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Evidence Mounting That Turkey Is Behind ISIS Recruitment to Establish an Islamic Caliphate

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Several Middle Eastern media broke the news that unrest has sparked in Turkey with demonstrations erupting denouncing Erdogan after Turkish citizens captured ISIS operatives in Turkey in which Turkish security forces released the terrorists and attacked the civilians who turned them in: This confirms what reported as far back as March, […]

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Defending Reagan at all Costs is a Road to More Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration

No modern-era president is revered by conservatives more than Ronald Reagan. Those with connections to his administration proudly proclaim their place in it. After all, it has turned in to quite a resume enhancer. The Reagan legacy is built up to such heights that while his champions will concede he wasn’t perfect, increasingly, the defense […]

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Muslims Take Young Boy And Impale Him, All The Way That The End Of The Pole Goes Through His Shoulder

By Walid Shoebat( exclusive) has just found a video from Libya of an impaled boy who, luckily survived and is in hospital. This is the violence caused by the revolution America supported. The Ottoman Empire impaled countless people, and the Antichrist will revive this cruel method of death: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO […]

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Muslims Declare This Message: “anyone who kills a Christian will go straight to heaven”

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims are saying now that if you kill a Christian you will gain salvation. On this belief, Archbishop Athanasius Toma Dawod of the Syriac Orthodox church explained: They are killing our people in the name of Allah and telling people that anyone who kills a Christian will go straight to heaven: […]

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Obama Caught Lying about Iraq Repeatedly just like he was Caught Lying about Obamacare Repeatedly

It’s not a news flash that Barack Obama is a liar. His multiple bald-faced lies about Americans being able to keep their Health plan and doctor under Obamacare were told more than three dozen times during his first term. Also throughout his first term, Obama boasted about ending the war in Iraq. The video montage […]

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Countless ISIS Fighters Get Slaughtered By Well Trained Army (SEE VIDEO)

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Watch the results of Hezbollah ambush in the area of Al Otaiba 175 against the Islamic State (ISIS) “Daash”, where violent clashes broke out between Hezbollah and the Islamic State in the Kalamoon area located on the borders of Lebanon. It is noteworthy that this region is witnessing many of […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Ally Hillary Clinton thinks Obama didn’t help Muslim Brotherhood enough in Syria

As ISIS drags Iraq and Syria deeper into the pit, Hillary Clinton is attempting to distance herself from the Obama policies that have strengthened ISIS. Her argument is that Obama didn’t do enough to help the larger ISIS umbrella known as the Muslim Brotherhood against Bashar al-Assad. Considering that Clinton’s closest adviser Huma Abedin is […]

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Muslims Stop Christian Cab Driver, Take Him Out, And Slaughter Him

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all part of the ISIS, stopped a local cab driver, and as soon as they saw the Cross on a Catholic rosary, they knew he was a Christian, and they took him out and shot him to death. The Christian man was driving four Iraqi police officers, and […]

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Muslims Take 100 Christians, Burn Them Alive, Slit Their Throats, Shoot Them, And Hack Them To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria took a 100 Christians and murdered all of them in the most horrific ways, burning them alive, slitting their throats, hacking them to death, and shooting them. They also burned down several churches. As one report says: The shooting, fire-bombing and slashing of men, women and children in Gwoza, […]

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Walid Shoebat Converts To Pharisaic Judaism

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Ever wonder how people miss-portray your Christianity by using labels and clichés? Here’s one: “Shoebat shows what happens when you de-emphasize the centrality of the Gospel and elevate Christian nationalism and militancy, just as happened to Romanism during the Crusades. Given that the Shoebats are promoting a new form of […]

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Muslims Make This Message To Christians: “We know where you live, what you do, everything about you, we will find you and kill you”

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all members of ISIS, broke down the door of a Christian home and demanded that the head of the household, Emil, give them $20,000, with these words: We know where you live, what you do, everything about you, we will find you and kill you This is the message […]

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Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan Has WON–So What Lays Ahead?

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) As we predicted. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won the presidential election with 52 percent of the vote, according to early results. Thus, Erdogan has become the country’s first popularly-elected head of state. He appears triumphant with the crowds of millions carrying fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow flags. (Revelation […]

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Islam Is A Form Of Protestantism, That Wants To Destroy The Catholic Church

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)  In a recent video I made, I said that Islam came as a protest against the Catholic Church and its doctrine, since in Muhammad’s time, all Christians were Catholics. This irked Calvinist apologist, James White, whom many consider to be the most formidable Protestant apologist, who argued that the Catholics of Muhammad’s day could […]

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Catholics Who Died Defending The Jews During Nazism Are ALL GOING TO HELL

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Catholics Who Died Defending The Jews During Nazism Are ALL GOING TO HELL. So proclaimed the strict Calvinist James White, the president of Alpha & Omega Ministries who attacked an article we wrote which expressed a positive view of Catholics helping the Jews during Nazism: So if a Catholic died […]

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ISIS a Common Enemy of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and U.S.

Those who supported the idea of a U.S. air strike on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad – to include Karl Rove, Bill Kristol and everyone else on this list – have major ostrich egg on their faces because they’ve had their heads in the sand for quite some time. Obama’s air strikes in Iraq prove it. The […]

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