Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.


Katy Perry’s Pro-Military music video

As most of you know, we don’t pay much attention to pop culture here at the Shoebat Foundation but this is definitely worth the watch. We rarely never see a western celebrity pop icon of this stature do such a pro-Military music video, which is what makes this so refreshing. We here at the Shoebat […]

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Video: Obama State Department refuses to identify Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

The video exchange below is jaw-dropping enough but the Right Scoop has posted an interesting juxtaposition that makes it even more disturbing. First, here is an exchange between a member of the press and State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. Via Right Scoop: Contrast that with Obama Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan who, while speaking to […]

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Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder says Islam not responsible for Jihad in France

Ok, this is rich. The French Jihadist behind the Toulouse shootings hate crimes was a Sunni who had ties to Al-Qaeda, which is an off shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. The grandson of Hassan al-Banna, Tariq Ramadan, has not denounced his grandfather. In fact, all signs point to his having the utmost reverence for him. […]

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Lone Jihadist Ranger (Part II of II) by Walid Shoebat

In Part I, Walid exposed the absurdity of any argument that identifies French Jihadist, Muhammad Merah as a lone wolf. In Part II, he explains the significance of the black flag used by Jihadists in general, al-Qaeda in particular, while relating his personal experiences that back up these claims. To view Part I, CLICK HERE. […]

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Lone Jihadist Ranger (Part I of II) by Walid Shoebat

The Shoebat Foundation’s Walid Shoebat has a very uniquely qualified take on the recent French jihadist murders. Below is Part I. Part II will be posted by Noon EST on March 29th so be sure to check back… WAS MERAH A LONE (JIHADIST) RANGER? – PART 1 By Walid Shoebat Was French Jihadist, Muhammad Merah […]

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Video: Rick Warren and the Cult of Chrislam to which he belongs

Would you rather be a Christian whose faith and belief is so strong that you’d accept being called a bigot for it or would you cede parts of your faith in order to be perceived as tolerant, all-encompasing, or – dare I say it – lukewarm? In light of what Jesus did for those who […]

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Report: Sudan cancels Summit, bombs South Sudan Oil fields

The situation in Sudan is growing increasingly precarious. South Sudan, headed by a devout Christian named Salva Kiir was scheduled to meet with Sudan’s Muslim Brotherhood-backed president Omar al-Bashir in Juba – South Sudan’s capital – early next month but Bashir cancelled the trip after clashes were reportedly taking place in the border region. Via […]

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All American Muslim Imam Husham Al-Husainy chimes in on Murdered Iraqi woman

Can you say political opportunism? This is a follow-up to the story about an Iraqi woman named Shaima Alwadi who had been beaten in her own home to the point of dying from the injuries days later. A threatening note was reportedly found next to the body that said, “go back to your country you […]

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John McCain’s ‘Heroes’ flying Al-Qaeda flags in Gadhafi’s Hometown

Please feel free to post anything John McCain has gotten right relative to the ‘Arab Spring.’ Do you remember how, while in Benghazi, the Arizona Senator said the Libyan rebels were his “heroes” during an interview with al-Jazeera? Now, about one year later, those rebels are flying Al-Qaeda flags in Gadhafi’s hometown. Via ABC News: […]

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Got Islamophobia? Turks in Europe reportedly changing the names of German towns

Perhaps this can be filed under creeping sharia colonization. Turks in Germany, apparently unsatisfied with intimidating German citizens into staying out of areas they’ve declared as their own, have taken matters a step further. Via Islam versus Europe: Turks colonising the German city of Mannheim have decided to rename a part of the city where […]

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Video: Hitler being used to sell Shampoo in Turkey

It’s an insane world when the same left that is outraged when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a “slut” is conspicuously silent when Hitler is used to sell shampoo in Turkey. Via Der Spiegel: A Turkish cosmetics company is under fire for featuring Adolf Hitler in a television advert for men’s shampoo, but it continues […]

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Video: Hungarian Woman with more guts than most men, shreds the notion of Islamophobia

This woman nails it. She was interviewed after listening to Nonie Darwish speak and explains perfectly why the term “Islamophobia” is used and how it is misplaced. Not sure who she is but she’d make a better U.S. President than most men. h/t BNI

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Sarkozy bans Yusuf al-Qaradawi from France; other Islamists who hate his country welcome

That headline conveys good news, right? Well, yeah, I guess it’s a start but check out the first few paragraphs from the Global Post. See if you can identify the problem without scornfully mocking Sarkozy’s ignorance of the elephant in the living room: Muslim preachers whom the French government considers radical will be banned from […]

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CAIR San Diego’s Chapter Leader a “Family Friend” of Iraqi woman who was killed

This is a bit of an update to the story we posted yesterday about the Iraqi woman who was allegedly beaten to death with a tire iron inside her home and a threatening note was found nearby. Though it’s too early to determine if this was a ‘hate crime’ or something made to look like […]

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