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The ISIS Jihadist say: “This is The War Muhammad Promised Us; The War of The Great Tribulation”

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Anthony said: “It is hard to imagine how the planet can continue much longer, judging by the rate it is descending into barbarism.” What is happening Anthony is that we are approaching a revival of a dark history when Islam proudly built pyramids out of human skulls and made blood […]

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Chinese Government Gets Sick Of Islamic Violence, Take 13 Muslim Jihadists And Execute All Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat The Chinese government, getting so sick and tired of Islamic violence, took 13 Muslims and executed all of them in a measure of pure justice. According to one report: China executed 13 people today for “terrorist attacks” in the far western region of Xinjiang, state media said, while a further three were […]

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WATCH How Giving Allegiance to Antichrist is Beginning to Take Root

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), known locally as DA’ISH. The final “S” in the acronym “ISIS” relates to the Arabic word “Sham” which refers to establishing the Caliphate in the Levant or Eastern Mediterranean including Cyprus, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, and southern Turkey. Recently, ISIS has just […]

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WATCH The ISIS Dumping Victims In What Seems To Be The BOTTOMLESS PIT

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebate Exclusive) An amazing leaked video surfaced from Middle Eastern media showing where the ISIS is sending victims to their final resting place in what seems to be the bottomless pit. And it was all caught on video Here’s the story. When most of the ISIS fighters in Deir al-Zour moved to […]

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Muslims Make Very Calculated Attack, And Butcher Twenty One People

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria made a very calculated attack in a major mall, butchering twenty one people. According to one report: At least 21 people were killed in an explosion at a shopping mall in Nigeria’s capital on Wednesday. The blast came as Nigerians were preparing to watch their country’s Super Eagles play […]

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We Are Entering The Beginning Of Birth Pangs

By Walid and Maria Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) In December of 2010, the middle east was changing forever when the so-called Arab Spring sparked a series of uprisings. The world was fooled to think this is an end of a dictatorial era and a new jump-start to democracy and freedom. We warned, but the world was […]

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Executive Director in Obamas’ Lois Lerner Approved Terrorist Empire REVEALED as a U.S. Intelligence Agent

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In a stunning discovery, the Executive Director listed on the 990-EZ for the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), which was approved by the IRS’s Lois Lerner, is Ray Baysden, a former U.S. intelligence agent. Baysden, who knows the Obama family, is a former State Department employee who […]

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Secret Document Reveals Who is Recruiting The ISIS to Fight In IRAQ

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) A secret document was revealed (see References) which was issued by the Qatari Embassy in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, revealed that Qatar was able to equip some 1,800 volunteers from North Africa to fight in Iraq’s notorious ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). The document bears the signature […]

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Lois Lerner Caught Granting Muslim Brotherhood front groups Tax Exempt status as far back as BUSH ADMINISTRATION

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** One of the reasons Republicans like Rep. Mike Kelly from Pennsylvania won’t come forward with the truth about Malik Obama’s tax exempt status and Lois Lerner’s role in it likely has to do with what she was permitted to do when a Republican president was in office. […]

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64 Year Old Muslim Man Punches His 15 Year Old Daughter In The Face, Shaves Her Head, Strips Off Her Clothes, Rapes Her, And Then Says That Its For Her Own Good

By Theodore Shoebat A 64 year old Muslim man in Lebanon punched His 15 Year Old Daughter, shaves her head, strips off her clothes, rapes her, and then says that its for her own good. According to a Middle East report: A 64-year-old Lebanese man raped his 15-year-old daughter after punching her and shaving her […]

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Muslims Kidnap Christian Woman And Take Her To An Apartment Where A Muslim Imam Ties Her Up And Rapes Her Until She Bleeds

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Muslims kidnapped a Christian woman in Egypt, and take her to an apartment where a Muslim imam ties her up and raped her until she bled, after which her captors took her to the hospital. Here is a video in which the woman gives her testimony of this horrible cruelty: AFTER […]

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Muslim Terrorists in Iraq Issued A Decree Ordering All Families to Send Their Unmarried Women to Participate in “JIHAD BY SEX”

On June 12, only two day after capturing Mosul and other territories in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria issued a decree ordering the people to send their unmarried women to “jihad by sex.” In the proclamation ISIS threatens to impose Sharia law on all who fail to comply with the decree. Here’s […]

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The Most Peaceful Muslim Sect Turns FANATIC And Are Preparing For The Caliphate

The Sufi Muslims who comprise one-fifth of the Muslim world, are touted in the West as the most peaceful Muslims in the world. But the West is in need for some serious shock therapy to see what is coming in the pipeline regarding the soul prepping of the armies and mass multitudes of the Antichrist, […]

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Republican Congressman and his Wife Caught in Scandal

By Ben Barrack With regard to Rep. Mike Rogers’ upcoming radio career (look for it to be short-lived), one thing is increasingly certain; he will need one of the best call-screeners in the business. While he’s at it, he may want to have a five minute delay installed and a hired hand with a finger […]

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Muslims Order Christians That They Must Pay $250 Or More, Or Else The Christians Will Be Slaughtered

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Mosul, Iraq, have ordered Christians that they must pay $250 or more, or be slaughtered. According to one report: The semi-official channel Al-Iraqiya quoted sources as saying that “The terrorist gangs of ISIL imposed Jizya on Christians in Mosul, so as not to be killed,” Al-Manar reported. “The Jizya amounts […]

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Rand Paul Says: “I say not one penny to any country that persecutes Christians.”

By Theodore Shoebat Rand Paul recently affirmed that the United States must not send any money to countries that persecute Christians, since Obama is supporting the jihad in Syria which has slaughtered countless Christians. Rand Paul said: There’s a war on Christianity going on, and sometimes you’re being asked to pay for it… I say […]

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