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Christian Man: “They put a gun to my head and in my mouth. I started to pray, ‘Lord my life is in your hands and I am ready to go when my time is up,’ “

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man in Egypt named Joseph was kidnapped by seven Muslims who tortured him for two days with starvation, dehydration, and beatings and physiological torture. Joseph recounted the horror he experienced: They put a gun to my head and in my mouth. I started to pray, “Lord my life is in […]

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Muslims Murder Christian Man Right In Front Of His Son, Drag His Body To The Mosque, Tie His Body And Mutilate Him

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Egypt, in the village of Dalga, murdered a Christian man right in front of his son by riddling his body with bullets, then they dragged his body to the mosque. When they arrived at the mosque, they tied his body to a tractor and then mutilated the corpse as they […]

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New Evidence Links U.S. Federal Government to FILMMAKER behind Benghazi Fiasco (Shocking)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The explosiveness of a ‘smoking gun’ email from a White House Deputy who directed then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to blame a video for the Benghazi attack is missing an essential link, a U.S. Federal informant. The man who made the inflammatory movie himself – Nakoula Basseley […]

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Christianity Is Not For Cowards, It Is Militant And Ready For War

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not for cowards, it is a spiritual system that is both militant and ready for war against evil. Within the Scriptures we do not find an explicit teaching that commands, “Christianity is about fighting evil!” The Bible almost never teaches in this manner. It teaches through a series […]

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Muslims Crucify Two People, And Mockingly Say, “become new false jesus.”

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat Muslims are crucifying more and more people, in a demonic rage for the sake of Islam. They are making crucifixion common place in their methods of killing, as is attested by recently released photos from the village of Raqqa in Syria: On top of the crucified, the killers put […]

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Russian Orthodox Church: There is a Genocide Of Christians Happening Now, Russia Is The Only Nation Defending Persecuted Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Russian Orthodox Church has affirmed that Russia is the only nation in the world defending persecuted Christians. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk made this affirmation: Christian communities are being exposed to genuine genocide… Western countries, which were helping Christians in the region for centuries, have denied them support and almost officially recommended […]

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Hindus Force Christians To Convert To Hindusm, And Plan To Destroy Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat Hindus have been forcing Christians to convert to Hinduism, in their sinister plan to destroy Christianity. There are numerous videos showing what Hindus do to Christians. Here is a video showing Christians forced to convert to Islam, taking a Hindu mark on their foreheads, reminiscent to how Muslim put the shahadatan (“There […]

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Bill Clinton Library Reveals SCANDAL Bigger than Monica Lewinsky

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** As President Bill Clinton falsely assured Americans that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky”, he was spiritually copulating with the number one Muslim Brotherhood mole, unknown until revealed it. An otherwise innocent letter released by the Clinton Library helps to connect […]

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A Heroic Palestinian Christian Girl Defies the World In Support Of Israel

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Christy Anastas, a Christian girl from Bethlehem was featured on CBS 60 minutes a while back in a program that was slamming Israel with all the hoopla about Israelis mistreating Palestinians (watch beginning 5:00): But Christy couragously defied her family, Palestinian society, CBS and the entire false media and slammed […]

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Muslims Charge Into Hospital And Murder Sixteen People

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Central Africa charged into a hospital and opened fire, killing sixteen people, including three humanitarians working for the medical charity, Doctors Without Borders. The Muslim killers were members of the jihadist group, Seleka, against which many Central African Christians took up arms and fought. For ten months the Seleka ruled […]

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America’s Muslim ‘Bridge Builder’ a SPY for Muslim Brotherhood (Photos Revealed)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Bassam Estwani, an individual who has been credited with ‘bridge building’ between the U.S. Government and the Muslim community is actually a Muslim Brotherhood spy and terrorist collaborator. Courtesy of even more leaked photos, Estwani is revealed as a big fish who has been a major conduit […]

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Muslims Launch Rocket Into Christian School, And Kill One Child

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims launched a rocked into an Armentian Christian school in Damascus, Syria, on April 15 of this year. The nam The rocket killed one child, and injured another 61 people, including parents and teachers. Father George Bahi, a priest of the Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate of Damascus said: This morning, around 7.30am, […]

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Egypt Sentences 683 Muslim Fanatics To Death

Egypt Sentences 683 Muslim Fanatics To Death By Theodore Shoebat An Egyptian court in Minya, Egypt, has sentenced 683 Muslim Brotherhood members to death, including the spiritual adviser for Muhammad Morsi, Mohamed Badie. The sentence is the result of the Muslim Brotherhood causing riots and the murder of police officers. As just as this sounds, […]

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Be a Sinner and Sin Boldly

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) “If you are a preacher of grace, then preach a true and not a fictitious grace; if grace is true, you must bear a true and not a fictitious sin. God does not save people who are only fictitious sinners. Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice […]

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China Gets Tough On Islam, Bans The Muslim Hijab And Long Beard

By Theodore Shoebat China is getting tougher on Islam, and has banned the Muslim hijab and the long beard, in a government policy called “Project beauty.” The measure will pay informants £4,750 to report people who have long beards or Islamic clothing, such as the veil. The policy is of course being done to suppress […]

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Are We SAVED by FAITH or by WORKS?

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) For years, I had to endure arguments about salvation; is it by “faith” or by “works”. Wars were fought and schisms sprouted out of other schisms and countless useless books have tirelessly tried to twist God’s simple message on faith. To me it was very simple; when such arguments erupted […]

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