramping up plans to arm Syrian Rebels (al-Qaeda and Hamas)

Just last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned against arming the Syrian rebels because they are made up of al-Qaeda and Hamas. So what has changed? For one thing, there are two Republican Senators who have served as blockers for the administration on this issue. Both John McCain and Lindsey Graham support arming the […]

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Will Mainstream Media exploit Mormon attempts to Baptize Islam’s Prophet?

Back in 2007 – 2008, conservative media outlets were angered that the mainstream media did not report on the connections Barack Obama had to Jeremiah Wright, the Trinity United Church of Christ, and Black Liberation Theology. Assertions that these revelations were relevant fell on deaf ears. News that Wright published the manifesto of Hamas leader […]

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Minnesota State Senator takes bite of Dhimmitude sandwich

The only thing worse than not standing up to the prospect of Sharia and the dangers of Islam is backing down after making the attempt to do so. A Minnesota State Senator took the latter course of action and would have been better off whistling past the graveyard. Via WCCO in Minneapolis: The Minnesota Chapter […]

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Slideshow Outlines how Military is Required to handle the Qur’an

Here we have another poke in the chest to the U.S. Military by diplomats, bureaucrats, and politically correct intellectuals who have far more power than they’re capable of handling. In the wake of the violence in Afghanistan set off by the burning of defaced Qur’ans, the U.S. Military has issued a training guide in the […]

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Senator John McCain just refuses to learn the Middle Eastern lesson

Is it me or has John McCain become a human ventriloquist dummy for the Muslim Brotherhood? Last year, he called the Libyan rebels his “heroes.” Earlier this year, he defended the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise to power in Egypt. Now, he seems bound and determined to remove Bashar al-Assad from power and he says merely arming […]

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Occupy AIPAC leaves behind Pro-Hamas and Pro-Taliban Graffiti

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has become the target of a strain of the Occupy Wall Street crowd. In particular, outside the Washington, D.C. convention center, Occupy AIPAC left its sentiment behind in the form of graffiti that expressed support for both Hamas and the Taliban. Via the Daily Caller: Graffiti reading “Victory […]

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Former Justice Department Attorney on Promotion of Al-Qaeda Defense Attorney

This is a bit of a follow-up story on what we reported on yesterday about the promotion of John Walker Lindh’s former defense attorney, Tony West, to the number 3 position at the Department of Justice. The Fox News Channel interviewed former Justice Department attorney, J. Christian Adams about West’s background. He also makes very […]

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Man promoted to Third highest position at DOJ an Al Qaeda Defense Attorney

America was turned on its collective head on September 11th and is apparently still upside down. Do you remember the “American Taliban,” John Walker Lindh? If the answer to that question is yes, do you remember what a pariah he was considered after his capture? Ok, if you answered yes to that question, try to […]

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Are Military Superiors throwing Subordinates under the Bus?

Well, it appears that all the groveling has paid off added fuel to the fire. Let that be a lesson to you. When Islamists and leftists use intimidation to get you to apologize, they’re usually just getting you to put more blood in the water. Everyone and their brother has apologized for the Qur’an burnings […]

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Video: Former Gitmo Detainee Whines about his Tortuous stay there

After watching this, you might find yourself asking the question, “Why is this guy a former Gitmo detainee?” He mocks and laughs at U.S. soldiers, saying that they like to think of themselves as “Rambo” but are nowhere near being anything like the Stallone character. He also moans about being served corn flakes and yogurt, […]

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